20 research outputs found

    Stability and Maintenance of Foxp3+ Treg Cells in Non-lymphoid Microenvironments

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    Foxp3(+) Treg cells are indispensable for maintaining self-tolerance in secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs). However, Treg cells are also recruited to non-lymphoid tissues (NLTs) during inflammation. Recent advances in the understanding of Treg cell biology provided us with molecular mechanisms-both transcriptional and epigenetic-that enable Treg cells to retain their identity in an inflammatory milieu that is per se hostile to sustained expression of high levels of Foxp3. While Treg cells are recruited to sites of inflammation in order to resolve inflammation and re-establish appropriate organ function, it is increasingly recognized that a series of inflammatory (but also non-inflammatory) perturbations of organ function lead to the constitution of relatively long lived populations of Treg cells in NLTs. NLT Treg cells are heterogeneous according to their respective site of residence and it will be an important goal of future investigations to determine how these NLT Treg cells are maintained, e.g., what the role of antigen recognition by NLT Treg cells is and which growth factors are responsible for their self-renewal in the relative deficiency of IL-2. Finally, it is an open question what functions NLT Treg cells have besides their role in maintaining immunologic tolerance. In this review, we will highlight and summarize major ideas on the biology of NLT Treg cells (in the central nervous system but also at other peripheral sites) during inflammation and in steady state

    IL-24 intrinsically regulates Th17 cell pathogenicity in mice

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    In certain instances, Th17 responses are associated with severe immunopathology. T cell-intrinsic mechanisms that restrict pathogenic effector functions have been described for type 1 and 2 responses but are less well studied for Th17 cells. Here, we report a cell-intrinsic feedback mechanism that controls the pathogenicity of Th17 cells. Th17 cells produce IL-24, which prompts them to secrete IL-10. The IL-10-inducing function of IL-24 is independent of the cell surface receptor of IL-24 on Th17 cells. Rather, IL-24 is recruited to the inner mitochondrial membrane, where it interacts with the NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 13 (also known as Grim19), a constituent of complex I of the respiratory chain. Together, Grim19 and IL-24 promote the accumulation of STAT3 in the mitochondrial compartment. We propose that IL-24-guided mitochondrial STAT3 constitutes a rheostat to blunt extensive STAT3 deflections in the nucleus, which might then contribute to a robust IL-10 response in Th17 cells and a restriction of immunopathology in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

    Unrestrained cleavage of Roquin-1 by MALT1 induces spontaneous T cell activation and the development of autoimmunity

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    Constitutive activation of the MALT1 paracaspase in conventional T cells of Malt1TBM/TBM (TRAF6 Binding Mutant = TBM) mice causes fatal inflammation and autoimmunity, but the involved targets and underlying molecular mechanisms are unknown. We genet-ically rendered a single MALT1 substrate, the RNA- binding protein (RBP) Roquin-1, insensitive to MALT1 cleavage. These Rc3h1Mins/Mins mice showed normal immune homeostasis. Combining Rc3h1Mins/Mins alleles with those encoding for constitutively active MALT1 (TBM) prevented spontaneous T cell activation and restored viability of Malt1TBM/TBM mice. Mechanistically, we show how antigen/MHC recognition is trans-lated by MALT1 into Roquin cleavage and derepression of Roquin targets. Increasing T cell receptor (TCR) signals inactivated Roquin more effectively, and only high TCR strength enabled derepression of high- affinity targets to promote Th17 differentiation. Induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) revealed increased cleavage of Roquin-1 in disease- associated Th17 compared to Th1 cells in the CNS. T cells from Rc3h1Mins/Mins mice did not efficiently induce the high- affinity Roquin-1 target I kappa BNS in response to TCR stimulation, showed reduced Th17 differentiation, and Rc3h1Mins/Mins mice were protected from EAE. These data demonstrate how TCR signaling and MALT1 activation utilize graded cleavage of Roquin to differentially regulate target mRNAs that control T cell activation and differentiation as well as the development of autoimmunity

    Keratinocyte-intrinsic BCL10/MALT1 activity initiates and amplifies psoriasiform skin inflammation

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    Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease arising from poorly defined pathological cross-talk between keratinocytes and the immune system. BCL10 (B cell lymphoma/leukemia 10) and MALT1 (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1) are ubiquitously expressed inflammatory signaling proteins that can interact with the psoriasis susceptibility factor CARD14, but their functions in psoriasis are insufficiently understood. We report that although keratinocyte-intrinsic BCL10/MALT1 deletions completely rescue inflammatory skin pathology triggered by germline Card14 gain-of-function mutation in mice, the BCL10/MALT1 signalosome is unexpectedly not involved in the CARD14-dependent interleukin-17 receptor (IL-17R) proximal pathway. Instead, it plays a more pleiotropic role by amplifying keratinocyte responses to a series of inflammatory cytokines, including IL-17A, IL-1 beta, and TNF. Moreover, selective keratinocyte-intrinsic activation of BCL10/MALT1 signaling with an artificial engager molecule is sufficient to initiate lymphocyte-mediated psoriasiform skin inflammation, and aberrant BCL10/MALT1 activity is frequently detected in the skin of human sporadic psoriasis. Together, these results establish that BCL10/MALT1 signalosomes can act as initiators and crucial amplifiers of psoriatic skin inflammation and indicate a critical function for this complex in sporadic psoriasis

