517 research outputs found


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    This article is devoted to public administration reform and proposes a series of measures to strengthen the effectiveness of the reform process through the modification or creation of new institutional structures and procedures at the highest level. The article includes a brief history of the evolution of the institutional and legislative reform of public administration in Romania, an overview of the mains actors role involved in the process of the public administration reform and finally, it presents a new vision of management reform.public administration reform, administrative capacity, institutional and legal framework of the reform, public administration reform’ actors, management reform.


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    Shock wave produced by the financial crisis started from the "heart of world finance” - United States of America, suddenly hit the European Union economy and finance, especially strong states. Recent studies conducted on the economies of EU highlighted serious problems in functioning and underlying weaknesses in the policies pursued by their governmentseconomic crime, financial crime, fraud, underground economy.

    Symbolic Shareholder Democracy:Toward a Behavioral Understanding of the Role of Shareholder Voting in CEO Dismissals

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    We investigate the effect of expressive shareholder dissent voting, in which shareholders use their votes symbolically to express their discontent with management, on subsequent chief executive officer (CEO) dismissals. Using the routine but highly symbolic executive board discharge proposal voted on at the annual shareholder meetings of German firms, we argue that the board of directors understands these votes as a "vote of confidence in management" that challenges the CEO's mandate to lead the firm. Arguing that board chairs are uniquely positioned to take up the stance of a steward of the firm and its leadership, we examine how independent and family board chairs moderate the board's response to expressive voting dissent. Using a sample of German public firms over the period 2008-2015, we find that expressive voting dissent increases the chance of CEO dismissal increasingly with the level of dissent expressed. Contrary to prevailing agency theoretical expectations, we do not find that independent chairs are more responsive to expressive voting dissent, nor that this relationship is strengthened by the degree of minority institutional investor ownership of the firm. Consistent with the symbolic perspective on shareholder voting that we seek to develop, however, we find that family chairs are more likely to lead the board to dismiss the CEO due to the intrinsic disvalue they incur from symbolic leadership legitimacy challenges in their firms, and that the positive effect of having a family chair on the dissent induced chance of CEO dismissal is strengthened by the level of family ownership in the firm


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    During the transition period, in Romania, the dimension of school abandon had risen. The main goals of the study are: to estimate the school abandon rate by each educational level in Romania, to identify the factors which affect school abandon on urban and rural areas and at development regions level; to analyze the causes of earlier school abandon. In the same time, the analysis had also followed the temporal component, by including in the database the last decade statistical information. The school abandon was measured as the difference between the numbers of pupils/students found at the end of the school year and the same category enrolled at the beginning of the same year

    Evaluation of Dairy Sector Safety and Security in Three Hypermarkets (A, B, C) from Transylvania County

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    The safety and  security of milk and dairy products were monitored in three hypermarkets from Transylvania County by evaluation of  several essential key parameters. Results showed variations of quality indicators and this leaded to nomination of each source of interference in order to determine the responsibility of each supermarke


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    Production of tomatoes in the organic system is very important because these are not only the most vegetables widely consume (the second after potato) but also are classified as a functional food. Due to the high content in bioactive compounds, especially lycopene, tomatoes provide nutritional properties and also contribute to maintaining health. In this context, the aim of this study is to compare the nutritional quality parameters of two organic red tomato varieties, Coeur de Boeuf’ and ‘Cher Ami’ grew under controlled conditions in a hi-tech glass greenhouse. The quality parameters analyzed were the titratable acidity, total soluble solids, dry matter, carotenoid and lycopene content. The highest total soluble solid content, lycopene and carotenoid content were obtained from ‘Cher Ami’ variety

    Evaluation of Physical-Chemical Indexes, Sugars, Pigments and Phenolic Compounds of Fruits from Three Apple Varieties at the End of Storage Period

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    Apples are the most cultivated and consumed fruits in the world. They not only taste great, but there are also rich sources of monosaccharides, pigments, fibers, functional compounds such as polyphenols which are well-known for their antioxidant action. Due to the high level of apples consumption, it is important to monitor and know the detailed chemical composition of this fruits on the market shelf. The aim of this paper was to study the detailed chemical composition of apples from three varieties. Samples from three varieties (Ionathan, Golden Delicious and Starkrimson) were taken from the Romanian market. Individual sugars composition was performed by HPLC, total polyphenols content by Folin Ciocalteu method, antioxidant capacity by using the DPPH test, while pigments were analysed by spectrophotometric specific methods and the total starch content measured by a polarimetric method. Water content, acidity, total soluble solids and pH were also monitored through specific methods. There were found differences between varieties particularly in relation to the polyphenols content, carotenoids and chlorophyll. Regarding the individual sugars composition, fructose and glucose were predominant followed by sucrose for all samples. Values of starch, moisture, acidity, total soluble solids and the pH were according to other apple varieties found in literature. These results provide important information regarding the chemical composition of apple varieties from Romanian market, for both human direct consumption and industrial processing.Â

    Rewarding mobility? Towards a realistic European policy agenda for academics at risk

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    This article maps from a critical and comparative perspective how scholars at risk are currently being integrated into the European research infrastructure, as well as in various EU and non-EU Member States. The focus is on three countries ranging from older to newer EU members to one non-EU member state—Hungary, Romania and the United Kingdom—as well as on EU-level organisations. We draw on twelve in-depth interviews conducted with key stakeholders involved in the process of academic migration (non-governmental organisations, EU and national level actors) to identify key issues concerning academics at risk. Finally, we call for a robust EU-level response to an issue that is currently inadequately addressed by national governments, professional associations and NGOs. As we argue, the focus on mobility as a factor supporting research excellence in the regular European research infrastructure can have negative unintended outcomes for scholars at risk. For many of them, rewarding mobility can entail the threat of losing their legal status in temporary places of migration. What is needed is a nuanced approach for scholars at risk in a diverse range of situations, which should involve closer cooperation between international academic bodies and EU policy makers, and complement support for those who need to escape to third countries with the offer of remote work in the country where they are able to obtain a secure residence permit
