13 research outputs found
Instanton-induced charm contribution to polarized deep-inelastic scattering
Recent data on B decays involving may be explained if the singlet
axial current of charmed quarks has large matrix element to , and
instantons were shown to be able to generate this effect. We study the
magnitude of charm contributions to nucleon polarized structure functions
generated in a similar way. Comparing the charm contribution, which is related
to a dim(6) gluonic operator, to that of light quarks, which are related by the
anomaly equation to , we found that =
-(0.2-0.08). Future experiments like COMPASS at CERN identifying charm
production in DIS can measure this ``intrinsic polarized charm'' component of
the nucleon.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, RevTex, epsfig.sty, 3 figures, one sign in Euclidean
definitions correcte
The Constituent Quark Limit and the Skyrmion Limit of the Chiral Quark Soliton Model
We calculate and in the Chiral Quark-Soliton Model (or
equivalently in semibosonized Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model) in the limit of small
and large soliton size. In small soliton limit we recover the results of the
Constituent Quark Model. The agreement between the two models is achieved due
to the recently calculated 1/\Nc contributions to and to . In
the case of these terms arise from the {\it time-ordering} of the
collective operators. For large solitons simple scaling arguments show that the
1/\Nc contributions vanish with the inverse power of the soliton size.Comment: One additional reference, 14 pages, latex, revtex, picte
Electromagnetic Form Factors of the SU(3) Octet Baryons in the semibosonized SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
The electromagnetic form factors of the SU(3) octet baryons are investigated
in the semibosonized SU(3) Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model (chiral quark-soliton
model). The rotational and strange quark mass corrections in linear
order are taken into account. The electromagnetic charge radii of the nucleon
and magnetic moments are also evaluated. It turns out that the model is in a
remarkable good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: RevTex is used. 37 pages. The final version to appear in Phys. Rev.
D. 13 figures are include
A Top Quark Soliton and its Anomalous Chromomagnetic Moment
We show that under the assumption of dynamical symmetry breaking of electro
weak interactions by a top quark condensate, motivated by the Top Mode Standard
Model, the top quark in this effective theory can be considered then as chiral
color soliton (qualiton). This is realized in an effective four-fermion
interaction with chiral as well as symmetry.
In the pure top sector the qualiton consists of a top valence quark and a Dirac
sea of top and anti-top quark coupled to a color octet of Goldstone pions. The
mass spectra, isoscalar quadratic radii and the anomalous chromomagnetic moment
due to a non-trivial color form factor are calculated with zero and finite
current top masses and effects at the Hadron Colliders are discussed. The
anomalous chromomagnetic moment turns out to have a value consistent with the
top production rates of the D0- and CDF-measurements.Comment: LaTeX, using RevTeX.sty and aps.sty, without figures, 16 pages, to be
published in Physical Review D. Full postscript version and figures available
on request or via