71 research outputs found

    Perception of hypertensive patients about their non-adherence to the use of medication

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    This qualitative study aims to analyze the perception of patients with hypertension on their non-adherence to medication. 13 participants were interviewed, classified as non-adherent.The analysis was performed using the technique of thematic content analysis. Data points to contradictions in the approach of what is being adherent or not, the difficulty of adhering to the use of medication due to lifestyle habits, that forgetting is understood as a justification for non-compliance, and reinforces factors that hinder such practice, such as the use of many drugs, the presence of signs and symptoms and changes in daily routine. With complex conditions that involve non-adherence to treatment and the current context of the predominance of chronic diseases, it is essential to invest in innovative strategies of care for such people

    Modelos avaliativos e reforma sanitária Brasileira: enfoque qualitativo-participativo

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    Throughout the last years, there has been a growing interest in ongoing assessment proposals in Latin America, which are more far-reaching and not traditional. The aim of this study was to analyze the potential of qualitative-participatory evaluation in view of the challenge of strengthening health reforms in the region, particularly those considered progressive, such as the Brazilian case. There is the need to assess health reforms in a rigorous and permanent way, especially the incongruity when using normative models to evaluate health systems based on principles of universality, comprehensiveness, humanization and democratic management. In addition to the demand for assessment instruments and strategies, the Brazilian health reform requires the adoption of evaluation proposals and practices that are founded on other paradigms, distinct from the hegemonic one, in the sphere of health assessment. It is recommended that emerging evaluative models be used, such as those with a qualitative-participatory approach.Ao longo dos últimos anos, registra-se um crescente interesse por propostas avaliativas não tradicionais e mais abrangentes nos movimentos de reforma sanitária em curso na América Latina. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar potencialidades do enfoque avaliativo qualitativo-participativo ante o desafio de fortalecer as reformas sanitárias na região, particularmente aquelas que se configuram progressistas, como o caso brasileiro. Há necessidade de se avaliarem as reformas sanitárias rigorosa e permanentemente, sobretudo a incongruência do emprego de modelos normativos para avaliar sistemas de saúde baseados nos princípios de universalização, integralidade, humanização e gestão democrática. Além da demanda por estratégias e instrumentos de avaliação, a reforma sanitária brasileira requer a adoção de propostas e práticas avaliativas fundamentadas em outros paradigmas distintos daquele ainda hegemônico no âmbito da avaliação em saúde. Advoga-se pela utilização de modelos emergentes de avaliação, tais como os de corte qualitativo-participativo.A lo largo de los últimos años, se registra un interés creciente por propuestas evaluativas no tradicionales y más amplio en los movimientos de reforma sanitaria en curso en la América Latina. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo analizar potencialidades del enfoque evaluativo cualitativo-participativo frente al desafío de fortalecer las reformas sanitarias en la región, particularmente aquellas que se configuran como progresistas, como el caso brasilero. Hay necesidad de evaluar las reformas sanitarias de forma rigorosa y permanente, sobretodo la incongruencia del empleo de modelos normativos para evaluar sistemas de salud basados en los principios de universalización, integralidad, humanización y gestión democrática. Además de la demanda por estrategias e instrumentos de evaluación, la reforma sanitaria brasilera requiere la adopción de propuestas y prácticas evaluativas fundamentadas en otros paradigmas distintos de aquel hegemónico en el ámbito de la evaluación en salud. Se defiende la utilización de modelos emergentes de evaluación, tales como los de corte cualitativo-participativo

    Education, leadership and partnerships: nursing potential for Universal Health Coverage

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    Objective: to discuss possibilities of nursing contribution for universal health coverage. Method: a qualitative study, performed by means of document analysis of the World Health Organization publications highlighting Nursing and Midwifery within universal health coverage. Results: documents published by nursing and midwifery leaders point to the need for coordinated and integrated actions in education, leadership and partnership development. Final Considerations: this article represents a call for nurses, in order to foster reflection and understanding of the relevance of their work on the consolidation of the principles of universal health coverage
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