61 research outputs found

    The Relative Effectiveness of Selected Active Labour Market Programmes and the Common Support Problem

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    For Germany, we analyse the (relative) effects of participation in several active labour market programmes on the employment prospects of participants. First, our results show that different matching algorithms result in different severe problems of common support. Second, we obtain favourable effects of participation in training programmes, which is not true for job creation schemes. Third, while lock-in effects are smaller for shorter programmes, long retraining shows mainly positive effects compared to shorter training at the end of the observation period. Fourth, participants in job creation schemes are too different from participants in training programmes to conduct a reliable comparison.evaluation of active labour market programmes, propensity score matching, common support problem

    A pairwise comparison of the effectiveness of selected active labour market programmes in Germany

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    "For Germany, our study estimates average effects of further vocational training, short training and job creation schemes on the employment prospects of participants. We compare participation in each programme with non-participation as well as with participation in one of the other programmes. Outcome variables are cumulated days spent in regular employment during the 3.5 years after programme start as well as the share in regular employment at the end of the observation period. First, our results show rather favourable effects of participation in further vocational training programmes and in short firm-internal training - but not of participation in job creation schemes - on the employment prospects of participants. Second, as a result of shorter lock-in effects, shorter programmes perform mostly better when estimating programme effects on days in cumulated employment. However, regarding shares in regular employment at the end of the observation period, in particular long retraining shows positive effects compared to shorter programmes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme - Erfolgskontrolle, Weiterbildung, Trainingsmaßnahme, Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme, Umschulung, Arbeitsmarktchancen, Teilnehmer, Beschäftigungsdauer, arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme - Dauer

    A pairwise comparison of the effectiveness of selected active labour market programmes in Germany

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    Wir untersuchen die Wirkung im März 2003 begonnener Weiterbildungs-, Trainings- und Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen auf die Arbeitsmarktchancen der Geförderten. Hierzu werden die jeweiligen Teilnehmer sowohl mit einer ähnlichen Gruppe nicht geförderter Personen als auch mit ähnlichen Teilnehmern an anderen Maßnahmen verglichen. Der Beobachtungszeitraum umfasst 3,5 Jahre nach Förderbeginn; Ergebnisvariablen sind die kumulierten Tage in ungeförderter Beschäftigung in diesem Zeitraum sowie der Anteil in ungeförderter Beschäftigung am Ende des Zeitraums. Die Befunde weisen zunächst darauf hin, dass die Teilnahme an Weiterbildungs- und Trainingsmaßnahmen - nicht aber an Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen - positive Effekte auf die Beschäftigungschancen der Geförderten hat. Der Programmvergleich zeigt: Wird der Effekt auf die kumulierten Tage in Beschäftigung untersucht, schneiden kürzere Programme im Vergleich zu längeren Maßnahmen besser ab - dies folgt vor allem aus den geringeren Einbindungseffekten. Allerdings haben mehrjährige Umschulungsmaßnahmen am Ende des Beobachtungszeitraums eine besonders positive Wirkung auf den Anteil in ungeförderter Beschäftigung

    Auswirkungen organisatorischen Wandels auf die betriebliche Arbeitsnachfrage

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    Against the background of the existing theoretical and empirical evidence of skill-biased technological and organisational change, this paper investigates the effects of organisational change on labour demand between 1996 and 2004 using linked-employer-employee-data (LIAB) from the German Institute for Employment Research. By estimating dynamic labour demand functions for western and eastern Germany, we are able to show that the introduction of new work and/or production patterns has a positive effect on the overall employment level. In addition, we find significant shifts in labour demand at the expense of unskilled workers due to organisational change, while organisational change increases the demand for skilled workers

    The relative effectiveness of selected active labour market programmes and the common support problem

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    For Germany, we analyse the (relative) effects of participation in several active labour market programmes on the employment prospects of participants. First, our results show that different matching algorithms result in different severe problems of common support. Second, we obtain favourable effects of participation in training programmes, which is not true for job creation schemes. Third, while lock-in effects are smaller for shorter programmes, long retraining shows mainly positive effects compared to shorter training at the end of the observation period. Fourth, participants in job creation schemes are too different from participants in training programmes to conduct a reliable comparison

    A pairwise comparison of the effectiveness of selected active labour market programmes in Germany

