197 research outputs found

    Airborne Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar measurements of vertical and horizontal wind speeds for the investigation of gravity waves

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    Gravity waves are well known phenomena in the atmosphere, but there is still a lack of knowledge of their life cycle including excitation, propagation and dissipation mechanisms. In order to investigate these topics, DLR’s coherent Doppler wind lidar system was recently deployed during 3 airborne campaigns on the Falcon F20 research aircraft, namely the GW-LCYCLE I campaign (Kiruna, Sweden, December 2013), the DEEPWAVE campaign (Christchurch, New Zealand, June/July 2014) and the GW-LCYCLE II campaign (Kiruna, Sweden, January/February 2016). In this paper, a case study based on a research flight performed during GW-LCYCLE I is discussed and a method for correcting horizontal wind contribution in the vertical wind retrieval based on ECMWF data is introduced. The remaining systematic error of the retrieved vertical wind is estimated to be less than 10 cm/s. A measurement of a flight leg across the Scandinavian mountain ridge is used to characterize gravity waves during strong forcing conditions. The measured vertical wind reaches amplitudes of larger than ± 3 m/s and horizontal wavelengths of 10 km to 20 km. A comparison with WRF-model calculations shows a quite good representation of the horizontal structure of the vertical wind. The amplitude however is obviously underestimated by a factor of 2 and shows maximum wind speeds of ± 1.5 m/s

    High‐Resolution Aircraft Observations of Turbulence and Waves in the Free Atmosphere and Comparison With Global Model Predictions

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    High-resolution flight data obtained from in situ measurements in the free atmosphere aboard the High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO) are used to determine eddy dissipation rates along extended flights during the recent Southern Hemisphere Transport, Dynamics, and Chemistry aircraft campaign (SOUTHTRAC) in the 2019 austral winter. These data are analyzed and correlated with quantities characterizing the ambient airflow and the magnitudes of vertical energy propagation through internal gravity waves. The observed turbulence events are strongly correlated with elevated shear values, and overturning gravity waves do not appear to play a role. A highlight of the analysis is the validation of a recently implemented Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) forecast index in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast integrated forecast system. Here we find a slightly better correlation of the CAT prediction with the HALO research aircraft observations compared to those of commercial aircraft. The observed turbulence during SOUTHTRAC was never stronger than moderate, as EDR values remained below 0.3 m2/3 s−1. In general, light and light-to-moderate turbulence events were extremely rare, occurring in only about 5% of the flight time, and stronger events in less than 0.2%. These results are also reflected in the local atmospheric conditions, which were dominated by a thermally very stable airflow with low vertical shear and large Richardson numbers

    An intercomparison of stratospheric gravity wave potential energy densities from METOP GPS radio occultation measurements and ECMWF model data

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    Temperature profiles based on radio occultation (RO) measurements with the operational European METOP satellites are used to derive monthly mean global distributions of stratospheric (20-40 km) gravity wave (GW) potential energy densities (E-P) for the period July 2014-December 2016. In order to test whether the sampling and data quality of this data set is sufficient for scientific analysis, we investigate to what degree the METOP observations agree quantitatively with ECMWF operational analysis (IFS data) and reanalysis (ERA-Interim) data. A systematic comparison between corresponding monthly mean temperature fields determined for a latitude-longitude-altitude grid of 5 degrees by 10 degrees by 1 km is carried out. This yields very low systematic differences between RO and model data below 30 km (i.e., median temperature differences is between -0.2 and +0.3 K), which increases with height to yield median differences of +1.0K at 34 km and +2.2K at 40 km. Comparing E-P values for three selected locations at which also ground-based lidar measurements are available yields excellent agreement between RO and IFS data below 35 km. ERA-Interim underestimates E-P under conditions of strong local mountain wave forcing over northern Scandinavia which is apparently not resolved by the model. Above 35 km, RO values are consistently much larger than model values, which is likely caused by the model sponge layer, which damps small-scale fluctuations above similar to 32 km altitude. Another reason is the well-known significant increase of noise in RO measurements above 35 km. The comparison between RO and lidar data reveals very good qualitative agreement in terms of the seasonal variation of E-P, but RO values are consistently smaller than lidar values by about a factor of 2. This discrepancy is likely caused by the very different sampling characteristics of RO and lidar observations. Direct comparison of the global data set of RO and model E-P fields shows large correlation coefficients (0.4-1.0) with a general degradation with increasing altitude. Concerning absolute differences between observed and modeled E-P values, the median difference is relatively small at all altitudes (but increasing with altitude) with an exception between 20 and 25 km, where the median difference between RO and model data is increased and the corresponding variability is also found to be very large. The reason for this is identified as an artifact of the E-P algorithm: this erroneously interprets the pronounced climatological feature of the tropical tropopause inversion layer (TTIL) as GW activity, hence yielding very large E-P values in this area and also large differences between model and observations. This is because the RO data show a more pronounced TTIL than IFS and ERA-Interim. We suggest a correction for this effect based on an estimate of this "artificial" E-P using monthly mean zonal mean temperature profiles. This correction may be recommended for application to data sets that can only be analyzed using a vertical background determination method such as the METOP data with relatively scarce sampling statistics. However, if the sampling statistics allows, our analysis also shows that in general a horizontal background determination is advantageous in that it better avoids contributions to E-P that are not caused by gravity waves

