1,291 research outputs found

    The association of time since spousal loss and depression in widowhood: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    \ua9 2019, The Author(s). Purpose: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis examining the association of the prevalence of depression and time since spousal loss in widowed people. Methods: The databases MEDLINE, Embase and PsycInfo were searched (May 2017) for papers reporting on time since spousal loss in widowed people and the prevalence of common mental disorders. A systematic review was conducted according to MOOSE guidelines. Random effects meta-analyses of the prevalence of depression were conducted by intervals of time since spousal loss. Results: The literature search identified 12,982 studies of which 22 were eligible for inclusion in the systematic review. Of these, 14 were furthermore eligible for inclusion in the meta-analysis. The summary estimates found in the meta-analysis for the prevalence of depression in the intervals of time since spousal loss were: ≤ 1 month: 38.2% (21.9–55.8%); > 1 month to 3 months: 25.0% (17.3–33.5%); > 3 months to 6 months: 23.1% (18.0–28.7%); > 6 months to 12 months: 19.4% (15.2–24.0%); > 12 months to 18 months: 11.1% (5.3–18.7%); > 18 months to 24 months: 15.2% (12.3–18.2%); > 24 months to 60 months: 10.5% (4.3–18.5%). Conclusion: Widowhood is associated with a high prevalence of depression and the study identifies a population group needing special attention in daily clinical practice. The prevalence is highest in the first month of widowhood, however, continues to be high at least 5 years into widowhood

    Association between congenital toxoplasmosis and preterm birth, low birthweight and small for gestational age birth.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between congenital toxoplasmosis and preterm birth, low birthweight and small for gestational age birth. DESIGN: Multicentre prospective cohort study. SETTING: Ten European centres offering prenatal screening for toxoplasmosis. POPULATION: Deliveries after 23 weeks of gestation in 386 women with singleton pregnancies who seroconverted to toxoplasma infection before 20 weeks of gestation. Deliveries after 36 weeks in 234 women who seroconverted at 20 weeks or later, and tested positive before 37 weeks. METHODS: Comparison of infected and uninfected births, adjusted for parity and country of birth. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Differences in gestational age at birth, birthweight and birthweight centile. RESULTS: Infected babies were born or delivered earlier than uninfected babies: the mean difference for seroconverters before 20 weeks was -5.4 days (95% CI: -1.4, -9.4), and at 20 weeks or more, -2.6 days (95% CI: -0.5, -4.7). Congenital infection was associated with an increased risk of preterm delivery when seroconversion occurred before 20 weeks (OR 4.71; 95% CI: 2.03, 10.9). No significant differences were detected for birthweight or birthweight centile. CONCLUSION: Babies with congenital toxoplasmosis were born earlier than uninfected babies but the mechanism leading to shorter length of gestation is unknown. Congenital infection could precipitate early delivery or prompt caesarean section or induction of delivery. We found no evidence for a significant association between congenital toxoplasmosis and reduced birthweight or small for gestational age birth

    Antibody Labelling of Resilin in Energy Stores for Jumping in Plant Sucking Insects

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    The rubbery protein resilin appears to form an integral part of the energy storage structures that enable many insects to jump by using a catapult mechanism. In plant sucking bugs that jump (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha), the energy generated by the slow contractions of huge thoracic jumping muscles is stored by bending composite bow-shaped parts of the internal thoracic skeleton. Sudden recoil of these bows powers the rapid and simultaneous movements of both hind legs that in turn propel a jump. Until now, identification of resilin at these storage sites has depended exclusively upon characteristics that may not be specific: its fluorescence when illuminated with specific wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light and extinction of that fluorescence at low pH. To consolidate identification we have labelled the cuticular structures involved with an antibody raised against a product of the Drosophila CG15920 gene. This encodes pro-resilin, the first exon of which was expressed in E. coli and used to raise the antibody. We show that in frozen sections from two species, the antibody labels precisely those parts of the metathoracic energy stores that fluoresce under UV illumination. The presence of resilin in these insects is thus now further supported by a molecular criterion that is immunohistochemically specific

    Excess Mortality Rate During Adulthood Among Danish Adoptees

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Adoption studies have been used to disentangle the influence of genes from shared familial environment on various traits and disease risks. However, both the factors leading to adoption and living as an adoptee may bias the studies with regard to the relative influence of genes and environment compared to the general population. The aim was to investigate whether the cohort of domestic adoptees used for these studies in Denmark is similar to the general population with respect to all-cause mortality and cause-specific mortality rates. METHODS: 13,111 adoptees born in Denmark in 1917, or later, and adopted in 1924 to 1947 were compared to all Danes from the same birth cohorts using standardized mortality ratios (SMR). The 12,729 adoptees alive in 1970 were similarly compared to all Danes using SMR as well as cause-specific SMR. RESULTS: The excess in all-cause mortality before age 65 years in adoptees was estimated to be 1.30 (95% CI 1.26-1.35). Significant excess mortality before age 65 years was also observed for infections, vascular deaths, cancer, alcohol-related deaths and suicide. Analyses including deaths after age 65 generally showed slightly less excess in mortality, but the excess was significant for all-cause mortality, cancer, alcohol-related deaths and suicides. CONCLUSION: Adoptees have an increased all-cause mortality compared to the general population. All major specific causes of death contributed, and the highest excess is seen for alcohol-related deaths

