671 research outputs found

    Design and optimization of a YBCO based superconducting bolometer

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    30Cappa - The “Christmas” decree in kilometres

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    Following the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, in mid-December 2020 the Italian government introducedtravel restrictions during the Christmas holidays. In the implemented policies there was an exception:citizens of a municipality of up to 5,000 citizens can move within an area of 30 kilometers from their respectiveborders. This policy was used again in the following months to manage travel during the pandemic.30Cappa is a data visualization created by three civic hackers to give citizens the opportunity to understandthis policy (”cappa” is the pronunciation of the letter ”k” in Italian and means ”km”). The project consistsof a website where it is possible to receive information on the matter and the cartographic representationof the municipalities that correspond to the exception. The site has reached 350,000 unique visitors in twomonths and there has been a lot of talk about it in the media. This work highlights how the transformationof a policy into a tangible product such as a map created with the open data available, becomes an effectivetool to guide citizens and also to review the policies themselve

    L'articolo 116 comma 3 cost. quale strumento di valorizzazione della dimensione europea delle Regioni

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate on the ( possible) potentialities of the so-called differentiated regionalism with regard to relations between Regions and the European Union. Indeed, in particular, this model could be considered, albeit in an embryonic phase, functional to the definition, in the context of the European constitutional heritage, of a new phase of European governance coming from a lower level, characterised by a fruitful involvement of the Regions, based on real paths of loyal cooperation between the center and the outskirts
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