3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Modul Ajar Inovatif Bahasa Inggris Smp Dengan Menggunakan Artificial Intelligence (AI) Dan Game-Based Instructions (GBI)

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    Perubahan kurikulum sekolah dari KTSP 2013 menjadi Kurikulum Merdeka memberikan dampak pada guru di sekolah dan dosen LPTK. Guru harus menyesuaikan perangkat dan implementasi pembelajarannya; sedangkan dosen LPTK harus menyesuaikan (merekonstruksi) muatan kurikulum mata kuliah pembelajaran untuk mengakomodasi perkembangan  lapangan. Untuk membantu guru bahasa Inggris di sekolah, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Modul Ajar Inovatif secara kolaboratif berbasis berbagai aplikasi (AI dan aplikasi berbasis permainan) untuk menunjang  Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka (IKM). Kegiatan melibatkan 12 guru Bahasa Inggris dari 4 SMP yang berada di Kota Mataram dan 4 mahasiswa FKIP Universitas Mataram dan dilaksanakan secara bauran yaitu 3 kali tatap maya dengan Zoom meeting untuk penanaman konsep dan latihan terbimbing dan 1 kali secara offline untuk kegiatan praktik dan diskusi.  Dari serangkaian kegiatan PkM ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan PkM ini telah berjalan sesuai rencana. Khalayak sasaran telah memiliki bekal pengetahuan dan keterampilan terkait modul ajar inovatif, berbagai aplikasi untuk menunjang pengembangan modul ajar inovatif seperti Artificial Intelligence (AI), game-based instruction (quizizz, canva, classpoint, dll.). Khalayak sasaran telah menghasilkan draft modul ajar inovatif dengan menggunakan AI (ChatGPT/Google Bard) dan aplikasi permainan (GBI). Selain hasil di atas, kegiatan PkM ini juga menghasilkan materi pelatihan yang dikemas dengan Google Classroom yang digunakan oleh guru dan mahasiswa untuk pendalaman materi workshop

    Development of a Probability-Based In Vitro Eye Irritation Screening Platform

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    Traditional eye irritation assessments, which rely on animal models or ex vivo tissues, face limitations due to ethical concerns, costs, and low throughput. Although numerous in vitro tests have been developed, none have successfully reconciled the need for high experimental throughput with the accurate prediction of irritation potential, attributable to the complexity of irritation mechanisms. Simple cell models, while suitable for high-throughput screening, offer limited mechanistic insights, contrasting with more physiologically relevant but less scalable complex organotypic corneal tissue constructs. This study presents a novel strategy to enhance the predictive accuracy of screening-compatible simple cell models in eye irritation testing. Our method combines the results of two in vitro assays—cell apoptosis and nociceptor (TRPV1) activation—using micropatterned chips to partition human corneal epithelial cells into numerous discrete small populations. Following exposure to test compounds, we measure apoptosis and nociceptor activation responses. The large datasets collected from the cell micropatterns facilitate binarization and statistical fitting to calculate a mathematical probability, which assesses the compound’s potential to cause eye irritation. This method potentially enables the amalgamation of multiple mechanistic readouts into a singular index, providing a more accurate and reliable prediction of eye irritation potential in a format amenable to high-throughput screening.</p

    Hydroxyapatite-intertwined hybrid nanofibres for the mineralization of osteoblasts

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    Advances in tissue engineering have enabled the development of bioactive composite materials to generate biomimetic nanofibrous scaffolds for bone replacement therapies. Polymeric biocomposite nanofibrous scaffolds architecturally mimic the native extracellular matrix (ECM), delivering tremendous regenerative potential for bone tissue engineering. In the present study, biocompatible poly(l-lactic acid)-co-poly(ε-caprolactone)-silk fibroin-hydroxyapatite-hyaluronic acid (PLACL-SF-HaP-HA) nanofibrous scaffolds were fabricated by electrospinning to mimic the native ECM. The developed nanofibrous scaffolds were characterized in terms of fibre morphology, functional group, hydrophilicity and mechanical strength, using SEM, FTIR, contact angle and tabletop tensile-tester, respectively. The nanofibrous scaffolds showed a higher level of pore size and increased porosity of up to 95% for the exchange of nutrients and metabolic wastes. The fibre diameters obtained were in the range of around 255 ± 13.4-789 ± 22.41 nm. Osteoblasts cultured on PLACL-SF-HaP-HA showed a significantly (p < 0.001) higher level of proliferation (53%) and increased osteogenic differentiation and mineralization (63%) for the inclusion of bioactive molecules SF-HA. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) data proved that the presence of calcium and phosphorous in PLACL-SF-HaP-HA nanofibrous scaffolds was greater than in the other nanofibrous scaffolds with cultured osteoblasts. The obtained results for functionalized PLACL-SF-HaP-HA nanofibrous scaffolds proved them to be a potential biocomposite for bone tissue engineering. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd