368 research outputs found

    Defining and classifying TQFTs via surgery

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    We give a presentation of the nn-dimensional oriented cobordism category Cobn\text{Cob}_n with generators corresponding to diffeomorphisms and surgeries along framed spheres, and a complete set of relations. Hence, given a functor FF from the category of smooth oriented manifolds and diffeomorphisms to an arbitrary category CC, and morphisms induced by surgeries along framed spheres, we obtain a necessary and sufficient set of relations these have to satisfy to extend to a functor from Cobn\text{Cob}_n to CC. If CC is symmetric and monoidal, then we also characterize when the extension is a TQFT. This framework is well-suited to defining natural cobordism maps in Heegaard Floer homology. It also allows us to give a short proof of the classical correspondence between (1+1)-dimensional TQFTs and commutative Frobenius algebras. Finally, we use it to classify (2+1)-dimensional TQFTs in terms of J-algebras, a new algebraic structure that consists of a split graded involutive nearly Frobenius algebra endowed with a certain mapping class group representation. This solves a long-standing open problem. As a corollary, we obtain a structure theorem for (2+1)-dimensional TQFTs that assign a vector space of the same dimension to every connected surface. We also note that there are 22ω2^{2^\omega} nonequivalent lax monoidal TQFTs over C\mathbb{C} that do not extend to (1+1+1)-dimensional ones.Comment: 68 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Quantum Topolog

    Spectral order for contact manifolds with convex boundary

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    We extend the Heegaard Floer homological definition of spectral order for closed contact 3-manifolds due to Kutluhan, Mati\'c, Van Horn-Morris, and Wand to contact 3-manifolds with convex boundary. We show that the order of a codimension zero contact submanifold bounds the order of the ambient manifold from above. As the neighborhood of an overtwisted disk has order zero, we obtain that overtwisted contact structures have order zero. We also prove that the order of a small perturbation of a 2Ď€2\pi Giroux torsion domain has order at most two, hence any contact structure with positive Giroux torsion has order at most two (and, in particular, a vanishing contact invariant).Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Algebraic and Geometric Topolog

    Contact handles, duality, and sutured Floer homology

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    We give an explicit construction of the Honda--Kazez--Mati\'c gluing maps in terms of contact handles. We use this to prove a duality result for turning a sutured manifold cobordism around, and to compute the trace in the sutured Floer TQFT. We also show that the decorated link cobordism maps on the hat version of link Floer homology defined by the first author via sutured manifold cobordisms and by the second author via elementary cobordisms agree.Comment: 86 pages, 54 figures, to appear in Geometry and Topolog

    Knot cobordisms, bridge index, and torsion in Floer homology

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    Given a connected cobordism between two knots in the 3-sphere, our main result is an inequality involving torsion orders of the knot Floer homology of the knots, and the number of local maxima and the genus of the cobordism. This has several topological applications: The torsion order gives lower bounds on the bridge index and the band-unlinking number of a knot, the fusion number of a ribbon knot, and the number of minima appearing in a slice disk of a knot. It also gives a lower bound on the number of bands appearing in a ribbon concordance between two knots. Our bounds on the bridge index and fusion number are sharp for Tp,qT_{p,q} and Tp,q#T‾p,qT_{p,q}\# \overline{T}_{p,q}, respectively. We also show that the bridge index of Tp,qT_{p,q} is minimal within its concordance class. The torsion order bounds a refinement of the cobordism distance on knots, which is a metric. As a special case, we can bound the number of band moves required to get from one knot to the other. We show knot Floer homology also gives a lower bound on Sarkar's ribbon distance, and exhibit examples of ribbon knots with arbitrarily large ribbon distance from the unknot.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the Journal of Topolog

    Sutured Floer homology, fibrations, and taut depth one foliations

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    For an oriented irreducible 3-manifold M with non-empty toroidal boundary, we describe how sutured Floer homology (SFHSFH) can be used to determine all fibered classes in H1(M)H^1(M). Furthermore, we show that the SFHSFH of a balanced sutured manifold (M,γ)(M,\gamma) detects which classes in H1(M)H^1(M) admit a taut depth one foliation such that the only compact leaves are the components of R(γ)R(\gamma). The latter had been proved earlier by the first author under the extra assumption that H2(M)=0H_2(M)=0. The main technical result is that we can obtain an extremal Spinc\text{Spin}^c-structure s\mathfrak{s} (i.e., one that is in a `corner' of the support of SFHSFH) via a nice and taut sutured manifold decomposition even when H2(M)≠0H_2(M) \neq 0, assuming the corresponding group SFH(M,γ,s)SFH(M,\gamma,\mathfrak{s}) has non-trivial Euler characteristic.Comment: 30 pages, improved expositio

    Holomorphic discs and sutured manifolds

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    In this paper we construct a Floer-homology invariant for a natural and wide class of sutured manifolds that we call balanced. This generalizes the Heegaard Floer hat theory of closed three-manifolds and links. Our invariant is unchanged under product decompositions and is zero for nontaut sutured manifolds. As an application, an invariant of Seifert surfaces is given and is computed in a few interesting cases.Comment: This is the version published by Algebraic & Geometric Topology on 4 October 200

    Functoriality of the EH class and the LOSS invariant under Lagrangian concordances

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    We show that the EH class and the LOSS invariant of Legendrian knots in contact 3-manifolds are functorial under regular Lagrangian concordances in Weinstein cobordisms. This gives computable obstructions to the existence of regular Lagrangian concordances.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Algebraic and Geometric Topolog
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