56 research outputs found

    A Method for Evaluating Chimeric Synchronization of Coupled Oscillators and Its Application for Creating a Neural Network Information Converter

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    This paper presents a new method for evaluating the synchronization of quasi-periodic oscillations of two oscillators, termed "chimeric synchronization". The family of metrics is proposed to create a neural network information converter based on a network of pulsed oscillators. In addition to transforming input information from digital to analogue, the converter can perform information processing after training the network by selecting control parameters. In the proposed neural network scheme, the data arrives at the input layer in the form of current levels of the oscillators and is converted into a set of non-repeating states of the chimeric synchronization of the output oscillator. By modelling a thermally coupled VO2-oscillator circuit, the network setup is demonstrated through the selection of coupling strength, power supply levels, and the synchronization efficiency parameter. The distribution of solutions depending on the operating mode of the oscillators, sub-threshold mode, or generation mode are revealed. Technological approaches for the implementation of a neural network information converter are proposed, and examples of its application for image filtering are demonstrated. The proposed method helps to significantly expand the capabilities of neuromorphic and logical devices based on synchronization effects.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figure

    A Model of an Oscillatory Neural Network with Multilevel Neurons for Pattern Recognition and Computing

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    The current study uses a novel method of multilevel neurons and high order synchronization effects described by a family of special metrics, for pattern recognition in an oscillatory neural network (ONN). The output oscillator (neuron) of the network has multilevel variations in its synchronization value with the reference oscillator, and allows classification of an input pattern into a set of classes. The ONN model is implemented on thermally-coupled vanadium dioxide oscillators. The ONN is trained by the simulated annealing algorithm for selection of the network parameters. The results demonstrate that ONN is capable of classifying 512 visual patterns (as a cell array 3 * 3, distributed by symmetry into 102 classes) into a set of classes with a maximum number of elements up to fourteen. The classification capability of the network depends on the interior noise level and synchronization effectiveness parameter. The model allows for designing multilevel output cascades of neural networks with high net data throughput. The presented method can be applied in ONNs with various coupling mechanisms and oscillator topology.Comment: 26 pages, 24 figure

    Method of increasing the information capacity of associative memory of oscillator neural networks using high-order synchronization effect

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    Computational modelling of two- and three-oscillator schemes with thermally coupled VO2VO_2-switches is used to demonstrate a novel method of pattern storage and recognition in an impulse oscillator neural network (ONN) based on the high-order synchronization effect. The method ensures high information capacity of associative memory, i.e. a large number of synchronous states NsN_s. Each state in the system is characterized by the synchronization order determined as the ratio of harmonics number at the common synchronization frequency. The modelling demonstrates attainment of NsN_s of several orders both for a three-oscillator scheme NsN_s~650 and for a two-oscillator scheme NsN_s~260. A number of regularities are obtained, in particular, an optimal strength of oscillator coupling is revealed when NsN_s has a maximum. A general tendency toward information capacity decrease is shown when the coupling strength and switch inner noise amplitude increase. An algorithm of pattern storage and test vector recognition is suggested. It is also shown that the coordinate number in each vector should be one less than the switch number to reduce recognition ambiguity. The demonstrated method of associative memory realization is a general one and it may be applied in ONNs with various mechanisms and oscillator coupling topology.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Cloud service for interactive simulation of production location

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    The paper deals with a problem of decision-making support for production location problem. The paper describes the mathematical model of production location. Minimization of total cost of delivery of raw materials to the place of production is used as a criterion of potential production location. The problem belongs to the class of binary mathematical programming problems with linear constraints but could be reduced to a set of linear programming problems solved by sequential or parallel computing. Based on the mathematical model Π° software tool is implemented as a cloud service on heterogeneous computing architecture. The software architecture includes the simulation module and modules for control and visualization. The ontology and declarative model for information exchange between the modules are designed with JSON format. This declarative model includes the objects considered in the mathematical model which are “products”, “areas” and “communications”. The simulation module is implemented on a high-performance server platform. Visualization module allows us to present graphically the original and the resulting matrix data and to modify the input parameters of the model interactively. The control and visualization modules are produced within IACPaaS cloud platform. Communication between the modules is established via asynchronous http-queries. The paper demonstrates the use of the software tool for the simulation of production location for the Russian Far East regions based on input data provided by open statistics sources

    A Bio-Inspired Chaos Sensor Based on the Perceptron Neural Network: Concept and Application for Computational Neuro-science

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    The study presents a bio-inspired chaos sensor based on the perceptron neural network. After training, the sensor on perceptron, having 50 neurons in the hidden layer and 1 neuron at the output, approximates the fuzzy entropy of short time series with high accuracy with a determination coefficient R2 ~ 0.9. The Hindmarsh-Rose spike model was used to generate time series of spike intervals, and datasets for training and testing the perceptron. The selection of the hyperparameters of the perceptron model and the estimation of the sensor accuracy were performed using the K-block cross-validation method. Even for a hidden layer with 1 neuron, the model approximates the fuzzy entropy with good results and the metric R2 ~ 0.5-0.8. In a simplified model with 1 neuron and equal weights in the first layer, the principle of approximation is based on the linear transformation of the average value of the time series into the entropy value. The bio-inspired chaos sensor model based on an ensemble of neurons is able to dynamically track the chaotic behavior of a spiked biosystem and transmit this information to other parts of the bio-system for further processing. The study will be useful for specialists in the field of computational neuroscience.Comment: 12 pages, 22 figures, 4 table

    Entropy-based machine learning model for diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson's Disease in smart IoT environment

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    The study presents the concept of a computationally efficient machine learning (ML) model for diagnosing and monitoring Parkinson's disease (PD) in an Internet of Things (IoT) environment using rest-state EEG signals (rs-EEG). We computed different types of entropy from EEG signals and found that Fuzzy Entropy performed the best in diagnosing and monitoring PD using rs-EEG. We also investigated different combinations of signal frequency ranges and EEG channels to accurately diagnose PD. Finally, with a fewer number of features (11 features), we achieved a maximum classification accuracy (ARKF) of ~99.9%. The most prominent frequency range of EEG signals has been identified, and we have found that high classification accuracy depends on low-frequency signal components (0-4 Hz). Moreover, the most informative signals were mainly received from the right hemisphere of the head (F8, P8, T8, FC6). Furthermore, we assessed the accuracy of the diagnosis of PD using three different lengths of EEG data (150-1000 samples). Because the computational complexity is reduced by reducing the input data. As a result, we have achieved a maximum mean accuracy of 99.9% for a sample length (LEEG) of 1000 (~7.8 seconds), 98.2% with a LEEG of 800 (~6.2 seconds), and 79.3% for LEEG = 150 (~1.2 seconds). By reducing the number of features and segment lengths, the computational cost of classification can be reduced. Lower-performance smart ML sensors can be used in IoT environments for enhances human resilience to PD.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 2 table
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