53 research outputs found

    Emocionalni život obitelji: roditeljske metaemocije, temperament djeteta i eksternalizirani i internalizirani problemi

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    The aim of this study was to investigate some assumptions related to Gottman\u27s model of parental meta-emotions on a sample of preschool children\u27s parents. The study included 506 parents. The questionnaires about parental meta-emotions, dimensions of temperament and children\u27s internalising and externalising problems were completed by mothers and fathers separately. Mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 awareness of their own and of their children\u27s emotions and coaching child emotions were indirectly related to child externalising and internalising problems through child negative affectivity and effortful control, and awareness was also directly related to the child\u27s externalising and internalising problems. The results of the models showed that mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 awareness and coaching were positively related to effortful control and negatively related to negative affectivity, whereas only mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 awareness were negatively related to externalising and internalising problems. Simultaneously, negative affectivity was positively related to the child\u27s externalising and internalising problems and effortful control was negatively related to the child\u27s externalising and internalising problems. With this study, we have confirmed part of the investigated assumptions from Gottman\u27s model that relate to the influence of parental meta-emotion on child outcomes.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati neke pretpostavke Gottmanova modela roditeljskih metaemocija na uzorku roditelja djece predškolske dobi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 506 roditelja. Upitnike o metaemocijama, dimenzijama temperamenta te dječjim internaliziranim i eksternaliziranim problemima ispunjavali su zasebno majka i otac. Majčina i očeva svjesnost vlastitih i dječjih emocija i postupanje s dječjim emocijama indirektno je povezana s dječjim eksternaliziranim i internaliziranim problemima preko dječje negativne afektivnosti i samokontrole a dodatno je svjesnost izravno povezana s dječjim internaliziranim i eksternaliziranim problemima. Rezultati dobivenih modela pokazuju da je majčina i očeva svjesnost vlastitih i dječjih emocija i postupanje s dječjim emocijama pozitivno povezana sa samokontrolom i negativno povezana s negativnom afektivnosti, dok je jedino majčina i očeva svjesnost vlastitih i dječjih emocija negativno povezana s eksternaliziranim i internaliziranim problemima. Istodobno, negativna je afektivnost pozitivno povezana s dječjim eksternaliziranim i internaliziranim problemima, a samokontrola je negativno povezana s dječjim eksternaliziranim i internaliziranim problemima. Ovim istraživanjem potvrdili smo dio pretpostavki iz Gottmanova modela kako roditeljske metaemocije utječu na dječje izlazne varijable

    The Psychological Aspects of Contemporary Families, Marriages and Partnerships

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    Tema broja Psihološki aspekti suvremene obitelji, braka i partnerstva usmjerena je na istraživanja s područja obitelji, braka i partnerstva u svijetu i u Hrvatskoj. Iako su partnerstvo, brak i obitelj vječne teme važne u svim povijesnim epohama, danas su još aktualnije. Istražuje se bračna i obiteljska kriza, emocionalni život obitelji, raspravlja se o alternativnim oblicima zajedničkoga života, odrednicama roditeljstva te podršci roditeljstvu. Statistički podaci jasno pokazuju da se svake godine smanjuje interes za sklapanje bračne zajednice, osobito u mlađoj populaciji. S druge strane, podaci pokazuju da raste broj rastava te da se u sadašnjim brakovima rađa sve manje djece. Sve navedene strukturne promjene obitelji vjerojatno su posljedica mnogih čimbenika koji su još nedovoljno istraženi. Sadašnja ekonomska kriza, nezaposlenost i osjećaj nesigurnosti u mnogim obiteljima stvara specifičnu bračnu i obiteljsku klimu, pa onda i specifične oblike ponašanja partnera i/ili članova obitelji. Pri tome obiteljski sustav može imati zaštitnu i rizičnu ulogu u razvoju djeteta. Stoga noviji modeli i koncepti u psihologiji proučavaju odnose roditelja i djeteta upravo u kontekstu različitih sustava koji na direktan ili indirektan način utječu na sam razvoj djeteta.The theme of this issue, entitled The Psychological Aspects of Contemporary Families, Marriages and Partnerships, focuses on research in the field of family, marriage and partnership across the world and in Croatia. Although partnership, marriage and family have been perpetual themes of importance in each historical epoch, they are even more relevant today. Marital and family crises as well as the emotional life of families are investigated, and alternative forms of cohabitation, determinants of parenting and support to parenting are discussed. Statistical data clearly indicate that interest in marriage is declining each year, especially among the young population. On the other hand, the data show an increase in the number of divorces and a decrease in the number of children born into marriages. All the mentioned structural changes in the family probably result from a great number of factors that have not yet been sufficiently investigated. In many families, the current economic crisis, unemployment and feelings of insecurity create a specific marital and family atmosphere as well as specific forms of behaviour among partners and/or family members. In these circumstances, the family system may play both a protective and risk role in a child\u27s development. Therefore, recent models and concepts in psychology examine the parent–child relationship specifically in the context of different systems that directly or indirectly affect a child\u27s development

