25 research outputs found

    Dyson-Schwingerove jednadžbe, pioni i povezane činjenice

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    We recapitulate the aspects of Dyson-Schwinger equation (DSE) studies relevant to pseudoscalar mesons: lattice confirmation of the DSE prediction that propagators are nonperturbatively dressed in the infrared; and exact results, e.g., the leptonic decay constant vanishes for every pseudoscalar meson except the pion in the chiral limit.Dajemo sažet pregled izglednosti proučavanja Dyson-Schwingerove jednadžbe (DSE) koja se odnose na pseudoskalarne mezone: potvrdu računa na rešetki da su u infracrvenom području propagatori neperturbativno obučeni, i egzaktni ishodi, npr., da u kiralnoj granici leptonska konstanta raspada trne za sve pseudoskalarne mezone izuzev piona

    Global Dyson-Schwinger-Bethe-Salpeter Approach to Mesons with Open Flavour

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    Exploiting an interplay of the Bethe-Salpeter equation enabling us to regard mesons as bound states of quark and antiquark and the Dyson-Schwinger equation controlling the dressed quark propagator, we amend existing studies of quarkonia by a comprehensive description of open-flavour mesons composed of all conceivable combinations of quark flavour. Employing throughout a fixed set of model parameters, we predict some basic characteristics of these mesons, i.e., their masses, leptonic decay constants and corresponding in-hadron condensates entering in a generalized formulation of the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, contributed to "QCD@Work 2018 - International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics: Theory and Experiment" (25 - 28 June 2018, Matera, Italy

    Recent changes in the mutational dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease substantiate the danger of emerging resistance to antiviral drugs

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    IntroductionThe current coronavirus pandemic is being combated worldwide by nontherapeutic measures and massive vaccination programs. Nevertheless, therapeutic options such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) main-protease (Mpro) inhibitors are essential due to the ongoing evolution toward escape from natural or induced immunity. While antiviral strategies are vulnerable to the effects of viral mutation, the relatively conserved Mpro makes an attractive drug target: Nirmatrelvir, an antiviral targeting its active site, has been authorized for conditional or emergency use in several countries since December 2021, and a number of other inhibitors are under clinical evaluation. We analyzed recent SARS-CoV-2 genomic data, since early detection of potential resistances supports a timely counteraction in drug development and deployment, and discovered accelerated mutational dynamics of Mpro since early December 2021.MethodsWe performed a comparative analysis of 10.5 million SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences available by June 2022 at GISAID to the NCBI reference genome sequence NC_045512.2. Amino-acid exchanges within high-quality regions in 69,878 unique Mpro sequences were identified and time- and in-depth sequence analyses including a structural representation of mutational dynamics were performed using in-house software.ResultsThe analysis showed a significant recent event of mutational dynamics in Mpro. We report a remarkable increase in mutational variability in an eight-residue long consecutive region (R188-G195) near the active site since December 2021.DiscussionThe increased mutational variability in close proximity to an antiviral-drug binding site as described herein may suggest the onset of the development of antiviral resistance. This emerging diversity urgently needs to be further monitored and considered in ongoing drug development and lead optimization