    Influences of source conditions on mountain wave penetration into the stratosphere and mesosphere

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    We present atmospheric gravity wave (GW) measurements obtained by a Rayleigh/Raman lidar at Lauder, New Zealand (45∘ S, 170∘ E) during and after the DEEPWAVE campaign. GW activity and characteristics are derived from 557 hours of high-resolution lidar data recorded between June and November 2014 in an altitude range between 28 and 76 km. In this period, strong GW activity occurred in sporadic intervals lasting a few days. Enhanced stratospheric GW potential energy density is detected during periods with high tropospheric wind speeds perpendicular to New Zealand's Southern Alps. These enhancements are associated with the occurrence of quasi-stationary GW (mountain waves). Surprisingly, the largest response in the mesosphere is observed for conditions with low to moderate lower tropospheric wind speeds (2–12 m/s). On the other hand, large-amplitude mountain waves excited by strong tropospheric forcings often do not reach mesospheric altitudes, either due to wave breaking and dissipation in the stratosphere or refraction away from New Zealand

    Does the rotational direction of a wind turbine impact the wake in a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer?

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    Stably stratified atmospheric boundary layers are often characterized by a veering wind profile, inwhich the wind direction changes clockwise with height in the Northern Hemisphere. Wind-turbine wakes re-spond to this veer in the incoming wind by stretching from a circular shape into an ellipsoid. We investigate therelationship between this stretching and the direction of the turbine rotation by means of large-eddy simulations.Clockwise rotating, counterclockwise rotating, and non-rotating actuator disc turbines are embedded in windfields of a precursor simulation with no wind veer and in wind fields with a Northern Hemispheric Ekman spiral,resulting in six combinations of rotor rotation and inflow wind condition. The wake strength, extension, width,and deflection depend on the interaction of the meridional component of Ekman spiral with the rotational direc-tion of the actuator disc, whereas the direction of the disc rotation only marginally modifies the wake if no veeris present. The differences result from the amplification or weakening/reversion of the spanwise and the verticalwind components due to the effect of the superposed disc rotation. They are also present in the streamwise windcomponent of the wake and in the total turbulence intensity. In the case of an counterclockwise rotating actuatordisc, the spanwise and vertical wind components increase directly behind the rotor, resulting in the same rota-tional direction in the whole wake while its strength decreases downwind. In the case of a clockwise rotatingactuator disc, however, the spanwise and vertical wind components of the near wake are weakened or even re-versed in comparison to the inflow. This weakening/reversion results in a downwind increase in the strength ofthe flow rotation in the wake or even a different rotational direction in the near wake in comparison to the farwake. The physical mechanism responsible for this difference can be explained by a simple linear superpositionof a veering inflow with a Rankine vortex

    Airborne coherent wind lidar measurements of the momentum flux profile from orographically induced gravity waves

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    In the course of the GW-LCYCLE II campaign, conducted in Jan/Feb 2016 from Kiruna, Sweden, coherent Doppler wind lidar (2 ”m DWL) measurements were performed from the DLR Falcon aircraft to investigate gravity waves induced by flow across the Scandinavian Alps. During a mountain wave event on 28 January 2016, a novel momentum flux (MF) scan pattern with fore and aft propagating laser beams was applied to the 2 ”m DWL. This allows us to measure the vertical wind and the horizontal wind along the flight track simultaneously with a high horizontal resolution of ≈800 m and hence enables us to derive the horizontal MF profile for a broad wavelength spectrum from a few hundred meters to several hundred kilometers. The functionality of this method and the corresponding retrieval algorithm is validated using a comparison against in situ wind data measured by the High Altitude and Long Range (HALO) aircraft which was also deployed in Kiruna for the POLSTRACC (Polar Stratosphere in a Changing Climate) campaign. Based on that, the systematic and random error of the wind speeds retrieved from the 2 ”m DWL observations are determined. Further, the measurements performed on that day are used to reveal significant changes in the horizontal wavelengths of the vertical wind speed and of the leg-averaged momentum fluxes in the tropopause inversion layer (TIL) region, which are likely to be induced by interfacial waves as recently presented by Gisinger et al. (2020).</p