    The Theme - Intergenerational Family Solidarity across Europe

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    Tema ovoga broja časopisa Društvena istraživanja jest Međugeneracijska obiteljska solidarnost u Europi. Međugeneracijska obiteljska solidarnost konstrukt je koji uključuje odnose među članovima obitelji i njihovu međusobnu razmjenu: odnose baka i djedova i njihove unučadi, socijalnu podršku, kvalitetu bračnoga zadovoljstva, međugeneracijske razlike, važnost kvalitete odnosa starih osoba i njihove odrasle djece. Kvaliteta života starijih članova obitelji povezana je s reciprocitetom u odnosima: što su stariji uključeniji u obitelj, to su zadovoljniji životom, a to se onda odražava na mlađe generacije, ali i obratno. Tekstovi u ovom tematskom broju objedinjuju suvremeni pogled na odnose u obitelji, opisane u modelu međugeneracijske solidarnosti američkoga znanstvenika Verna L. Bengtsona. Dimenzije modela jesu čestina kontakata, emocionalna blizina, sličnost u mišljenju, geografska blizina, primanje pomoći / davanje pomoći, kontakti, blizina, tj. čimbenici povezani s kvalitetom života u raznim razdobljima životnoga ciklusa pojedinca.Intergenerational Family Solidarity across Europe is the theme of this issue of the journal Društvena istraživanja. Intergenerational family solidarity is a construct that includes relationships among family members and their mutual exchange: relations of grandparents and their grandchildren, social support, quality of marital satisfaction, intergenerational differences, the importance of the quality of relations of the elderly and their adult children. The quality of life of older family members is linked to reciprocity in relationships, the more involved the older members are in the family, the more satisfied with life they are; this is then reflected in different ways in the younger generations and vice versa. The texts in this issue combine a contemporary view of family relationships, described in the model of intergenerational solidarity by US scientist Vern L. Bengtson. The dimensions of this model are frequent contacts, emotional proximity, similarity in thought, geographical proximity, receiving help / helping, contacts, proximity, i.e. different factors associated with the quality of life at different periods of an individual\u27s life cycle

    Indikatoren zur Früherkennung vom Rauschmittelmissbrauch extrem bedrohter Jugendlicher in Kroatien

