18,296 research outputs found

    What a difference peers can make: The impact of social (work) norms on unemployment duration

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    This article outlines a model of how social interactions among persons belonging to the same region might influence the individual unemployment duration. The impact is assumed to be enhanced through social work norms shared by peers within the group. Building on a range of German data sets and derived from multilevel analysis, the results show that social interactions in terms of social work norms, in conjunction with socio-demographic and regional characteristics, affect the individual unemployment duration. --regional social interactions,social work norms,group influence, regional unemployment,religious influences

    General Considerations on Leadership in the Hospitality Industry. Conceptual Analysis and Practical Studies

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    Leadership in the hospitality industry is still an open research field especially in describing the effects of leadership style on hotel employees. The purpose of the paper is to present and analyze the following concepts: leadership and leadership style, hospitality industry; the practical aspects of leadership in the hospitality industry and to identify relevant studies regarding the importance of leadership styles applied in this industry. The research methodology consists of analyzing the foreign and Romanian specific literature regarding the hospitality industry and leadership, highlighting the current state of leadership in hospitality emphasizing both theoretical and practical studies. The results are focused on clarifying the current leadership concepts and practices in the hospitality industry by pointing out the best approaches.leadership and leadership style, management, hospitality, hotel industry, hospitality leadership, performance

    The discourses of OERs: how flat is this world?

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    This paper proposes Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2000) as a tool for identifying the various discourses that can be found in the provision of open educational resources. The argument will be built upon the concept of a 'flat world', a powerful metaphor used by Friedman in his famous book 'The World is Flat' (2005). The discussion will draw upon concepts of critical discourse analysis to explore sample data from open educational resources (OERs) initiatives, and will investigate the degree to which such initiatives have a 'flattening' effect in terms of widening participation and empowering individuals through access to knowledge

    Fence and plough for Lapwings: Nest protection to improve nest and chick survival in Swiss farmland

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    Switzerland had up to 1000 Lapwing pairs breeding in the 1970s. Actually, there are some 200. The crash was mainly due to a poor productivity of 0.2 to 0.4 fledglings per pair and year. To achieve a fledging rate of at least 0.8 required for population stability, a Recovery Programme was initiated to support a small population of 10-25 pairs breeding in central Switzerland. In 2004 to 2006 all nests were marked and spared during field labour by the farmers. As a result of a well established cooperation with the local farmers, not a single nest was destroyed by agricultural activities. However, there was a high risk of nest desertion when farming activities took place during the period of egg laying. Therefore, it might be worth to postpone field labour for some days to allow clutch completion. In 2005 and 2006, but not in 2004, most nests were protected from ground predators by surrounding entire fields rather than individual clutches with electro-fences as used in sheep farming. While 95 % of clutches within the fences hatched successfully, 61 % of unprotected nests were predated. In 2006 the influence of predation on chick survival was investigated by radio-tagging 81 chicks soon after hatching. They had no difficulties to cross the electro-fences. Predation occurred mostly at night (73 %) and outside the fences (87 %). Of 46 chicks predated at night only one was taken inside an electro-fence. Daytime predation played a minor role (27 % of all chick predations) and occurred at the same rate inside and outside the electro-fence. Reproductive success in 2005 was an estimated 0.8 fledging young per pair and year. In 2006, however, it dropped to 0.25 due to heavy chick predation.In den 1970er Jahren umfasste der Brutbestand des Kiebitzes in der Schweiz ca. 1000 Paare. Heute sind es schĂ€tzungsweise nur noch ca. 200. FĂŒr diesen dramatischen RĂŒckgang dĂŒrfte in erster Linie der viel zu geringe Reproduktionserfolg verantwortlich sein (0.2-0.4 flĂŒgge Junge pro Brutpaar und Jahr). Um den Bruterfolg auf ein populationserhaltendes Mass von ca. 0.8 Jungen pro Paar zu steigern, wurde bei einem Restbestand in der Zentralschweiz (10-25 Paare) ein Artenförderungsprogramm in Angriff genommen. In den Jahren 2004-2006 wurden alle Kiebitzgelege markiert und auf diese Weise von der Feldbearbeitung ausgespart. Dank der ausgezeichneten Zusammenarbeit mit den örtlichen Landwirten ging in dieser Zeit kein Kiebitzgelege bei landwirtschaftlichen Feldarbeiten verloren. Wenn allerdings die Bodenbearbeitung wĂ€hrend der Gelegeproduktion erfolgte, wurden verhĂ€ltnismĂ€ssig viele Bruten aufgegeben. Hier kann es ratsam sein, die landwirtschaftliche Bearbeitung hinauszuzögern bis die Vögel mit dem BebrĂŒten des Vollgeleges begonnen haben. 2005 und 2006, nicht aber 2004, wurden Kiebitzgelege zusĂ€tzlich mit einem Elektrozaun, wie er bei Schafhaltern ĂŒblich ist, gegen RaubsĂ€uger gesichert. EingezĂ€unt wurden in der Regel ganze Felder. In den so gesicherten Kulturen schlĂŒpften 95 % der Gelege, in den nicht eingezĂ€unten nur 39 %. 2006 wurden 81 KiebitzkĂŒken besendert, um deren Überlebensraten und den Einfluss der PrĂ€dation zu untersuchen. Die KĂŒken konnten den Elektrozaun ohne weiteres passieren (bodennahe Maschen 10x15 cm). KĂŒkenverluste durch PrĂ€dation ereigneten sich ĂŒberwiegend nachts (73 % aller Verluste) und außerhalb der ElektrozĂ€une (87 % aller Verluste). Von 46 in der Nacht prĂ€dierten KĂŒken stammte nur eines aus einer Elektro-UmzĂ€unung. KĂŒkenverluste, die durch tagaktive PrĂ€datoren verursacht wurden, spielten eine untergeordnete Rolle (27 % aller Verluste). Sie traten innerhalb und außerhalb der ElektroumzĂ€unungen in gleichem Umfang auf. Der Bruterfolg des Kiebitzes lag in 2005 bei einem bestandserhaltenden Wert von 0.8 KĂŒken pro Paar. In 2006 fĂŒhrten hohe, prĂ€dationsbedingte KĂŒkenverluste zu einem Bruterfolg von lediglich 0.25 KĂŒken pro Paar

    On the globalization of stock markets: An application of Vector Error Correction Model, Mutual Information and Singular Spectrum Analysis to the G7 countries

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    This paper analyzes stock market relationships among the G7 countries between 1973 and 2009 using three different approaches: (i) a linear approach based on cointegration, Vector Error Correction (VECM) and Granger Causality; (ii) a nonlinear approach based on Mutual Information and the Global Correlation Coefficient; and (iii) a nonlinear approach based on Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA). While the cointegration tests are based on regression models and capture linearities in the data, Mutual Information and Singular Spectrum Analysis capture nonlinear relationships in a non-parametric way. The framework of this paper is based on the notion of market integration and uses stock market correlations and linkages both in price levels and returns. The main results show that significant co-movements occur among most of the G7 countries over the period analyzed and that Mutual Information and the Global Correlation Coefficient actually seem to provide more information about the market relationships than the Vector Error Correction Model and Granger Causality. However, unlike the latter, the direction of causality is difficult to distinguish in Mutual Information and the Global Correlation Coefficient. In this respect, the nonlinear Singular Spectrum Analysis technique displays several advantages, since it enabled us to capture nonlinear causality in both directions, while Granger Causality only captures causality in a linear way. The results also show that stock markets are closely linked both in terms of price levels and returns (as well as lagged returns) over the 36 years analyzed