    Changing the rotational direction of a wind turbine under veering inflow: a parameter study

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    All current-day wind-turbine blades rotate in clockwise direction as seen from an upstream perspective. The choice of the rotational direction impacts the wake if the wind profile changes direction with height. Here, we investigate the respective wakes for veering and backing winds in both hemispheres by means of large-eddy simulations. We quantify the sensitivity of the wake to the strength of the wind veer, the wind speed, and the rotational frequency of the rotor in the Northern Hemisphere. A veering wind in combination with counterclockwise-rotating blades results in a larger streamwise velocity output, a larger spanwise wake width, and a larger wake deflection angle at the same downwind distance in comparison to a clockwise-rotating turbine in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the same wake characteristics occur if the turbine rotates counterclockwise. These downwind differences in the wake result from the amplification or weakening or reversion of the spanwise wind component due to the effect of the superimposed vortex of the rotor rotation on the inflow's shear. An increase in the directional shear or the rotational frequency of the rotor under veering wind conditions increases the difference in the spanwise wake width and the wake deflection angle between clockwise- and counterclockwise-rotating actuators, whereas the wind speed lacks a significant impact

    Importance of Gravity Wave Forcing for Springtime Southern Polar Vortex Breakdown as Revealed by ERA5

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    Planetary waves (PWs) and gravity waves (GWs) are the key drivers of middle atmospheric circulation. Insufficient observations and inaccurate model representation of GWs limit our understanding of their stratospheric contributions, especially during the Antarctic polar vortex breakdown. This study employs the strength of the high-resolution ERA5 reanalysis in resolving a broad spectrum of GWs in southern midlatitudes and its ability to estimate their forcing during the breakdown period. Most of the resolved southern hemisphere GWs deposit momentum around 60°S over the Southern Ocean. Further, a zonal momentum budget analysis during the breakdown period reveals that the resolved GW forcing in ERA5 provides as much as one-fourth of the necessary wind deceleration at 60°S, 10 hPa. The parameterized GW drag, mostly from non-orographic sources, provides more than half of the wind deceleration. Both findings highlight the key role of GWs in the vortex breakdown and discuss possibilities for further stratospheric GW analysis

    Waves and clouds in the atmosphere above the southern Andes as seen by the CORAL Rayleigh lidar

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    Das CORAL-Lidar misst seit November 2017 in Tierra del Fuego, Argentinien (54°S) die Temperatur der AtmosphĂ€re bis in 100 km Höhe. In der StratosphĂ€re treten ĂŒber den sĂŒdlichen Anden durch Gebirgswellen verursachte Temperaturstörungen von ĂŒber 20 K Amplitude auf. In den kalten Phasen der Wellen können auf diese Weise polare StratosphĂ€renwolken auch in mittleren Breiten entstehen. In grĂ¶ĂŸeren Höhen, am oberen Rand der MesosphĂ€re, ist die Temperatur im Sommer kalt genug fĂŒr die Bildung von Eiswolken, den sogenannten leuchtenden Nachtwolken. Sie werden durch die Gezeitenwinde beeinflusst, sind stark durch Schwerewellen moduliert, und treten in der SĂŒdhemisphĂ€re nicht seltener auf als in der NordhemisphĂ€re, was man aufgrund der höheren Hintergrundtemperatur der sĂŒdlichen polaren MesosphĂ€re erwarten könnte. Wir zeigen eine Übersicht und ausgewĂ€hlte Beobachtungen von Wellen und Wolken in der mittleren AtmosphĂ€re aus fĂŒnf Jahren Lidar-Messungen

    Far‐Ranging Impact of Mountain Waves Excited Over Greenland on Stratospheric Dehydration and Rehydration

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    In situ observations of reduced stratospheric water vapor combined with those of ice particle formation are rarely conducted. On the one hand, they are essential to broaden our knowledge about the formation of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). On the other hand, the observed proles allow the comparison with global circulation models