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    The aim of the study was to identify psychosocial indicators in micro and macro-milieus that reveal adolescents at high risk of substance abuse. The research using a representative sample was carried out among 2 823 high school students throughout Croatia. We devised a questionnaire to assess student\u27s socio-economic status, family functioning, school functioning, satisfaction with life, and relationships with friends. Students in the group at risk of substance abuse (tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use) differ from the students in the group not at risk. The most important variables that determine these differences are: a) respondents\u27 attitudes towards their friends and acquaintances who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and use drugs; b) gender; and c) truancy. In addition, compared to adolescents that are not at risk, adolescents at risk function worse in a family and school milieu and are less satisfied with their life in general. Smoking cigarettes, alcohol consumption, and use of drugs are mainly associated with the use of these substances within peer group. Therefore, to reduce the abuse of psychoactive substances, it is necessary to strengthen an individual\u27s resistance to the social peer pressure and pay attention to the quality of relationships between adolescents as well as with their parents and teachers.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi psihosocijalne indikatore mikro- i makrookružja za rano prepoznavanje visokorizične populacije mladih u odnosu na zlouporabu sredstava ovisnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku srednjoškolaca iz cijele Hrvatske (N=2 823). Primijenjen je upitnik kojim su ispitani socioekonomski status, obiteljsko funkcioniranje, školsko funkcioniranje, zadovoljstvo životom i odnosi s prijateljima. Rezultati pokazuju da su najvažnije varijable koje razlikuju rizične i nerizične skupine s obzirom na uzimanje sredstava ovisnosti (pušenje, konzumiranje alkohola i uzimanje droge): a) procjene ispitanika o pušenju, konzumiranju alkohola i uzimanju droge njihovih prijatelja i znanaca, b) spol i c) markiranje iz škole. Rizični učenici, u usporedbi s nerizičnima, lošije funkcioniraju u obiteljskom i školskom okružju i manje su zadovoljni životom općenito. Uporaba sredstava ovisnosti u najvećoj je mjeri povezana s uporabom istih sredstava u skupini vršnjaka. Kako bi se smanjila upotreba psihoaktivnih tvari, potrebno je ojačati otpor pojedinca socijalnom pritisku vršnjaka te poboljšati kvalitetu odnosa između adolescenata i njihovih roditelja i učitelja.Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war, die psychosozialen Indikatoren des Mikro- und Makromilieus zur Früherkennung vom Rauschmittelmissbrauch (Zigaretten, Alkohol und Drogen) extrem bedrohter Jugendlicher zu ermitteln. Die Untersuchung wurde in einer repräsentativen Gruppe von Mittelschülern aus ganz Kroatien (N = 2823) durchgeführt. Mit dem zu diesem Zweck erarbeiteten Fragebogen wollte man den gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Status, das Familienleben, die schulischen Leistungen, die allgemeine Zufriedenheit mit dem Leben und das Verhältnis zu Freunden ergründen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass sich Risikogruppen und nicht gefährdete Gruppen vor allem anhand folgender Variablen unterscheiden: a) Einschätzung des Zigaretten-, Alkohol- und Drogenkonsums im Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis; b) Geschlechtszugehörigkeit und c) Fernbleiben vom Unterricht. Gefährdete Schüler haben überdies größere Schwierigkeiten im Familienkreis sowie in der Schule und sind mit ihrem Leben allgemein weniger zufrieden als die anderen. Der Rauschmittelmissbrauch erfolgt zumeist im Kreise Gleichaltriger. Um den Gebrauch psychoaktiver Genussmittel einzuschränken, muss der Widerstand des Einzelnen hinsichtlich des Drucks, den seine Altersgenossen auf ihn ausüben, gestärkt werden. Ebenso gilt, das Verhältnis zwischen Adoleszenten einerseits und Eltern und Lehrern andererseits zu verbessern

    Der Zusammenhang zwischen grundlegenden Persönlichkeitsdimensionen und Depressivität in der Frühadoleszenz

