260 research outputs found
Do Givers Really Gain? A study of relationship benefits and sacrifices in BNI a referral network organisation
The purpose of this study is to explore how relationship benefits and sacrifices matter in relation to members of referral networks and how these aspects affect overall member satisfaction. This study has an explanatory research approach since it aims to, by testing hypotheses; explain the impact relationship benefits and sacrifices have on satisfaction. It is based on both qualitative and quantitative data, where the qualitative material acts as preparation for the quantitative data collection in order to structure reliable and relevant hypothesis and survey questions. The study is based on previous existing literature and theories on relationship marketing as well as referral networking. Relationship benefits and sacrifices have also been studies as well as the Relationship Profitability Model. The study builds upon a case study about BNI- Business Network International, in Sweden and Denmark. The study has three explorative parts; firstly face-to-face interviews were performed in order to develop relevant hypotheses. Surveys were conducted based on the qualitative data as well as on previous research with the purpose to identify the referral network memberâs opinions on relationship benefits and sacrifices. Observations during the BNI meetings further assisted in understanding the structure of BNI. Results show that all benefits (functional, social and psychological) have an impact on the BNI membersâ overall CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) and all benefits have a positive correlation with the members CSI. All sacrifices except one have an impact on BNI membersâ CSI. Functional benefits have the greatest impact on members overall satisfaction, both when analyzing the aspects individually and in totality. âBusiness opportunitiesâ is the benefit that impact member CSI the most. Psychological benefits have in totality the second highest impact on members overall satisfaction, where âtrustâ is the benefit which has the highest impact among these. This leaves social benefits with the least impact on members overall satisfaction. Functional benefits are also considered most important to the BNI members. This study contributes to the relationship marketing field since it applies mentioned previous theories regarding B2C and B2B to a relationship network context where power is more equal than in a buyer-seller relationship. The theoretical contribution of this study is therefore that referral marketing is studied in a network context as well as at member level. In summary this study contributes to an overall understanding of impact and importance of relationship benefits and sacrifices in a referral network
Dispersal of young-of-the-year brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) from spawning beds
Stocking of brown trout eggs Salmo trutta L. and construction of spawning beds are common measures in habitat restored streams. However, knowledge about how young-ofthe-year (YOY) trout disperse from stocking points and spawning beds, and how it relates to biotic and abiotic factors, are sparse. This study was conducted to explore dispersal differences among families, if dispersal is restricted to a limited area, if habitat characteristics have an impact on the dispersal, and if trout managers have to take YOY trout dispersal into account for successful restoration. Dispersal of YOY trout was investigated at the end of the first growing season in a stream in northern Sweden where the former trout population had been depleted. Trout eggs from eight families were stocked in three stocking points in March 2015. In August and September 2015 the trout were located by the means of electrofishing. Body length was measured and tissue samples were collected from the anal-fin. A DNA analysis using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers was conducted to confirm origin of the individuals. More individuals were dispersed downstream than upstream and the majority of the individuals stayed within a distance of 200 m from the stocking point. Body length and dispersal direction did not have