8 research outputs found

    Pain management in the right iliac fossa during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa in women may be caused by a complicated ovarian cyst, adnexitis, and appendicitis. The paper analyses the characteristics of patients with right iliac fossa pain admitted during the Covid-19 pandemic. A retrospective analysis on 25 cases with abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa admitted to “St. Apostol Andrei” Emergency County Clinical Hospital Constanta, Romania between March 2020 and March 2021 was performed. In 52% of the cases, the symptomatology remitted with antispasmodics, 4 (16%) patients had cystic torsion and right adnexectomy (group A, without adnexa), 6 (24%) patients had ruptured cysts and right cystectomy, and 2 (8%) had immediate cystectomy together with appendectomy due to signs of peritoneal irritation (group B, adnexa retained). The age, the signs and the symptoms, as well as the inpatient diagnosis in group A were lower compared to patients in group B. The ovarian cyst can become a major surgical emergency if twisted or ruptured and it reaches an important vascular source, especially if it is associated with acute appendicitis, which often poses problems of differential diagnosis. The collaboration between gynecologists and surgeons is essential in the optimal therapeutic solution of these cases

    Exploring the Effect of Status Quo, Innovativeness, and Involvement Tendencies on Luxury Fashion Innovations: The Mediation Role of Status Consumption

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    The article explores the mechanisms that affect consumers’ interest in luxury clothing innovations. The actual research aims to investigate the effect of status quo and clothing involvement on consumer brand loyalty. More, it was intended to quantify the influence of the level of engagement concerning clothing acquisition and the status quo tendency on the consumers’ level of interest toward innovative luxury fashion products. The models were analyzed through the partial-least square-path modeling method. The results revealed that status quo bias and consumers’ involvement in fashion influence their loyalty to brands and level of innovativeness. The novelty of the present research comes from the analysis of the impact of the status quo manifest variables on consumers’ innovative tendencies. Moreover, it was found that status consumption fully mediates the relationships among the investigated predictors and considered outcome variables. The mediator manifests the highest effect size of all investigated predictors. The actual paper advances research in a direction that was not sufficiently addressed in the past, introducing the status quo construct as the main predictor of peoples’ inclination to be loyal to a brand or to manifest a tendency toward innovativeness. Moreover, the article emphasizes the essential role manifested by social status in foreseeing a behavioral response

    The source mechanism of the seismic events during the sequence of the moderate-size crustal earthquake of November 22, 2014 of Vrancea region (Romania)

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    The moderate-size earthquake (local magnitude 5.7) which occurred on November 22, 2014 in Vrancea region (Romania), is the largest crustal event instrumentally recorded.Its aftershock sequence lasted around 70 days, 222 earthquakes with local magnitude ≥ 0.1 being located using the records collected by the Romanian seismic network.The seismic sequence occurred mainly in the lower crust (depths greater than 25 km), and the epicenter distribution – along a NNE-SSW direction followed the orientation of the Vrancea crustal earthquakes alignment.The sequence, occurred in the Focsani Basin (part of the Moesian Platform) and is related to the normal fault system associated to the major Peceneaga - Camena fault, which separates the Moesian Platform from the North Dobrogea promontory.The spatio-temporal distribution of the seismic activity, as well as the seismic energy released during the seismic sequence are analysed in detail, and the focal mechanisms of the largest events – 34 shocks with ML ≥ 1.8 – are determined using reliable P-wave polarities and amplitude ratios.Taking into consideration that the moderate-size shock of November 22, 2014 is the strongest instrumentally recorded crustal earthquake in the region, its focal mechanism provides highly relevant seismological information on the deformation field in front of the Carpathian bend. The obtained fault plane solution indicates normal faulting with a dominant dip-slip component; both nodal planes being oriented NW-SE

    Proceedings of The 8th Romanian National HIV/AIDS Congress and The 3rd Central European HIV Forum

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