    Brain-resident memory T cells generated early in life predispose to autoimmune disease in mice

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    Epidemiological studies associate viral infections during childhood with the risk of developing autoimmune disease during adulthood. However, the mechanistic link between these events remains elusive. We report that transient viral infection of the brain in early life, but not at a later age, precipitates brain autoimmune disease elicited by adoptive transfer of myelin-specific CD4(+) T cells at sites of previous infection in adult mice. Early-life infection of mouse brains imprinted a chronic inflammatory signature that consisted of brain-resident memory T cells expressing the chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 (CCL5). Blockade of CCL5 signaling via C-C chemokine receptor type 5 prevented the formation of brain lesions in a mouse model of autoimmune disease. In mouse and human brain, CCL5(+) T-RM were located predominantly to sites of microglial activation. This study uncovers how transient brain viral infections in a critical window in life might leave persisting chemotactic cues and create a long-lived permissive environment for autoimmunity

    IL-23 stabilizes an effector Treg cell program in the tumor microenvironment

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    Interleukin-23 (IL-23) is a proinflammatory cytokine mainly produced by myeloid cells that promotes tumor growth in various preclinical cancer models and correlates with adverse outcomes. However, as to how IL-23 fuels tumor growth is unclear. Here, we found tumor-associated macrophages to be the main source of IL-23 in mouse and human tumor microenvironments. Among IL-23-sensing cells, we identified a subset of tumor-infiltrating regulatory T (T-reg) cells that display a highly suppressive phenotype across mouse and human tumors. The use of three preclinical models of solid cancer in combination with genetic ablation of Il23r in T-reg cells revealed that they are responsible for the tumor-promoting effect of IL-23. Mechanistically, we found that IL-23 sensing represents a crucial signal driving the maintenance and stabilization of effector T-reg cells involving the transcription factor Foxp3. Our data support that targeting the IL-23/IL-23R axis in cancer may represent a means of eliciting antitumor immunity

    B cells orchestrate tolerance to the neuromyelitis optica autoantigen AQP4

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    Neuromyelitis optica is a paradigmatic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, in which the water-channel protein AQP4 is the target antigen1. The immunopathology in neuromyelitis optica is largely driven by autoantibodies to AQP42. However, the T cell response that is required for the generation of these anti-AQP4 antibodies is not well understood. Here we show that B cells endogenously express AQP4 in response to activation with anti-CD40 and IL-21 and are able to present their endogenous AQP4 to T cells with an AQP4-specific T cell receptor (TCR). A population of thymic B cells emulates a CD40-stimulated B cell transcriptome, including AQP4 (in mice and humans), and efficiently purges the thymic TCR repertoire of AQP4-reactive clones. Genetic ablation of Aqp4 in B cells rescues AQP4-specific TCRs despite sufficient expression of AQP4 in medullary thymic epithelial cells, and B-cell-conditional AQP4-deficient mice are fully competent to raise AQP4-specific antibodies in productive germinal-centre responses. Thus, the negative selection of AQP4-specific thymocytes is dependent on the expression and presentation of AQP4 by thymic B cells. As AQP4 is expressed in B cells in a CD40-dependent (but not AIRE-dependent) manner, we propose that thymic B cells might tolerize against a group of germinal-centre-associated antigens, including disease-relevant autoantigens such as AQP4. The immune system is tolerized against the neuromyelitis optica autoantigen AQP4 by thymic B cells, which present their endogenous AQP4 to AQP4-reactive thymocytes

    Evaluation of the Effect of CD70 Co-Expression on CD8 T Cell Response in Protein-Prime MVA-Boost Vaccination in Mice

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    Here, we investigate the potential of CD70 co-expression during viral vector boost vaccination to improve an antigen-specific T cell response. To determine the chance of activating antigen-specific T cells by CD70, we used the HBV core antigen as a model antigen in a heterologous protein-prime, Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) boost vaccination scheme. Both the HBV core and a CD70 expression cassette were co-expressed upon delivery by an MVA vector under the same promoter linked by a P2A site. To compare immunogenicity with and without CD70 co-expression, HBV-naïve, C57BL/6 (wt) mice and HBV-transgenic mice were prime-vaccinated using recombinant HBV core antigen followed by the MVA vector boost. Co-expression of CD70 increased the number of vaccine-induced HBV core-specific CD8 T cells by >2-fold and improved their effector functions in HBV-naïve mice. In vaccinated HBV1.3tg mice, the number and functionality of HBV core-specific CD8 T cells was slightly increased upon CD70 co-expression in low-viremic, but not in high-viremic animals. CD70 co-expression did not impact liver damage as indicated by ALT levels in the serum, but increased the number of vaccine-induced, proliferative T cell clusters in the liver. Overall, this study indicates that orchestrated co-expression of CD70 and a vaccine antigen may be an interesting and safe means of enhancing antigen-specific CD8 T cell responses using vector-based vaccines, although in our study it was not sufficient to break immune tolerance