any effect on the distance dispersed. Only one of the families showed a different dispersal pattern than the others, individuals did not stay in the direct vicinity of the stocking point and were aggregated further downstream than other families. Habitat characteristics were found to have an impact on the number of trout located at specific stream sections and on the dispersal distance. These findings can make restoration projects more successful as they facilitate trout managers to find strategic egg stocking points.Vid habitatrestaurering av vattendrag Ă€r Ă„terskapande av lekbottnar och utsĂ€ttning av öringsrom Salmo trutta L. vanliga Ă„tgĂ€rder. Dock Ă€r kunskapen om hur Ă„rsöringar sprider sig frĂ„n lekbottnar och utsĂ€ttningspunkter, och hur det kan relateras till biotiska och abiotiska faktorer, begrĂ€nsad. Denna studie har utförts för att undersöka spridningsskillnader mellan familjer av öring, om spridning Ă€r begrĂ€nsad till ett specifikt omrĂ„de, om habitat har en pĂ„verkan pĂ„ spridning och om hĂ€nsyn bör tas till Ă„rsöringars spridningsmönster i restaureringsprojekt. Ă
rsöringarnas spridning undersöktes i slutet av första tillvÀxtsÀsongen i ett vattendrag i norra Sverige som inte hade nÄgon befintlig öringspopulation. I mars 2015 sattes rom frÄn Ätta familjer ut i tre olika utsÀttningspunkter. Under elfisken i augusti och september 2015 mÀttes öringarnas kroppslÀngd och vÀvnadsprover togs frÄn analfenan. En DNA analys utfördes med hjÀlp av Single Nucleotide Polymorphism(SNP)- markörer för att faststÀlla vilka familjer individerna tillhörde. Fler individer spred sig nedströms Àn uppströms. Majoriteten av alla individer spred sig inte lÀngre Àn 200 m frÄn utsÀttningspunkten. KroppslÀngd och spridningsriktning visade sig inte ha nÄgon effekt pÄ spridningsavstÄndet. En av familjerna uppvisade ett avvikande spridningsmönster i jÀmförelse med de andra familjerna, individerna stannande inte i utsÀttningspunktens direkta nÀrhet och de var aggregerade lÀngre nedströms Àn de andra familjerna. De undersökta habitatvariablerna visade sig ha en pÄverkan pÄ antalet öringar i habitatet och spridningsavstÄndet. Resultatet av denna studie kan underlÀtta vid restaureringsarbeten genom att fungera som underlag för lÀmplig placering av romutsÀttningspunkter
SlÀpp tyglarna och ta kontrollen - en studie om mjuka vÀrdens betydelse inom ledarskap
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att diskutera betydelsen av mjuka vÀrden inom ledarskap. Jag diskuterar detta genom följande frÄgestÀllning: Hur kan samspel med en hÀst utveckla ledares och chefers kÀnslomÀssiga skicklighet och mellanmÀnskliga relationer? Problemformulering: Det svenska samhÀllet speglar idag ledare och chefer som frÀmst tÀnker logiskt och strukturerar effektivt. LÀnge har företag som har sökt efter nya lÀmpliga chefs- och ledarkandidater tittat pÄ komponenter som att kandidaten har ett högt IQ, en logisk, analytisk och ekonomisk skicklighet. NÀr valet har stÄtt mellan en mer rationellt tÀnkande person och en mer kÀnslomÀssigt utrustad person har jobbet nÀstan alltid tillfallit den förstnÀmnda. Ledarens IQ och tekniska fÀrdigheter Àr nödvÀndiga men för att bli en fullÀndad ledare behöver han utveckla sin kÀnslomÀssiga kompetens menar en del forskare. Fokus pÄ mjuka vÀrden som relationer, engagemang, vÀrderingar, kÀnslor har ökat inom ledarskapsdiskursen de senaste Ären men det Àr fortfarande sparsamt representerat inom den vetenskapliga litteraturen. Metod: Kvalitativ metod i form av deltagande observationer och intervjuer med chefer och ledare som trÀnar sitt ledarskap med hjÀlp av hÀst som verktyg. En kvalitativ forskning har utförts dÄ jag anser att det valda forskningsomrÄdet krÀver djupa svar och observationsbeskrivningar för att ge en rÀttvisande bild. Resultat: NÀr chefern och ledarna förstÄr sig sjÀlv och kan hantera sina kÀnslor Àr de redo att möta sina medarbetare, leda och hantera dem sÄ att en relation kan utvecklas. Relationen byggs upp med hjÀlp av en ömsesidig respekt, Àrlig kommunikation och ett samarbete dÀr alla fÄr vara med och pÄverka
Does cold and wet weather at hatching affect the survival of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) chicks in Sweden?
TjÀderpopulationen Tetrao urogallus L. har under det senaste Ärtiondet minskat i tÀthet i stora delar av sitt utbredningsomrÄde. Det Àr dÀrför viktigt att undersöka faktorerna som kan pÄverka tjÀderns fortplantning och överlevnad. Det rÄder delade meningar kring den frÀmsta orsaken till nedgÄngen. De flesta Àr eniga om att klimatet har en pÄverkan, men samspel mellan olika faktorer och lokala förhÄllanden Àr oftast avgörande för hur stor denna pÄverkan blir. Syftet med vÄr undersökning var att testa hypotesen rörande att lÄga temperaturer i samband med nederbörd leder till en högre mortalitet hos tjÀderkycklingar perioden efter klÀckning. Vi var intresserade av att se om denna hypotes stÀmmer, samt att se om effekten i sÄ fall var gemensam för alla lÀn i Sverige. Resultatet har framstÀllts genom att analysera lÀnsvis avskjutningsstatistik erhÄllet frÄn Svenska JÀgareförbundet samt dygnsvÀrden av medeltemperatur och nederbördssummor frÄn SMHI. Dataunderlaget var vÀl fördelat över landet frÄn Ären 1960 - 2012. För att se effekten av vÀdrets pÄverkan pÄ de unga kycklingarna har vi valt att undersöka perioden 1 - 30 juni dÄ största delen av klÀckningen sker inom detta tidsintervall. VÄr studie stödjer inte hypotesen om att lÄga temperaturer i samband med nederbörd leder till en högre mortalitet hos tjÀderkycklingarna just efter klÀckning i Sverige. LÀnen uppvisar dock en viss skillnad sinsemellan. Resultatet Àr pÄlitligt dÄ ingen signifikans hittades i 15 av 16 lÀn. Andra faktorer sÄ som predation kan tÀnkas spela en viktig roll nÀr det gÀller populationsstorleken hos tjÀder.The capercaillie Tetrao urogallus L population has decreased in many parts of its range over the past decade. That is why it is important to study the factors that may influence capercaillie reproduction and survival. There are different opinions about the main reason for the decline. Most agree that the climate has an influence, but the interplay between various factors and local conditions is often critical to how great this impact will be. The aim of our study was to test the hypothesis concerning how low temperatures associated with precipitation leads to a higher mortality in capercaillie chicks the period after hatching. We were interested to see if this hypothesis is valid in Sweden, and to see if the effect was the same for all counties. The results have been obtained by analyzing shooting statistics from each county obtained from the Swedish Hunters Association and the daily values of average temperature and rainfall distributed across the country over the years of 1960 - 2012. To see the effect of the weather's impact on the chickens we have chosen to examine the period from June 1 to June 30 which is the time period when most of the hatching occurs. Our analysis does not support the hypothesis that the precipitation and cold temperatures has an effect on the population size of capercaillie in Sweden. The counties, however, shows a slight difference between them. The result is reliable as no significance was found in 15 of 16 counties. Other factors such as predation may play an important role in the population size of capercaillie
Organizational approaches to collaboration in vocational rehabilitationâan international literature review
<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Collaboration between welfare organizations is an important strategy for integrating different health and welfare services. This article reports a review of the international literature on vocational rehabilitation, focusing on different organizational models of collaboration as well as different barriers and facilitating factors.</p><p> <strong>Methods: </strong>The review was based on an extensive search in scientific journals from 1995 to 2010, which generated more than 13 000 articles. The number of articles was reduced in different steps through a group procedure based on the abstracts. Finally, 205 articles were read in full text and 62 were included for content analysis. <strong></strong></p><p><strong>Results: </strong>Seven basic models of collaboration were identified in the literature. They had different degrees of complexity, intensity and formalization. They could also be combined in different ways. Several barriers and facilitators of collaboration were also identified. Most of these were related to factors as communication, trust and commitment.</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>There is<strong> </strong>no optimal model of collaboration to be applied everywhere, but one model could be more appropriate than others in a certain context. More research is needed to compare different models and to see whether they are applicable also in other fields of collaboration inside or outside the welfare system.</p
Dispersal of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) fry in a low gradient stream - implications for egg stocking practices