    Morbidity, Including Fatal Morbidity, throughout Life in Men Entering Adult Life as Obese

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    Background: The association between obesity in adults and excess morbidity and mortality is well established, but the health impact throughout adult life of being obese in early adulthood needs elucidation. We investigated somatic morbidity, including fatal morbidity, throughout adulthood in men starting adult life as obese. Methods: Among 362,200 Danish young men, examined for military service between 1943 and 1977, all obese (defined as BMI$31.0 kg/m 2), and, as controls, a random 1 % sample of the others was identified. In the age range of 18–25 years, there were 1,862 obese, which encompass the men above the 99.5 percentile, and 3,476 controls. Information on morbidity was obtained via national registers. Cox regression models were used to estimate the relative morbidity assessed as first incidence of disease, occurrence of disease in the year preceding death and prevalent disease at time of death. Results: From age 18 through 80 years the obese had an increased risk of becoming diseased by or die from a broad range of diseases. Generally, the incidence of first event, occurrence in the year prior to death, and prevalence at time of death showed the same pattern. As an example, the relative hazard of type 2 diabetes was constant throughout life at 4.9 (95% confidence intervals [CI]: 4.1–5.9), 5.2 (95 % CI: 3.6–7.5), and 6.8 (95 % CI: 4.6–10.1), respectively. Conclusions: Our findings strongly support the continued need to avoid beginning adult life as obese, as obese young me

    The preference for water nipples vs. water bowls in dairy goats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies have reported that the design of the water dispensers can influence the water intake in farm animals. Horses and dairy cows seem to prefer to drink from an open surface whereas sheep and pigs apparently prefer water nipples, probably because of the worse water quality in water bowls. The aim of the present study was to examine the preference of dairy goats for water nipples or water bowls.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In each of the two experiments (exp. 1, dry goats, exp. 2 lactating goats), 42 dairy goats were allotted into 6 groups of 7 goats. In period 1, the goats had access to a water nipple. In period 2, they had access to a water bowl and in period 3 (preference test) they had access to both a water nipple and a water bowl. Water usage and wastage was recorded and water intake (water usage - water wastage) was calculated for each group for the two last days of each period. In experiment 2, water samples from each dispenser were analyzed for heterotrophy germs at 22°C, <it>Escherichia coli </it>and turbidity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Water usage was higher from water nipples than from water bowls both in experiment 1 (dry goats) and experiment 2 (lactating goats). There was however, no difference in water intake from water nipples and water bowls. In the preference test (period 3), the water intake tended to be higher from the water nipple than from the water bowl both for the dry goats (exp. 1) and lactating goats (exp. 2). Especially for the dry goats, the differences between groups were large. Turbidity and heterotrophy germs were much higher in the samples from the water bowls than from the water nipples.</p> <p>Water wastage from the water bowls was negligible compared to the water nipples. From the water nipples the water wastage was 30% and 23% of water usage for the dry and lactating goats respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that type of water dispenser (nipple or bowl) was probably of minor importance for water intake in goats, but water bowls had a lower water quality.</p

    Inducing persistent flow disturbances accelerates atherogenesis and promotes thin cap fibroatheroma development in D374Y-PCSK9 hypercholesterolemic minipigs

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    BACKGROUND: -Although disturbed flow is thought to play a central role in the development of advanced coronary atherosclerotic plaques, no causal relationship has been established. We evaluated whether inducing disturbed flow would cause the development of advanced coronary plaques, including thin cap fibroatheroma (TCFA). METHODS AND RESULTS: -D374Y-PCSK9 hypercholesterolemic minipigs (N=5) were instrumented with an intracoronary shear-modifying stent (SMS). Frequency-domain optical coherence tomography was obtained at baseline, immediately post-stent, 19, and 34 weeks and used to compute shear stress metrics of disturbed flow. At 34 weeks, plaque type was assessed within serially-collected histological sections and co-registered to the distribution of each shear metric. The SMS caused a flow-limiting stenosis and blood flow exiting the SMS caused regions of increased shear stress on the outer curvature and large regions of low and multidirectional shear stress on the inner curvature of the vessel. As a result, plaque burden was ~3-fold higher downstream of the SMS compared to both upstream of the SMS and in the control artery (p<0.001). Advanced plaques were also primarily observed downstream of the SMS, in locations initially exposed to both low (p<0.002) and multidirectional (p<0.002) shear stress. TCFA regions demonstrated significantly lower shear stress that persisted over the duration of the study compared to other plaque types (p<0.005). CONCLUSIONS: -These data support a causal role for lowered and multidirectional shear stress in the initiation of advanced coronary atherosclerotic plaques. Persistently lowered shear stress appears to be the principal flow disturbance needed for the formation of TCFA