892 research outputs found

    Turning points in a qualitatively different social space: young adults’ reflections of alternative provision

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    There is a wealth of evidence suggesting that after being marginalised and excluded from school young people who attend Alternative Provision settings report positive relationships and experiences of learning. There is however very little research which explores the longer term outcomes of attending this sort of provision. Retrospective life history interviews were undertaken with 18 young adults in their early to mid-20s who had attended Alternative Provision in England. Interviews focused on schooling, exclusion, attending Alternative Provision and the impact of this on what they had done since leaving school up to their present situation. Analysis showed that the experience of attending Alternative Provision frequently constituted a turning point in a young person’s life story. This was due to the qualitatively different kind of social space experienced there

    The hijacked self: Disrupted functional connectivity between the periaqueductal gray and the default mode network in posttraumatic stress disorder using dynamic causal modeling.

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    Self-related processes define assorted self-relevant or social-cognitive functions that allow us to gather insight and to draw inferences related to our own mental conditions. Self-related processes are mediated by the default mode network (DMN), which, critically, shows altered functionality in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In PTSD, the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) demonstrates stronger functional connectivity with the DMN [i.e., precuneus (PCN), medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)] as compared to healthy individuals during subliminal, trauma-related stimulus processing. Here, we analyzed the directed functional connectivity between the PAG and the PCN, as well as between the PAG and the mPFC to more explicitly characterize the functional connectivity we have observed previously on the corresponding sample and paradigm. We evaluated three models varying with regard to context-dependent modulatory directions (i.e., bi-directional, bottom-up, top-down) among individuals with PTSD (n = 26) and healthy participants (n = 20), where Bayesian model selection was used to identify the most optimal model for each group. We then compared the effective connectivity strength for each parameter across the models and between our groups using Bayesian model averaging. Bi-directional models were found to be favoured across both groups. In PTSD, we revealed the PAG to show stronger excitatory effective connectivity to the PCN, as well as to the mPFC as compared to controls. In PTSD, we further demonstrated that PAG-mediated effective connectivity to the PCN, as well as to the mPFC were modulated more strongly during subliminal, trauma-related stimulus conditions as compared to controls. Clinical disturbances towards self-related processes are reported widely by participants with PTSD during trauma-related stimulus processing, where altered functional connectivity directed by the PAG to the DMN may elucidate experiential links between self- and trauma-related processing in traumatized individuals

    Continuous flow mechanochemistry: reactive extrusion as an enabling technology in organic synthesis

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    Rapid and wide-ranging developments have established mechanochemistry as a powerful avenue in sustainable organic synthesis. This is primarily due to unique opportunities which have been offered in solvent-free - or highly solvent-minimised - reaction systems. Nevertheless, despite elegant advances in ball-milling technology, limitations in scale-up still remain. This tutorial review covers the first reports into the translation from "batch-mode" ball-milling to "flow-mode" reactive extrusion, using twin-screw extrusion

    Quantitative Assessment of Experimental Ocular Inflammatory Disease

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    Ocular inflammation imposes a high medical burden on patients and substantial costs on the health-care systems that mange these often chronic and debilitating diseases. Many clinical phenotypes are recognized and classifying the severity of inflammation in an eye with uveitis is an ongoing challenge. With the widespread application of optical coherence tomography in the clinic has come the impetus for more robust methods to compare disease between different patients and different treatment centers. Models can recapitulate many of the features seen in the clinic, but until recently the quality of imaging available has lagged that applied in humans. In the model experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU), we highlight three linked clinical states that produce retinal vulnerability to inflammation, all different from healthy tissue, but distinct from each other. Deploying longitudinal, multimodal imaging approaches can be coupled to analysis in the tissue of changes in architecture, cell content and function. This can enrich our understanding of pathology, increase the sensitivity with which the impacts of therapeutic interventions are assessed and address questions of tissue regeneration and repair. Modern image processing, including the application of artificial intelligence, in the context of such models of disease can lay a foundation for new approaches to monitoring tissue health

    Acute plate fixation of displaced midshaft clavicular fractures is not associated with earlier return of normal shoulder function when union is achieved

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    Aims: It is unclear whether acute plate fixation facilitates earlier return of normal shoulder function following a displaced mid-shaft clavicular fracture compared with nonoperative management when union occurs. The primary aim of this study was to establish whether acute plate fixation was associated with a greater return of normal shoulder function when compared with nonoperative management in patients who unite their fractures. The secondary aim was to investigate whether there were identifiable predictors associated with return of normal shoulder function in patients who achieve union with nonoperative management. Methods: Patient data from a randomized controlled trial were used to compare acute plate fixation with nonoperative management of united fractures. Return of shoulder function was based on the age- and sex-matched Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) scores for the cohort. Independent predictors of an early recovery of normal shoulder function were investigated using a separate prospective series of consecutive nonoperative displaced mid-shaft clavicular fractures recruited over a two-year period (aged ≄ 16 years). Patient demographics and functional recovery were assessed over the six months post-injury using a standardized protocol. Results: Data from the randomized controlled trial consisted of 86 patients who underwent operative fixation compared with 76 patients that united with nonoperative treatment. The recovery of normal shoulder function, as defined by a DASH score within the predicted 95% confidence interval for each respective patient, was similar between each group at six weeks (operative 26.7% vs nonoperative 25.0%, p = 0.800), three months (52.3% vs 44.2%, p = 0.768), and six months post-injury (86.0% vs 90.8%, p = 0.349). The mean DASH score and return to work were also comparable at each timepoint. In the prospective cohort, 86.5% (n = 173/200) achieved union by six months post-injury (follow-up rate 88.5%, n = 200/226). Regression analysis found that no specific patient, injury, or fracture predictor was associated with an early return of function at six or 12 weeks. Conclusion: Return of normal shoulder function was comparable between acute plate fixation and nonoperative management when union was achieved. One in two patients will have recovery of normal shoulder function at three months, increasing to nine out of ten patients at six months following injury when union occurs, irrespective of initial treatment

    Single Eye mRNA-Seq Reveals Normalisation of the Retinal Microglial Transcriptome Following Acute Inflammation

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    Background: Whether retinal microglia can maintain or restore immune homeostasis during and after inflammation is unclear. We performed single-eye mRNA-sequencing on microglia at different timepoints following a single inflammatory stimulus to characterise their transcriptome during and after resolution of endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU). / Experimental Approach: Cx3cr1CreER:R26-tdTomato (C57BL/6) male heterozygotes were administered tamoxifen via different regimes at 4–5 weeks of age. Four weeks post-tamoxifen, mice were injected intravitreally with 10 ng lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin induced uveitis, EIU). Six-hundred retinal microglia were obtained by FACS from individual naĂŻve retinas and at 4 h, 18 h, and 2 weeks following EIU induction. Samples were sequenced to a depth of up to 16.7 million reads using the SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA kit. The data was analysed using Partek software and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Genes were considered differentially-expressed (DEG) if the FDR step-up p-value was ≀0.05 and the fold-change was ≄±2. / Results: Flow cytometric analysis indicates that the Cx3cr1CreER:R26-tdTomato strain is both sensitive (>95% tagging) and specific (>95% specificity) for microglia when tamoxifen is administered topically to the eye for 3 days. During “early” activation, 613 DEGs were identified. In contrast, 537 DEGs were observed during peak cellular infiltrate and none at 2 weeks, compared to baseline controls (1,069 total unique DEGs). Key marker changes were validated by qPCR, flow cytometry, and fluorescence microscopy. C5AR1 was identified and validated as a robust marker of differentiating microglial subsets during an LPS response. / Conclusion: Using EIU to provide a single defined inflammatory stimulus, mRNA-Seq identified acute transcriptional changes in retinal microglia which returned to their original transcriptome after 2 weeks. Yolk-sac derived microglia are capable of restoring their homeostatic state after acute inflammation

    Environmental conditioning in the control of macrophage thrombospondin-1 production

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    Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) is a multifunctional protein which is secreted into the extracellular matrix during inflammation, where it modulates numerous components of the immune infiltrate. Macrophages are a source of TSP-1, which they produce in response to TLR4 mediated signals. Their production of TSP-1 is regulated by environmental signals that establish a threshold for the level of protein secretion that can be induced by LPS stimulation. Th1 and Th2 cytokines raise this threshold which leads to less TSP-1 production, while signals that promote the generation of regulatory macrophages lower it. TSP-1 plays no direct role in the regulation of its own secretion. In vivo in uveitis, in the presence of TLR-4 ligands, TSP-1 is initially produced by recruited macrophages but this decreases in the presence of inflammatory cytokines. The adaptive immune system therefore plays a dominant role in regulating TSP-1 production in the target organ during acute inflammation

    Differential mechanisms of posterior cingulate cortex downregulation and symptom decreases in posttraumatic stress disorder and healthy individuals using real-time fMRI neurofeedback

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    Background: Intrinsic connectivity networks, including the default mode network (DMN), are frequently disrupted in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) is the main hub of the posterior DMN, where the therapeutic regulation of this region with real-time fMRI neurofeedback (NFB) has yet to be explored. Methods: We investigated PCC downregulation while processing trauma/stressful words over 3 NFB training runs and a transfer run without NFB (total n = 29, PTSD n = 14, healthy controls n = 15). We also examined the predictive accuracy of machine learning models in classifying PTSD versus healthy controls during NFB training. Results: Both the PTSD and healthy control groups demonstrated reduced reliving symptoms in response to trauma/stressful stimuli, where the PTSD group additionally showed reduced symptoms of distress. We found that both groups were able to downregulate the PCC with similar success over NFB training and in the transfer run, although downregulation was associated with unique within-group decreases in activation within the bilateral dmPFC, bilateral postcentral gyrus, right amygdala/hippocampus, cingulate cortex, and bilateral temporal pole/gyri. By contrast, downregulation was associated with increased activation in the right dlPFC among healthy controls as compared to PTSD. During PCC downregulation, right dlPFC activation was negatively correlated to PTSD symptom severity scores and difficulties in emotion regulation. Finally, machine learning algorithms were able to classify PTSD versus healthy participants based on brain activation during NFB training with 80% accuracy. Conclusions: This is the first study to investigate PCC downregulation with real-time fMRI NFB in both PTSD and healthy controls. Our results reveal acute decreases in symptoms over training and provide converging evidence for EEG-NFB targeting brain networks linked to the PCC