Stocking of eggs is a common strategy to support declining or reintroduce extirpated salmonid populations. Data on how juveniles disperse from stocking points is crucial to be able to design efficient stocking programs. Detailed information of dispersal is limited for many salmonids, for example, brown trout. In this study, dispersal distance was measured at the end of the first growing season in a low gradient (0.7%) stream in Sweden where the trout population had been depleted. Eggs from 17 separate sets of parents were stocked as eyed eggs in March. During the following fall fry were sampled throughout the stream. The majority of the fry dispersed downstream and remained within a distance of 200 m from the stocking point with no difference between sizes of fry and the presence of a competing cohort or not. There was no dissimilarity in dispersal distances across offspring originating from different parents indicating absence of genetic influence. Our results suggest that, in streams similar to our study site, stocking points should be separated by approximately 330 m in order to avoid overlap in habitat use of fry from different stocking points and that the presence of competing cohorts, fry size and within population variability in dispersal can be neglected
Intrapartum zigzag pattern of fetal heart rate is an early sign of fetal hypoxia : A large obstetric retrospective cohort study
Introduction The aim of the present study was to identify possible associations of fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns during the last 2 hours of labor with fetal asphyxia expressed by umbilical artery acidemia at birth and with neonatal complications in a large obstetric cohort. Material and methods Cardiotocographic recordings from 4988 singleton term childbirths over 1 year were evaluated retrospectively and blinded to the pregnancy and neonatal outcomes in a university teaching hospital in Helsinki, Finland. Umbilical artery pH, base excess and pO(2), low Apgar scores at 5 minutes, need for intubation and resuscitation, early neonatal hypoglycemia, and neonatal encephalopathy were used as outcome variables. According to the severity of the neonatal complications at birth, the cohort was divided into three groups: no complications (Group 1), moderate complications (Group 2) and severe complications (Group 3). Results Of the 4988 deliveries, the ZigZag pattern (FHR baseline amplitude changes of >25 bpm with a duration of 2-30 minutes) occurred in 11.7%, late decelerations in 41.0%, bradycardia episodes in 52.9%, reduced variability in 36.7%, tachycardia episodes in 13.9% and uterine tachysystole in 4.6%. No case of saltatory pattern (baseline amplitude changes of >25 bpm with a duration of >30 minutes) was observed. The presence of the ZigZag pattern or late decelerations, or both, was associated with cord blood acidemia (odds ratio [OR] 3.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.3-4.7) and severe neonatal complications (Group 3) (OR 3.3, 95% CI 2.4-4.9). In contrast, no significant associations existed between the other FHR patterns and severe neonatal complications. ZigZag pattern preceded late decelerations in 88.7% of the cases. A normal FHR preceded the ZigZag pattern in 90.4% of the cases, whereas after ZigZag episodes, a normal FHR pattern was observed in only 0.9%. Conclusions ZigZag pattern and late decelerations during the last 2 hours of labor are significantly associated with cord blood acidemia at birth and neonatal complications. The ZigZag pattern precedes late decelerations, and the fact that normal FHR pattern precedes the ZigZag pattern in the majority of the cases suggests that the ZigZag pattern is an early sign of fetal hypoxia, which emphasizes its clinical importance.Peer reviewe
Intrapartal cardiotocographic patterns and hypoxia-related perinatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus
Aims In previous reports, cardiotocographic (CTG) fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring has shown only limited benefits in decreasing adverse perinatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether an association exists between the recently reported ZigZag pattern (FHR baseline amplitude changes of > 25 bpm with a duration of 2-30 min) and asphyxia-related neonatal outcomes in GDM pregnancies. Methods Intrapartal CTGs were recorded in a one-year cohort of 5150 singleton childbirths. The following CTG changes were evaluated: ZigZag pattern, saltatory pattern, late decelerations, episodes of tachycardia and bradycardia, reduced variability, and uterine tachysystole. The cohort was divided into three groups: women with GDM, women with normal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and women with no OGTT performed. Umbilical artery (UA) blood gases, Apgar scores, neonatal respiratory distress, and neonatal encephalopathy were used as outcome variables. Results GDM was diagnosed in 624 (12.1%), OGTT was normal in 4115 (79.9%), and OGTT was not performed in 411 (8.0%) women. Hypoxia-related ZigZag patterns (OR 1.94, 95% CI 1.64-2.34) and late decelerations (OR 1.65, 95% CI 1.27-2.13) of FHR, as well as a greater risk of fetal asphyxia (UA pH < 7.10 and/or UA BE < -12.0 meq/L and/or Apgar scores < 7 at 5-min) (OR 6.64, 95% CI 1.84-12.03) were observed in those with GDM compared with those without GDM. Conclusions GDM is associated with intrapartal ZigZag pattern and late decelerations, cord blood acidemia and low 5-min Apgar scores at birth indicating increased occurrence of fetal hypoxia in GDM pregnancies.Peer reviewe
Seasonal alterations in circadian melatonin rhythms of the European wild boar and domestic gilt,
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