9 research outputs found

    WISEA J083011.95+283716.0: A Missing Link Planetary-mass Object

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    We present the discovery of WISEA J083011.95+283716.0, the first Y-dwarf candidate identified through the "Backyard Worlds: Planet 9" citizen science project. We identified this object as a red, fast-moving source with a faint W2 detection in multiepoch AllWISE and unWISE images. We have characterized this object with Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescope's (HST) follow-up imaging. With mid-infrared detections in Spitzer's ch1 and ch2 bands and flux upper limits in HST F105W and F125W filters, we find that this object is both very faint and has extremely red colors (ch1 − ch2 = 3.25 ± 0.23 mag, F125W − ch2 ≄ 9.36 mag), consistent with a T_(eff) ~ 300 K source, as estimated from the known Y-dwarf population. A preliminary parallax provides a distance of 11.1_(-1.5)^(+2.0) pc, leading to a slightly warmer temperature of ~350 K. The extreme faintness and red HST and Spitzer colors of this object suggest that it may be a link between the broader Y-dwarf population and the coldest known brown dwarf WISE J0855−0714, and may highlight our limited knowledge of the true spread of Y-dwarf colors. We also present four additional "Backyard Worlds: Planet 9" late-T brown dwarf discoveries within 30 pc

    Spitzer Follow-up of Extremely Cold Brown Dwarfs Discovered by the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project

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    We present Spitzer follow-up imaging of 95 candidate extremely cold brown dwarfs discovered by the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 citizen science project, which uses visually perceived motion in multiepoch Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) images to identify previously unrecognized substellar neighbors to the Sun. We measure Spitzer [3.6]–[4.5] color to phototype our brown dwarf candidates, with an emphasis on pinpointing the coldest and closest Y dwarfs within our sample. The combination of WISE and Spitzer astrometry provides quantitative confirmation of the transverse motion of 75 of our discoveries. Nine of our motion-confirmed objects have best-fit linear motions larger than 1'' yr⁻Âč; our fastest-moving discovery is WISEA J155349.96+693355.2 (ÎŒ ≈ 2.”15 yr⁻Âč), a possible T-type subdwarf. We also report a newly discovered wide-separation (~400 au) T8 comoving companion to the white dwarf LSPM J0055+5948 (the fourth such system to be found), plus a candidate late T companion to the white dwarf LSR J0002+6357 at 5 5 projected separation (~8700 au if associated). Among our motion-confirmed targets, five have Spitzer colors most consistent with spectral type Y. Four of these five have exceptionally red Spitzer colors suggesting types of Y1 or later, adding considerably to the small sample of known objects in this especially valuable low-temperature regime. Our Y dwarf candidates begin bridging the gap between the bulk of the Y dwarf population and the coldest known brown dwarf

    Spitzer Follow-up of Extremely Cold Brown Dwarfs Discovered by the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project

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    We present Spitzer follow-up imaging of 95 candidate extremely cold brown dwarfs discovered by the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 citizen science project, which uses visually perceived motion in multi-epoch WISE images to identify previously unrecognized substellar neighbors to the Sun. We measure Spitzer [3.6]-[4.5] color to phototype our brown dwarf candidates, with an emphasis on pinpointing the coldest and closest Y dwarfs within our sample. The combination of WISE and Spitzer astrometry provides quantitative confirmation of the transverse motion of 75 of our discoveries. Nine of our motion-confirmed objects have best-fit linear motions larger than 1"/yr; our fastest-moving discovery is WISEA J155349.96+693355.2 (total motion ~2.15"/yr), a possible T type subdwarf. We also report a newly discovered wide-separation (~400 AU) T8 comoving companion to the white dwarf LSPM J0055+5948 (the fourth such system to be found), plus a candidate late T companion to the white dwarf LSR J0002+6357 at 5.5' projected separation (~8,700 AU if associated). Among our motion-confirmed targets, five have Spitzer colors most consistent with spectral type Y. Four of these five have exceptionally red Spitzer colors suggesting types of Y1 or later, adding considerably to the small sample of known objects in this especially valuable low-temperature regime. Our Y dwarf candidates begin bridging the gap between the bulk of the Y dwarf population and the coldest known brown dwarf.Comment: accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Thirteen New M Dwarf + T Dwarf Pairs Identified with WISE/NEOWISE

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    We present the discovery of 13 new widely separated T dwarf companions to M dwarf primaries, identified using Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer/NEOWISE data by the CatWISE and Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 projects (hereafter BYW). This sample represents an ∌60% increase in the number of known M + T systems, and allows us to probe the most extreme products of binary/planetary system formation, a discovery space made available by the CatWISE2020 catalog and the BYW effort. Highlights among the sample are WISEP J075108.79-763449.6, a previously known T9 thought to be old due to its spectral energy distribution, which was found by Zhang et al. (2021b) to be part of a common proper motion pair with L34-26 A, a well-studied young M3 V star within 10 pc of the Sun; CWISE J054129.32-745021.5 B and 2MASS J05581644-4501559 B, two T8 dwarfs possibly associated with the very fast-rotating M4 V stars CWISE J054129.32745021.5 A and 2MASS J05581644-4501559 A; and UCAC3 52-1038 B, which is among the widest late-T companions to main-sequence stars, with a projected separation of ∌7100 au. The new benchmarks presented here are prime JWST targets, and can help us place strong constraints on the formation and evolution theory of substellar objects as well as on atmospheric models for these cold exoplanet analogs

    Spitzer Follow-up of Extremely Cold Brown Dwarfs Discovered by the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project

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