11 research outputs found

    Research on the improvement of the rescuers training facility for the practical performance tests of respiratory protection devices

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    Respiratory protection devices, both compressed air and compressed oxygen based, are subject to certification for placing on the market. The European standards governing the requirements for certification, the manner of conducting the tests are reviewed periodically in order to increase the operational safety of respiratory apparatus in order to cope in any circumstances with the dangers to which rescuers are subjected. The evaluation of the respiratory apparatus from a practical point of view is done by the practical test of performance. The modernization of the training facility according to the latest standardization regulations regarding the practical performance tests is necessary for the certification activity of the respiratory apparatus but it is also useful for the activity of training rescuers, having the role of harmonizing the request of the respiratory apparatus with the effort to which the rescuers are subjected

    Studies regarding the structuring of physical effort of rescuers in the process of practical training in the mobile training facility

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    The rescuer's performance falls into the category of "hard work", in terms of effort, far exceeding the average overall labor consumption of the worker from the active fronts of work. This character, of hard work, is also imprinted by the fact that the professional effort contains several static components and large amplitude oscillations, regarding the level of maximum efforts. The longer they last, the harder is the work. Training is a process of psychophysiological preparation through which an increased performance is obtained in the professional activity of rescuers. The maximum performance is obtained by raising the functional capacity of the body to the highest degree. For this it is necessary to use the systematic and methodical exercise according to pedagogical rules. The paper presents the evolution of physiological parameters, as well as the structuring of the physical effort of rescue personnel in the process of practical training in the mobile training facility, with the aim of preparing rescue teams for situations close to real ones. The mobile training facility consists of a physical training space (endless ladder, impact device, treadmill, elliptical bike, stepper), an indoor training circuit and a control room that allows the coordination of all activities

    Research on rescuers’ training process in toxic / explosive / flammable environments

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    The paper presents the structuring of physical effort put in by rescuers during training, taking into account the activity specific psychosocial factors, structuring that aimed at streamlining the training process of intervention and rescue personnel in toxic / explosive / flammable environments. Training routes with various degrees of difficulty, allowing the simulation of intervention activities in horizontally and vertically confined spaces, low visibility, high temperature and humidity environments were analysed, for each the specific labour consumption being calculated. A dysfunctional phenomenon caused by the intervention and rescue activity is fatigue, perceived as a body reaction to readjust and restore its functions following intense or repeated body requests for energy consumption. Not only physical fatigue (which can be controlled through exercises) is specific for rescue and intervention activity but also mental fatigue. In addition to physical and technical training, psychosocial training of people who carry out intervention and rescue activities was followed in the training programs

    Impact of demolition work of the environment, generated by mine closures in Jiu Valley

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    Extractive industry has had and has negative effects on environmental factors. Limitation of industrial activities carried out in Jiu Valley, materialized by closure of mining units, brings to actuality the rehabilitation of areas occupied by constructions and surface utilities related to the technological process of underground coal extraction. First stage of surface rehabilitation and greening is the demolition of surface buildings by means of technical implosion / blasting or classic techniques. This stage generates a series of physicochemical pollutants that can have a significant impact on environmental factors. The main objective of the current paper is to identify pollutants and the negative effects they may have on human health as well as to reduce the environmental impact of materials from demolition operations. The paper has the advantage of quantifying waste resulting from demolitions in order to reduce impact on the environment by revalorizing the obtained materials (metal, concrete, wood, brick etc.) thus reducing the quantities of industrial waste to be stored. Thus, it is possible to plan the greening of areas affected by mining activities in the shortest possible time, correlated with the program of territorial systematization, in order to capitalize on new economic opportunities for use of these lands

    Research on psychosocial risks in the context of intervention and rescue activities in toxic / flammable / explosive environments

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    Work implies interaction of several components such as equipment, work environment, work load and human factor. Prevention of work accident and occupational diseases is mainly based on knowledge and assessment of occupational risks associated with each workplace. Psychosocial risks are usually caused by stress, thus being greatly influenced by individual perceptions. Identifying psychosocial risks is based on the analysis of individual reactions to external factors and activities. Worldwide, work related stress is seen as a major present-day challenge, faced by occupational health and safety specialists. Considered at organizational level and not as individual issues, psychosocial risks and stress can be managed to the same extent as any other occupational health and safety risk. The growing issue of protecting emergency workers against occupational health and safety risks has been highlighted as a priority by many experts. Demands on intervention and rescue personnel, as well as occupational health and safety risks will increase as they face larger events both in number and magnitude and severity. The current paper will summarize key issues related to work-related stress and will discuss how stress at work can be best managed in the context of intervention and rescue activities in toxic / flammable / explosive environments

