129 research outputs found

    Urban and rural mortality in Hungary parallel to diurnal weather (1971-2005)

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    Ponencia presentada en: VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Tarragona del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2008.[ES]Los posibles efectos de las anomalías del tiempo sobre la mortalidad por enfermedad cardiovascular y pulmonar son investigado en Hungría. Alrededor 2.8 millones de decesos (para el periodo 1971-2005) han sido analizados. Los datos de mortalidad son contrapuestos a siete datos meteorológicos diarios. Por ejemplo, temperatura mínima, media y máxima, nubosidad, velocidad del viento, humedad relativa y presión reducida al nivel del mar. Ya que la conexión estadística entre la frecuencia de la mortalidad y los datos meteorológicos es no lineal en algunos casos, empleamos cuatro cuadros macrosinópticos. Todos los análisis son realizados para Budapest (la capital de Hungría con dos milliones de habitantes) y para el área rural (que representa más de 8 milliones de residentes).[EN]Possible effects of weather anomalies on mortality in cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses are investigated in Hungary. Long-term (1971-2005) archives of ca. 2.8 million fatalities are analyzed. The mortality data are compared to seven diurnal meteorological parameters, i.e. the mean, maxima and minima of temperature, cloudiness, wind speed, relative humidity and sealevel pressure. Since the statistical connections between the mortality frequencies and the latter variables are non-linear in some cases, we also applied four different circulation types. All investigations are performed for Budapest, with its ca. 2 million urban dwellers, and for the remainder of the countryside (the ‘rural’), representing over 8 million inhabitants

    Nem-specifikus egészségproblémák vizsgálata modellrendszerekben = Non-specific health problems: studying model-systems

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    A nem-specifikus egészségproblémák vizsgálatára általunk választott és kipróbált modellrendszerek meglepően jónak bizonyultak, Világossá vált, hogy az enyhe homeosztatikus zavarok legjobban az állatokon, illetve embereken párhuzamosan végzett vizsgálatok segítségével értelmezhetők igazán. Noha a projekt kezdetén azzal az alaphipotézissel éltünk, hogy a nem-specifikus egészségproblémák elsősorban pszichogén eredetűek, komplex modelljeink eredményei ezt a feltételezést nem mindenben támasztották alá. Több esetben sikerült– többnyire látens, gyenge és átmeneti - biológiai változásokat kimutatni, amelyek azonban ritkán vagy egyáltalán nem jelentek meg a viselkedés szintjén, és sohasem sikerült tartós hatásukat kimutatni. Azt azonban nem lehet kizárni, hogy az alapszintű biológiai változások indirekte befolyásolhatnak számos élettani, sőt neuronális folyamatot, és közvetetten a viselkedést is. Az EMF, a placebo/nocebo jelenség, és a modern egészségféltés vizsgálati modelljei arra is felhívják a figyelmet, hogy ezek szinte sohasem elégségesek a magatartásban megjelenő elváltozások, panaszok képzésére; ehhez számos pszichés tényezőre is szükség van. Ez utóbbiak esetleg önmagukban is elégségesek (lehetnek). Ilyen lehet például a szomatoszenzoros amplifikáció, a szomatizációs hajlam, esetleg a spiritualitás és a pesszimizmus. Fontos precipitáló és/vagy fenntartó tényező lehet az egészségféltés és a nocebo-hatás, vagyis a kulturális meghatározottság nagyobb, mint korábban gondolták. | he model systems we had set up to study non-specific health problems have proven to be surprisingly suitable. It has become clear that moderate disturbances of the homeostasis can the best been understood by combining parallel human and animal studies, respectively. Although at the beginning we had supposed that non-specific health problems are primarily of psychogenic origin, our complex model studies have not confirmed this completely. Several times we have managed to show – usually latent, light and transient – biological changes which, however, have rarely or not appeared at the organismic or behavioural level and have never persisted. One cannot, however, exclude that basic biological changes may indirectly influence many physiological or neural processes, even behaviour. Our models of EMF, of the placebo/nocebo phenomenon and of modern health worries, respectively, also have proven, however, that these are hardly enough to generate behavioural changes and complaints, many psychological factors are also required. These latter, such as somatosensory amplification, somatisation, maybe spirituality and pessimism may, on the other hand, in themselves be enough, though. Important precipitating and/or sustaining factors could be health worries and the nocebo effect, thus, socio-cultural determination is much broader than it had been previously thought

    Can Triplet Loss Be Used for Multi-Label Few-Shot Classification? A Case Study

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    Few-shot learning is a deep learning subfield that is the focus of research nowadays. This paper addresses the research question of whether a triplet-trained Siamese network, initially designed for multi-class classification, can effectively handle multi-label classification. We conducted a case study to identify any limitations in its application. The experiments were conducted on a dataset containing Hungarian legal decisions of administrative agencies in tax matters belonging to a major legal content provider. We also tested how different Siamese embeddings compare on classifying a previously non-existing label on a binary and a multi-label setting. We found that triplet-trained Siamese networks can be applied to perform classification but with a sampling restriction during training. We also found that the overlap between labels affects the results negatively. The few-shot model, seeing only ten examples for each label, provided competitive results compared to models trained on tens of thousands of court decisions using tf-idf vectorization and logistic regression

    Effects of the Pentapeptide P33 on Memory and Synaptic Plasticity in APP/PS1 Transgenic Mice: A Novel Mechanism Presenting the Protein Fe65 as a Target

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    Regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) leads to the formation of fragments, among which the intracellular domain of APP (AICD) was also identified to be a causative of early pathological events. AICD-counteracting proteins, such as Fe65, may serve as alternative therapeutic targets of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The detection of elevated levels of Fe65 in the brains of both human patients and APP transgenic mice may further strengthen the hypothesis that influencing the interaction between Fe65 and APP may have a beneficial effect on the course of AD. Based on a PXP motif, proven to bind to the WW domain of Fe65, a new pentapeptide was designed and tested. The impedimental effect of P33 on the production of beta amyloid (A beta) (soluble fraction and aggregated plaques) and on the typical features of the AD pathology (decreased dendritic spine density, synaptic markers, elevated inflammatory reactions) was also demonstrated. Significant enhancements of both learning ability and memory function were observed in a Morris water maze paradigm. The results led us to formulate the theory that P33 acts by altering the conformation of Fe65 via binding to its WW domain, consequently hindering any interactions between Fe65 and key members involved in APP processing