3,334 research outputs found

    The effects of the underground economy on economic competitiviness

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    A real, almost palpable, connection exists between the official and the underground economy. More than that, both sides of the economy (official and underground) are connected with the competitiveness of a country. Strangely a large presence of undereground in the economy is a sign of competitiveness. Although we would be tempted to say that underground is bad for competitiveness the reality is that due to taxes and regulations the resources (especially the human ones) used ”illegaly” would probably be wasted. In the end the wages from the underground economy return to the oficial one suporting it and hence the competitiveness of the country.official economy; underground economy; illegal activities; tax evasion; economic competitiveness


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    Globalization became more and more prominent during the last decades. There is no way to argue that globalization led to more interconnected economies, facilitating the communication and the collaboration around the world. But where is this going? Doesglobalization mean uniformity or diversity? As the world begins to resemble more, the people are trying to distinguish between them more, which can exacerbate nationalistic feeling. Friedman argues that globalization made the world smaller and flatter, allowing all countries to take chance of the available opportunities equally. But is this really true? Although politic and cultural factors can stand in front of a really flat world, what is the key for Chinese and Indian success and which are theirs perspectives?flat world, flattener, globalization, nationalism, China, India, communication, technology, emerging economy, education


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    Most papers regarding public goods have a certain predisposition to “classic aspects” like their characteristics of non-rivalry and non-excludability. In this paper we try to emphasize that in the area of public goods one of the major problems is, in fact, the one of economic calculus. The reality is that public finances exist in a limited quantity so the public authority is forced to choose between ways to spend them. According to the definition of public goods the expenditures should be for the production of essential assets that are neglected by private investors. The problem is how to choose between public possibilities of spending the money after the application of the first criteria.public goods, E.U., economic calculus, public spending, public distribution


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    Traditionally, U.S. and E.U. are the major economic forces in the world. Today, in the context of economic globalization, relations between the U.S. and E.U. continue to guide the world. Yet the economic crisis and the rise of third world countries are affecting their global share.globalization, world power, trade flows, multinationals, investment funds

    A Robust Logical and Computational Characterisation of Peer-to-Peer Database Systems

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    In this paper we give a robust logical and computational characterisation of peer-to-peer (p2p) database systems. We first define a precise model-theoretic semantics of a p2p system, which allows for local inconsistency handling. We then characterise the general computational properties for the problem of answering queries to such a p2p system. Finally, we devise tight complexity bounds and distributed procedures for the problem of answering queries in few relevant special cases


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    From establishing the European Coal and Steel and so far, European economic integration has seen remarkable success. There are however a number of difficult issues unresolved. Will EU succeed to move forward towards a political union and to shape a foreign policy that would enable a major role in international relations? The new confrontation that is taking place at the international level is not based on political-military conflict anymore, but rather on economic and technological competition to get a bigger part in the global economy. But will the acquisition of a world economic power status will allow them to remove American hegemony?global power, multipolarity, unipolarity, international relations, FDI, European Union

    Problema "caselor" din Corint "“ o practică în vederea consolidării mesajului evanghelic

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    The topic proposed for this approach aims to highlight the ways in which Apostle Paul manages to form and solidify the multi-ethnic and multicultural communities through his apostolate. Starting from these, we will identify the problems within the Corinthian community, with express reference to the Lord"™s Supper and its significance in forming the identity of the community. The purpose of this article is, as well, to analyse the situation of fellowships in the houses of prominent people in Corinth, which played a special role in the church. People from different backgrounds were included, and therefore, the practices were also a culmination of different traditions. Such a vision is based on the observations that the household has played an important role in the life of Pauline churches, having a central role also in the Greek-Roman society. In this regard, it must not be forgotten that Apostle Paul tried to form a community that was to include both Jews and Gentiles, a community that was to be united in a new and self-determining Church. The important issues lie for the Apostle beyond the two dominant cultures of his world. The topic deserves to be carefully explored, especially in a contemporary context, when we are in a society that has reached, we say, a new intercultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious threshold