    Stress and psychological resilience in intervention and rescue activities

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    Nature of intervention and rescue personnel activity places them at the top of professions that face a considerable number of occupational health and safety risks. Often, this occupational category does not face a single safety risk, but a complex combination of risk factors, including unpredictability of situations in which they are required to work. Emergence of stress and other psychosocial risks in work processes requires the implementation of an anticipatory attitude and a constant level of vigilance to identify and evaluate them. In intervention and rescue, the issue of regulating and self-regulating the individual’s behaviour is essential, as exceptional acts performed in unusual conditions require adaptive mechanisms as close as possible to perfection. Developing resilience should focus on amplifying already present strengths (physical and mental characteristics and abilities), rather than managing negative effects of operational stressors. The current paper presents a theoretical approach of the concept of resilience, appliable to intervention and rescue activities and suggests several ways to develop rescuer’s resilience

    Research on the improvement of the rescuers training facility for the practical performance tests of respiratory protection devices

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    Respiratory protection devices, both compressed air and compressed oxygen based, are subject to certification for placing on the market. The European standards governing the requirements for certification, the manner of conducting the tests are reviewed periodically in order to increase the operational safety of respiratory apparatus in order to cope in any circumstances with the dangers to which rescuers are subjected. The evaluation of the respiratory apparatus from a practical point of view is done by the practical test of performance. The modernization of the training facility according to the latest standardization regulations regarding the practical performance tests is necessary for the certification activity of the respiratory apparatus but it is also useful for the activity of training rescuers, having the role of harmonizing the request of the respiratory apparatus with the effort to which the rescuers are subjected

    Optimizing the technical verification process of cylinders

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    The decisive factor in the process of technical verification of cylinders is conditioned by correct choice of the inspection method, in order to attentively catch possible imperfections caused by the wear and tear resulting from long term use. Emphasis is placed on safety conditions of cylinders, which include mandatory minimum technical requirements for periodic inspection of liquefied or compressed gas cylinders. Cylinders are an assembly consisting of: under pressure receptacles with a volume of 0,5 to 150 litres, serving for transport and storage of liquefied or compressed gas; the associated casing, which may be: a filling and drainage device, a security device, a pressure relief device, a measuring device, a valve coupling element, a fastening element fitted on the container, a setting and protection element and a protection to heat device. The current paper presents the optimal method of inspection and verification of cylinders for compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure gases, represented by the use of the hydraulic sample stand in accordance with international principles and practices

    Studies regarding the structuring of physical effort of rescuers in the process of practical training in the mobile training facility

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    The rescuer's performance falls into the category of "hard work", in terms of effort, far exceeding the average overall labor consumption of the worker from the active fronts of work. This character, of hard work, is also imprinted by the fact that the professional effort contains several static components and large amplitude oscillations, regarding the level of maximum efforts. The longer they last, the harder is the work. Training is a process of psychophysiological preparation through which an increased performance is obtained in the professional activity of rescuers. The maximum performance is obtained by raising the functional capacity of the body to the highest degree. For this it is necessary to use the systematic and methodical exercise according to pedagogical rules. The paper presents the evolution of physiological parameters, as well as the structuring of the physical effort of rescue personnel in the process of practical training in the mobile training facility, with the aim of preparing rescue teams for situations close to real ones. The mobile training facility consists of a physical training space (endless ladder, impact device, treadmill, elliptical bike, stepper), an indoor training circuit and a control room that allows the coordination of all activities

    Optimizing the technical verification process of cylinders

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    The decisive factor in the process of technical verification of cylinders is conditioned by correct choice of the inspection method, in order to attentively catch possible imperfections caused by the wear and tear resulting from long term use. Emphasis is placed on safety conditions of cylinders, which include mandatory minimum technical requirements for periodic inspection of liquefied or compressed gas cylinders. Cylinders are an assembly consisting of: under pressure receptacles with a volume of 0,5 to 150 litres, serving for transport and storage of liquefied or compressed gas; the associated casing, which may be: a filling and drainage device, a security device, a pressure relief device, a measuring device, a valve coupling element, a fastening element fitted on the container, a setting and protection element and a protection to heat device. The current paper presents the optimal method of inspection and verification of cylinders for compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure gases, represented by the use of the hydraulic sample stand in accordance with international principles and practices