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    Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da postoji povezanost izmeđ u bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti i psihopatoloških fenomena. Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi povezanost bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti prema Eysenckovu mišljenju, kao i njihovih međusobnih interakcija s depresivnošću u doba rane adolescencije. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 583 adolescenta oba spola, u dobi od 12 do 15 godina. Rezultati pokazuju da su sve tri dimenzije ličnosti u značajnoj korelaciji s rezultatima na Skali depresivnosti. Depresivniji adolescenti postižu više rezultate na skalama neuroticizma i psihoticizma, a niže rezultate na skalama ekstraverzije i laži. Djevojčice izvještavaju o više depresivnih simptoma od dječaka. Dječaci postižu više rezultate na Skali psihoticizma, a djevojčice na skalama neuroticizma i laži. Rezultati provedene hijerarhijske regresijske analize pokazuju da se opisanim setom prediktorskih varijabla (spol, naobrazba roditelja, neuroticizam, psihoticizam, ekstraverzija) može objasniti 40% ukupne varijance depresivnosti, pri čemu su značajni prediktori neuroticizam, psihoticizam, ekstraverzija, te dvostruka interakcija ekstraverzije i psihoticizma koja pridonosi dodatnih 1% objašnjenju varijabiliteta depresivnih simptoma. Introvertirani adolescenti s visokim rezultatom na Skali psihoticizma su depresivniji, a u ekstravertiranih adolescenata ta povezanost nije utvrđena.Many studies suggest that there is a relationship between basic personality dimensions and psychopathology. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between basic personality dimensions according to Eysenck, as well as their interactions with depression in early adolescence. The research was conducted on a sample of 583 adolescents of both sexes, between the ages of 12 and 15. The results show that all three personality dimensions are significantly correlated with scores on the Depression Scale. More depressive adolescents achieve higher scores on scales of Neuroticism and Psychoticism, while lower scores on Extroversion and Lie scales. Girls report more depressive symptoms than boys. Boys achieve higher scores on the Psychoticism Scale, while girls score higher on Neuroticism and Lie scales. The results of the hierarchical regression analysis indicate that the described set of predictor variables (gender, parents\u27 education, neuroticism, psychoticism, extroversion) can explain 40% of the total variance of depression. The significant predictors are neuroticism, psychoticism, extroversion, and the double interaction of extroversion and psychoticism which contributes to another 1% of the explained variance of depressive symptoms. Introvert adolescents with a high score on the Psychoticism Scale are more depressive, while such a connection has not been established for extrovert adolescents.Vorläuferstudien haben gezeigt, dass zwischen grundlegenden Persönlichkeitsdimensionen (nach Eysenck) und psychopathologischen Erscheinungen in der Frühadoleszenz ein Zusammenhang besteht. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, diesen Zusammenhang sowie mögliche Interaktionen zwischen genannten Persönlichkeitsdimensionen zu ermitteln. An der Untersuchung nahmen 583 Adoleszenten beiderlei Geschlechts im Alter von 12 bis 15 Jahren teil. Die Resultate ergaben, dass die drei angeführten Persönlichkeitsdimensionen in beträchtlichem Ausmaß mit den ermittelten Werten auf der Depressivitäts-Skala korrelieren. Adoleszenten mit einer ausgeprägteren Neigung zu Depressionen offenbarten ein Verhalten, das in erhöhtem Maße neurotisch und psychotisch ist; niedrigere Werte ergaben sich hingegen bezüglich Extraversion und der Neigung zum Lügen. Mädchen berichten von einer größeren Zahl depressiver Symptome als Jungen. Jungen neigen eher zu psychotischem Verhalten, Mädchen wiederum eher zu neurotischem Verhalten gepaart mit der Gewohnheit zu lügen. Eine hierarchische Regressionsanalyse ergab, dass anhand der eingesetzten Prädiktor- -Variablen (Geschlecht, Bildungsgrad der Eltern, neurotisches Verhalten, psychotisches Verhalten, Extraversion) 40% der Depressivitäts-Varianzen erklärt werden können. Das größte Gewicht haben dabei die Prädiktoren: neurotisches und psychotisches Verhalten, Extraversion, ferner die zweifache Interaktion zwischen Extraversion und psychotischem Verhalten, worauf zusätzlich 1% abfällt, was die Variabilität von Depressionssymptomen mit erläutert. Introvertierte Adoleszenten mit ausgeprägtem psychotischem Verhalten sind depressiver, während bei extravertierten Jugendlichen ein solcher Zusammenhang nicht festgestellt werden konnte

    Self-handicapping, self-esteem and clarity of self-concept

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    U radu se provjerava u kojoj su mjeri samopoštovanje i jasnoća pojma o sebi povezani s korištenjem samohendikepiranja te razlikuju li se skupine nejednakoga stupnja samopoštovanja jasnoće pojma o sebi u izraženosti korištenja ovog vida ponašanja. Rezultati dobiveni primjenom Skale samohendikepiranja, Skale samopoštovanja i Skale jasnoće pojma o sebi na uzorku od 481 učenika niza srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj pokazuju kako samopoštovanje i jasnoća pojma o sebi doprinose statistički značajno objašnjenju samohendikepiranja. Pojedinci nižeg samopoštovanja i manje izražene jasnoće pojma o sebi jesu ti koji češće koriste samohendikepiranje, pri čemu se ne javlja statistički značajan interakcijski efekt samopoštovanja i jasnoće pojma o sebi na iskazivanje samohendikepiranja.In this paper, the extent to which self-esteem and clarity of self-concept are linked to the use of self-handicapping is investigated as well as whether groups with different degrees of selfesteem and clarity of self concept differ in the expression of this type of behaviour. The results obtained using the Self-handicapping scale, Rosenberg Self-esteem scale and the Self-concept clarity scale on a sample of 481 secondary school students in Croatia shows how self-esteem and the clarity of self-concept contribute to a statistically significant explanation of self-handicapping. Individuals with lower self-esteem and less articulated clarity of self concept more often use self-handicapping. However, there is no statistically significant interactive effect of self-esteem and the clarity of self concept in the manifestation of self-handicapping