5 research outputs found

    Small-scale fisheries catch and fishing effort in the Socotra Archipelago (Yemen) between 1950 and 2019

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    The Socotra Archipelago (Yemen), a group of four islands off the north-eastern tip of Africa in the western Indian Ocean, has a population that relies heavily on small-scale fishing for livelihoods and food security. However, the reporting of fisheries catches by Yemen has consistently been incomplete, with artisanal (small-scale, commercial) catches underreported and small-scale non-commercial subsistence and recreational catches not reported at all. Here, we reconstruct the total small-scale catches and fishing effort from the waters of the Socotra Archipelago for 1950 to 2019, and derive catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) estimates for these fisheries. The catch officially reported by the Food and Agriculture Organization on behalf of Yemen that was assumed taken from the archipelago is thought to be around 20% of the total reconstructed catch for the archipelago. The reconstructed small-scale catch increased from ~1,500 t in 1950 to an all-time peak of 12,000 t in 2000 before declining to 3,300 t by 2014. Thereafter, catches increased again slightly to just over 3,700 t·year-1 by 2019. Artisanal catches accounted for around 70% of total small-scale catches prior to 2010, but made up only around 46% by 2019. Conversely, subsistence catches increased from ~1,000 t in 2010 to ~2,000 t in 2019, and accounted for 54% of total catches by 2019. Small-scale fishing effort increased by over 1000% since 1950 and reached over 11 million kWdays by 2019. The CPUE derived for small-scale fisheries declined by 78% since 1950, from 1.4 kg·kWday-1 to 0.3 kg·kWday-1 in 2019, with most of the decline occurring after 2000. Our findings suggest resource overexploitation, and may assist efforts to more sustainably manage the Socotra Archipelago’s fish stocks. Small-scale fisheries support food and nutrient security of the local population, not least during political and humanitarian crises such as in Yemen

    Drivers of Protein Consumption: A Cross-Country Analysis

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    Consumption and production of proteins derived from animals have more significant environmental and health impacts than proteins derived from plants. This raises concerns mainly in consideration of the predictable increased consumption of animal proteins at the expense of vegetal ones due to growing income, especially in developing countries. Animal protein consumption, and particularly meat consumption, seems to start to decrease at a high level of income, which may suggest that economic growth solves or attenuates the environmental and health problems of animal food consumption. To test this possibility, the relationship between per capita income and animal and vegetal protein consumption is explored. Using a cross-country regression for 142 countries in 2017, animal-based protein, meat protein, and vegetal-based protein consumption are specified as dependent variables. In addition to per capita income, other potential drivers of protein choices, including ecological, demographic and social factors are controlled for. Apart from income, which still seems to be the most important driver of any type of protein consumption, the results suggest that protein consumption from animal sources and meat sources have different determinants. Though there is actually some evidence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between per capita income and animal protein consumption, the peak is at such high levels as to make economic growth irrelevant to curb animal protein consumption

    Fisheries subsidies exacerbate inequities in accessing seafood nutrients in the Indian Ocean

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    Abstract Harmful, capacity-enhancing subsidies distort fishing activities and lead to overfishing and perverse outcomes for food security and conservation. We investigated the provision and spatial distribution of fisheries subsidies in the Indian Ocean. Total fisheries subsidies in the Indian Ocean, estimated at USD 3.2 billion in 2018, were mostly harmful subsidies (60%), provided to the large-scale industrial sector by mainly a few subsidising countries, including Distant Water Fishing countries. We also explored possible socio-economic drivers of the composition of subsidies, and show that the extent of harmful subsidies provided by Indian Ocean Rim (IOR) countries to their industrial sector can be predicted by the seafood export quantities of these countries. These results illustrate the inequity in accessing fisheries resources for the small-scale sector of nutrient insecure and ocean-dependant IOR countries. The present study can benchmark future assessments and implementation of fisheries subsidy disciplines in the region following the World Trade Organisation Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies