1,061 research outputs found

    Design and performance of a vacuum-UV simulator for material testing under space conditions

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    This paper describes the construction and performance of a VUV-simulator that has been designed to study degradation of materials under space conditions. It is part of the Complex Irradiation Facility at DLR in Bremen, Germany, that has been built for testing of material under irradiation in the complete UV-range as well as under proton and electron irradiation. Presently available UV-sources used for material tests do not allow the irradiation with wavelengths smaller than about 115115 nm where common Deuterium lamps show an intensity cut-off. The VUV-simulator generates radiation by excitation of a gas-flow with an electron beam. The intensity of the radiation can be varied by manipulating the gas-flow and/or the electron beam. The VUV simulator has been calibrated at three different gas-flow settings in the range from 4040 nm to 410410 nm. The calibration has been made by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Berlin. The measured spectra show total irradiance intensities from 2424 to 5858 mWm2\rm{m^{-2}} (see Table 4.2) in the VUV-range, i.e. for wavelengths smaller than 200200 nm. They exhibit a large number of spectral lines generated either by the gas-flow constituents or by metal atoms in the residual gas which come from metals used in the source construction. In the range from 4040 nm to 120120 nm where Deuterium lamps are not usable, acceleration factors of 33 to 26.326.3 Solar Constants are reached depending on the gas-flow setting. The VUV-simulator allows studies of general degradation effects caused by photoionization and photodissociation as well as accelerated degradation tests by use of intensities that are significantly higher compared to that of the Sun at 11 AU

    Probing the Gating of Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors with Tethered Photoswitchable Ligands

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    Konačna ponuda i zapečaćena ponuda kao sredstvo smanjivanja vremena i troška arbitraže

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    The paper discusses two techniques that aim at expediting arbitrations and reducing costs as well as at having the arbitrator(s) and parties work proactively together promoting settlements - “final offer” arbitration (also called “baseball” arbitration) and “sealed offer” arbitration. In the first part, author defines final offer arbitration and discusses its pros and cons, as well as arbitrator’s role within this kind of procedure. In addition, several kinds of final offer arbitration are presented: issue-by-issue, package, dual offer, multi-round, with the stipulation of a penalty, with the use of an independent fact-finder and, finally the use of FOA for purposes of quantification. Besides, author indicates the areas in which this technique could be used - simple monetary disputes and, more generally, in the quantification phase following a determination on liability. The second part of the paper deals with sealed offer arbitration, defines it and gives its advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, development of this technique in English law is explained. It is concluded that those techniques serve arbitration in several ways – enhancing effectiveness, cheapening it and encouraging settlement between the parties.U članku se raspravlja o dvjema tehnikama koje arbitražu čine učinkovitijom te smanjuju njezine troškove, ali i usmjeravaju arbitre i stranke na zajedničko aktivno ostvarivanje nagodbe. Te tehnike su arbitraža na temelju konačne ponude (“final offer” arbitration, “baseball” arbitration) te arbitraža na temelju zapečaćene ponude (“sealed offer” arbitration). U prvome dijelu članka definira se arbitraža na temelju konačne ponude te se navode argumenti u korist i protiv takve tehnike, a definira se i uloga arbitra u toj vrsti postupka. Uz to, predstavlja se i nekoliko vrsta arbitraže na temelju konačne ponude: arbitraža problem po problem (issue-by-issue), paket (package), dvostruka ponuda (dual offer), arbitraža u više krugova (multi-round), arbitraža s određenjem kazne (with the stipulation of a penalty), arbitraža putem nezavisnog utvrđivanja činjenica (with the use of an independent fact-finder) i, konačno, arbitraža s ciljem izračunavanja visine dosuđenoga (for purposes of quantification). Također, naznačuju se i područja u kojima bi se ta tehnika mogla koristiti - jednostavni novčani sporovi te faza izračunavanja visine dosuđenoga nakon utvrđenja osnovanosti zahtjeva. Drugi dio članka odnosi se na arbitražu temeljenu na zapečaćenoj ponudi, koja se definira te se iznose njezine prednosti i mane. Uz to, objašnjava se razvoj ove tehnike u engleskom pravu. Zaključuje se kako navedene tehnike služe arbitraži na mnogo načina – povećavaju učinkovitost, pojeftinjuju je te potiču postizanje nagodbe između stranaka

    Planar n-in-n quad module prototypes for the ATLAS ITk upgrade at HL-LHC

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    In order to meet the requirements of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), it will be necessary to replace the current tracker of the ATLAS experiment. Therefore, a new all-silicon tracking detector is being developed, the so-called Inner Tracker (ITk). The use of quad chip modules is intended in its pixel region. These modules consist of a silicon sensor that forms a unit along with four read-out chips. The current ATLAS pixel detector consists of planar n-in-n silicon pixel sensors. Similar sensors and four FE-I4 read-out chips were assembled to first prototypes of planar n-in-n quad modules. The main focus of the investigation of these modules was the region between the read-out chips, especially the central area between all four read-out chips. There are special pixel cells placed on the sensor which cover the gap between the read-out chips. This contribution focuses on the characterization of a non-irradiated device, including important sensor characteristics, charge collection determined with radioactive sources as well as hit efficiency measurements, performed in the laboratory and at testbeams. In addition, first laboratory results of an irradiated device are presented

    Möglichkeiten zur Bildung eines Regionalindex Wohnkosten unter Verwendung von Angebotsdaten

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    Der Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten hat am 21. März unter dem Titel „Weißer Fleck Regionale Preisindizes – Wie kann die Wissenslücke geschlossen werden?“ einen Projektaufruf veröffentlicht, um Möglichkeiten zur Bildung regional differenzierter Preisindizes zu beleuchten und mittelfristig die entsprechende Datenverfügbarkeit zu verbessern. Dabei sind vor allem Güter und Leistungen von Bedeutung, die mit Blick auf regional unterschiedliche Lebenshaltungskosten ein hohes Gewicht haben. Im Zuge dieses Aufrufs hat der Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten empirica damit beauftragt, mit einer Expertise für den Bereich „Wohnkosten“ ein Mosaik zum Gesamtbild beizusteuern. Wohnkosten spielen – das wird auch im Projektaufruf deutlich – im Kontext regionaler Preisindizes eine entscheidende Rolle, denn zum einen geben Mieterhaushalte fast während des gesamten Lebenszyklus rund 20% ihres Nettoeinkommens für das Wohnen aus (Kaltmiete). Zum anderen sind auch die regionalen Unterschiede, beispielsweise zwischen München und peripheren Regionen Ostdeutschlands, erheblich.

    Treibhausgasflüsse induziert durch differenzierte Bodenbearbeitung und Düngung in einer Kleegras – Umbruch – Winterweizen Sequenz unter Biobedingungen

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    Reduced tillage is technically a challenging task in organic arable farming due to weeds but also concerning the destruction of grass-clover leys. It changes the stratification of organic matter within soils which might lead to more compacted, less aerated soils and thus to higher greenhouse gas emissions. There are hardly any data existing assessing organic reduced tillage systems. Nitrous oxide and methane fluxes were therefore monitored in a two-year period including a grass-clover ley, its destruction and winter wheat. Results are presented