65 research outputs found

    Analysis of kinship relations with Pajek

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    Abstract In the paper two general approaches to analysis of large sparse networks are presented: fragment searching and matrix multiplication. Fast sparse matrix multiplication algorithm is introduced. The two approaches are applied to analysis of large genealogies. Genealogies can be represented as graphs in different ways: as Ore graphs, as p-graphs, or as bipartite p-graphs. We will show that p-graphs are more suitable for searching for relinking patterns, while Ore graphs for computing kinship relations using matrix multiplication. Algorithms described in this paper are implemented in program Pajek

    Structural Balance and Signed International Relations

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    Genealogical Analysis of the Ragusan Patriciate with the Assistance of the Pajek Computer Program

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    Programom Pajek analizira se rodoslov dubrovačke vlastele iz 14/15. stoljeća, koji je 1960. godine objavila Irmgard Mahnken, a koji sadrži 5999 osoba. Najbliža pronađena srodnička veza između bračnih partnera u tom razdoblju bila je ženidba između unuka i unuke, tj. između prvih rođaka. Analizirane su ženidbe do uključivo trećeg stupnja krvnog srodstva po kanonskom računanju, uključivo i ženidbe s generacijskim skokom. Također i brojne ženidbe bez rodoskvrnuća, između parova braće i sestara iz različitih obitelji, koje su vjerojatno bile posljedica ženidbenih pogodbi zbog održavanja i uvećavanja vlasništva, odnosno moći. Veći broj tih ženidbi odvijao se unutar većih rodova, odnosno rodova koji su zauzimali vodeće funkcije. Izračunat je indeks isprepletenosti, koji je zbog teritorijalne izoliranosti Dubrovnika i nedostatka odgovarajućih ženidbenih partnera, vrlo visok.Using the Pajek computer program, the authors analyse Irmgard Mahnken’s genealogies of the Ragusan patriciate in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, including 5999 individuals. The authors focus on marriages up to the third degree of consanguinity according to the canonical law, marriages with a considerable age difference between partners, and cross-sibling marriages which were most likely the result of arranged marriages, most prevalent among the largest and most powerful patrician houses. A marriage involving first cousins has been traced as the closest consanguineous link between spouses in the period investigated. The findings point to a very high index of in-marriage among the Ragusan patriciate, the reasons for which could be found in the isolated position of Dubrovnik and a relatively restricted marriage pool

    Generalized Blockmodeling with Pajek

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    Abstract One goal of blockmodeling is to reduce a large, potentially incoherent network to a smaller comprehensible structure that can be interpreted more readily. Batagelj, Doreian, and Ferligoj developed a generalized approach to blockmodeling and methods where a set of observed relations are fitted to a pre-specified blockmodel. In the paper this generalized blockmodeling approach as implemented in program Pajek is described. An overview of the blockmodeling procedures in Pajek is given and is illustrated by some examples