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    "For Germany, our study estimates average effects of further vocational training, short training and job creation schemes on the employment prospects of participants. We compare participation in each programme with non-participation as well as with participation in one of the other programmes. Outcome variables are cumulated days spent in regular employment during the 3.5 years after programme start as well as the share in regular employment at the end of the observation period. First, our results show rather favourable effects of participation in further vocational training programmes and in short firm-internal training - but not of participation in job creation schemes - on the employment prospects of participants. Second, as a result of shorter lock-in effects, shorter programmes perform mostly better when estimating programme effects on days in cumulated employment. However, regarding shares in regular employment at the end of the observation period, in particular long retraining shows positive effects compared to shorter programmes." (author's abstract)"Wir untersuchen die Wirkung im März 2003 begonnener Weiterbildungs-, Trainings- und Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen auf die Arbeitsmarktchancen der Geförderten. Hierzu werden die jeweiligen Teilnehmer sowohl mit einer ähnlichen Gruppe nicht geförderter Personen als auch mit ähnlichen Teilnehmern an anderen Maßnahmen verglichen. Der Beobachtungszeitraum umfasst 3,5 Jahre nach Förderbeginn; Ergebnisvariablen sind die kumulierten Tage in ungeförderter Beschäftigung in diesem Zeitraum sowie der Anteil in ungeförderter Beschäftigung am Ende des Zeitraums. Die Befunde weisen zunächst darauf hin, dass die Teilnahme an Weiterbildungs- und Trainingsmaßnahmen - nicht aber an Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen positive Effekte auf die Beschäftigungschancen der Geförderten hat. Der Programmvergleich zeigt: Wird der Effekt auf die kumulierten Tage in Beschäftigung untersucht, schneiden kürzere Programme im Vergleich zu längeren Maßnahmen besser ab - dies folgt vor allem aus den geringeren Einbindungseffekten. Allerdings haben mehrjährige Umschulungsmaßnahmen am Ende des Beobachtungszeitraums eine besonders positive Wirkung auf den Anteil in ungeförderter Beschäftigung." (Autorenreferat

    Auswirkungen organisatorischen Wandels auf die betriebliche Arbeitsnachfrage (Effects of organisational change on firms' demand for labour)

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    "Against the background of the existing theoretical and empirical evidence of skill-biased technological and organisational change, this paper investigates the effects of organisational change on labour demand between 1996 and 2004 using linked-employer-employee-data (LIAB) from the German Institute for Employment Research. By estimating dynamic labour demand functions for western and eastern Germany, we are able to show that the introduction of new work and/or production patterns has a positive effect on the overall employment level. In addition, we find significant shifts in labour demand at the expense of unskilled workers due to organisational change, while organisational change increases the demand for skilled workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))organisatorischer Wandel - Auswirkungen, Arbeitskräftenachfrage, Personaleinstellung, Beschäftigungseffekte, IAB-Linked-Employer-Employee-Datensatz, Qualifikationsstruktur

    A Note on the Determinants and Consequences of Outsourcing Using German Data

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    Using German data from the Institute for Employment Research Establishment Panel, this paper constructs two main measures of outsourcing and examines their determinants and consequences for employment. There are some commonalities in the correlates of the two measures of outsourcing, as well as agreement on the absence of adverse employment effects across all industries. For one specification, however, some negative effects are reported for manufacturing industry, balanced by positive effects for the services sector for another. But there are no indications of survival bias. This is because the association between outsourcing and plant closings is predominantly negative, albeit poorly determined.outsourcing, organizational change, employment change, plant closings, value added

    A Note on the Determinants and Consequences of Outsourcing Using German Data

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    Using German data from the Institute for Employment Research Establishment Panel, this paper constructs two main measures of outsourcing and examines their determinants and consequences for employment. There are some commonalities in the correlates of the two measures of outsourcing, as well as agreement on the absence of adverse employment effects across all industries. For one specification, however, some negative effects are reported for manufacturing industry, balanced by positive effects for the services sector for another. But there are no indications of survival bias. This is because the association between outsourcing and plant closings is predominantly negative, albeit poorly determined.outsourcing, organizational change, employment change, plant closings, value added

    The Structure of Collective Bargaining and Worker Representation: Change and Persistence in the German Model

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    This paper depicts and examines the decline in collective bargaining coverage in Germany. Using repeat cross-section and longitudinal data from the IAB Establishment Panel, we show the overwhelming importance of behavioral as opposed to compositional change and, for the first time, document workplace transitions into and out of collective agreements via survival analysis. We provide estimates of the median duration of coverage, and report that the factors generating entry and exit are distinct and symmetric.sectoral and firm agreements, changes in collective bargaining/works council coverage, shift-share analysis, bargaining transitions, survivability