38,606 research outputs found

    Is the Redshift Clustering of Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts Significant?

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    The 26 long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with known redshifts form a distinct cosmological set, selected differently than other cosmological probes such as quasars and galaxies. Since the progenitors are now believed to be connected with active star-formation and since burst emission penetrates dust, one hope is that with a uniformly-selected sample, the large-scale redshift distribution of GRBs can help constrain the star-formation history of the Universe. However, we show that strong observational biases in ground-based redshift discovery hamper a clean determination of the large-scale GRB rate and hence the connection of GRBs to the star formation history. We then focus on the properties of the small-scale (clustering) distribution of GRB redshifts. When corrected for heliocentric motion relative to the local Hubble flow, the observed redshifts appear to show a propensity for clustering: 8 of 26 GRBs occurred within a recession velocity difference of 1000 km/s of another GRB. That is, 4 pairs of GRBs occurred within 30 h_65^-1 Myr in cosmic time, despite being causally separated on the sky. We investigate the significance of this clustering. Comparison of the numbers of close redshift pairs expected from the simulation with that observed shows no significant small-scale clustering excess in the present sample; however, the four close pairs occur only in about twenty percent of the simulated datasets (the precise significance of the clustering is dependent upon the modeled biases). We conclude with some impetuses and suggestions for future precise GRB redshift measurements.Comment: Published in the Astronomical Journal, June 2003: see http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2003AJ....125.2865

    W Plus Multiple Jets at the LHC with High Energy Jets

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    We study the production of a W boson in association with n hard QCD jets (for n>=2), with a particular emphasis on results relevant for the Large Hadron Collider (7 TeV and 8 TeV). We present predictions for this process from High Energy Jets, a framework for all-order resummation of the dominant contributions from wide-angle QCD emissions. We first compare predictions against recent ATLAS data and then shift focus to observables and regions of phase space where effects beyond NLO are expected to be large.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Uni-directional polymerization leading to homochirality in the RNA world

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    The differences between uni-directional and bi-directional polymerization are considered. The uni-directional case is discussed in the framework of the RNA world. Similar to earlier models of this type, where polymerization was assumed to proceed in a bi-directional fashion (presumed to be relevant to peptide nucleic acids), left-handed and right-handed monomers are produced via an autocatalysis from an achiral substrate. The details of the bifurcation from a racemic solution to a homochiral state of either handedness is shown to be remarkably independent of whether the polymerization in uni-directional or bi-directional. Slightly larger differences are seen when dissociation is allowed and the dissociation fragments are being recycled into the achiral substrate.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Astrobiolog

    Antiferromagnetic correlations and impurity broadening of NMR linewidths in cuprate superconductors

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    We study a model of a d-wave superconductor with strong potential scatterers in the presence of antiferromagnetic correlations and apply it to experimental nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) results on Zn impurities in the superconducting state of YBCO. We then focus on the contribution of impurity-induced paramagnetic moments, with Hubbard correlations in the host system accounted for in Hartree approximation. We show that local magnetism around individual impurities broadens the line, but quasiparticle interference between impurity states plays an important role in smearing out impurity satellite peaks. The model, together with estimates of vortex lattice effects, provides a semi-quantitative description of the impurity concentration dependence of the NMR line shape in the superconducting state, and gives a qualitative description of the temperature dependence of the line asymmetry. We argue that impurity-induced paramagnetism and resonant local density of states effects are both necessary to explain existing experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 23 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Three-loop HTLpt thermodynamics at finite temperature and chemical potential

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    In this proceedings we present a state-of-the-art method of calculating thermodynamic potential at finite temperature and finite chemical potential, using Hard Thermal Loop perturbation theory (HTLpt) up to next-to-next-leading-order (NNLO). The resulting thermodynamic potential enables us to evaluate different thermodynamic quantities including pressure and various quark number susceptibilities (QNS). Comparison between our analytic results for those thermodynamic quantities with the available lattice data shows a good agreement.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, conference proceedings of XXI DAE-BRNS HEP Symposium, IIT Guwahati, December 2014; to appear in 'Springer Proceedings in Physics Series

    Probing spatial spin correlations of ultracold gases by quantum noise spectroscopy

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    Spin noise spectroscopy with a single laser beam is demonstrated theoretically to provide a direct probe of the spatial correlations of cold fermionic gases. We show how the generic many-body phenomena of anti-bunching, pairing, antiferromagnetic, and algebraic spin liquid correlations can be revealed by measuring the spin noise as a function of laser width, temperature, and frequency.Comment: Revised version. 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for PR

    Dopant-modulated pair interaction in cuprate superconductors

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    Comparison of recent experimental STM data with single-impurity and many-impurity Bogoliubov-de Gennes calculations strongly suggests that random out-of-plane dopant atoms in cuprates modulate the pair interaction locally. This type of disorder is crucial to understanding the nanoscale electronic structure inhomogeneity observed in BSCCO-2212, and can reproduce observed correlations between the positions of impurity atoms and various aspects of the local density of states such as the gap magnitude and the height of the coherence peaks. Our results imply that each dopant atom modulates the pair interaction on a length scale of order one lattice constant.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Using superlattice potentials to probe long-range magnetic correlations in optical lattices

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    In Pedersen et al. (2011) we proposed a method to utilize a temporally dependent superlattice potential to mediate spin-selective transport, and thereby probe long and short range magnetic correlations in optical lattices. Specifically this can be used for detecting antiferromagnetic ordering in repulsive fermionic optical lattice systems, but more generally it can serve as a means of directly probing correlations among the atoms by measuring the mean value of an observable, the number of double occupied sites. Here, we provide a detailed investigation of the physical processes which limit the effectiveness of this "conveyer belt method". Furthermore we propose a simple ways to improve the procedure, resulting in an essentially perfect (error-free) probing of the magnetic correlations. These results shows that suitably constructed superlattices constitute a promising way of manipulating atoms of different spin species as well as probing their interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure