77 research outputs found


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    Leaves of Eucalytus globulus Labill are characterized by the presence of essential oil, in which 1,8-cineole is the main component. The oil is used as an expectorant for symptomatic treatment of mild inflammation of the respiratory tract and bronchitis. This work addresses the chemical quantification of the constituents of E. globulus essential oil by gas chromatography. Commercial samples were diluted and analyzes by gas chromatograph coupled to flame ionization detector (GC-FID). The chromatographic separation was performed on a fused silica capillary (LM-20, 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 μm film thickness) column. The proposed GC-FID method has demonstrated to have specificity and high sensitivity. The quantitation by the normalization technique demonstrated to be adequate for the analysis. Thus, the proposed method is effective for the quantification of E. globulus oil constituents, which may help in the quality control of commercial formulations.Leaves of Eucalytus globulus Labill are characterized by the presence of essential oil, in which 1,8-cineole is the main component. The oil is used as an expectorant for symptomatic treatment of mild inflammation of the respiratory tract and bronchitis. This work addresses the chemical quantification of the constituents of E. globulus essential oil by gas chromatography. Commercial samples were diluted and analyzes by gas chromatograph coupled to flame ionization detector (GC-FID). The chromatographic separation was performed on a fused silica capillary (LM-20, 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 μm film thickness) column. The proposed GC-FID method has demonstrated to have specificity and high sensitivity. The quantitation by the normalization technique demonstrated to be adequate for the analysis. Thus, the proposed method is effective for the quantification of E. globulus oil constituents, which may help in the quality control of commercial formulations

    Antifungal activity of essential oils from Cinnamomum cassia, Myristica fragrans and Syzygium aromaticum against Rhodotorula mucilaginosa

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    Rhodotorula genus comprises yeasts from Sporidiobolaceae family. Considered as non-pathogenic until the last two decades, different species of Rhodotorula are emerging as pathogens in humans, with R. mucilaginosa being the most commonly involved in infections, ranging from simpler clinical conditions such as skin manifestations to more severe cases such as meningitis and endocarditis. The major facilitating agents for the emergence of these infections are invasive procedures such as catheter implants. The primary drugs of choice used to treat these infections are amphotericin B and fluconazole. However, some strains of this yeast show different degrees of resistance to these substances, thus justifying the search for new therapeutic agents. Considering this, the present study aims the investigation of the antifungal activity of the essential oils of Cinnamomum cassia (cinnamon), Syzygium aromaticum (clove) and Myristica fragrans (nutmeg) against clinical isolates of R. mucilaginosa. The essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation and characterized by GC-MS. The investigation of the antifungal action activity was performed by the agar disc-diffusion test followed by the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) determination. All the essential oils were species present their oil characterized by the presence of phenylpropanoids, with eugenol (77.6 to 94.4%) as the main compound of clove and E-cinnamaldehyde (90.4 to 100%) of cinnamon. Nutmeg oil is characterized by the presence of showed as main compounds the myristicin (1.8 a 12.8%) and elemicin (4.3 a 11.1%) phenylpropanoids, besides sabinene (28.2 to 44.4%) and terpinen-4-ol (16.0 to 19.5%) monoterpenes. In the investigation of antifungal activity, all the oils showed potential action against clinical isolates of R. mucilaginosa, with MICs ranging from 8 to 500 µg/mL. The results demonstrate that these oils are promising candidates in the search for new anti-Rhodotorula agents, enabling the treatment of aforementioned infections

    Influence of monoterpenes in biological activities of Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) mez essential oils

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    Investigating the influence of seasonal variations on biological activities is important for pharmacological studies and metabolic engineering. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the variation of the chemical composition of essential oils obtained from Nectandra megapotamica leaves, collected at different stages of plant development, as well as its influence on the biological activities. A total of 38 compounds were identified that accounted for 97–99.2% of the chemical composition of the oils. Major differences were observed in the monoterpenic fraction, representing 5.1% of the compounds identified in the productive rest phase to 37.1% in the blooming phase. Bicyclogermacrene and germacrene D were the predominant compounds identified in the oil of all collections. Furthermore, limonene, β-pinene, and spathulenol were identified predominantly in the samples of blooming and fruiting phases. The oils exhibited significant antichemotactic activity and different effects in scavenging the radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl. Variations were also observed in the antifungal activity, with the minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 125 to 500 μg/mL. These results demonstrate the influence of monoterpenes, primarily limonene, α-pinene, and β-pinene, on the bioactivities of the oil. Studies investigating the variations in the chemical composition of essential oil may offer a strategy to produce a compound or a group of compounds of interest to industries with a specific pharmacological focus

    Evaluation of antifungal activity of essential oils against different Candida spp. clinical isolates

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    Candida spp. infections, also called candidiasis or candidosis, vary from mild to invasive and even can be fatal, being oral candidiasis one of the most common fungal infections in humans. Several systemic and local factors can stimulate the development of infections in the oral mucosa. The main treatment for oral candidiasis is the use of antifungals and the nystatin has been the first choice overall. However, with the increase in resistance of Candida species by the antifungals used in clinical practice, including the risk of toxicity associated with their use, there is an increase to the interest in researching antifungal activity in natural components. The aim of this study is to evaluate the antifungal activity of essential oils of Citrus limonum, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus citriodora, Mentha Piperita and Rosmarinus officinalis in isolated Candida spp. of the patient's oral cavity by disk diffusion test and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination. The essential oil of E. globulus showed the best result in the disc diffusion method, with inhibition zone ranging from 33mm to 65mm. The essential oils of E. globulus and M. piperita showed antifungal activity, the MIC values obtained with the essential oil of E. globulus ranged from 125 µg/mL to >1000 µg/mL and the MIC values obtained with the essential oil of M. piperita ranged 250 µg/mL to >1000 µg/mL

    Composição dos óleos essenciais de variedades de coloração de frutos de Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.

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    A espécie Eugenia brasiliensis Lam. apresenta a coloração dos frutos variável, sendo reconhecidas três variedades. Entretanto, a definição de variedades não é fácil para espécies de Myrtaceae e também não é amplamente aceita. Duas variedades de Eugenia brasiliensis, baseado na cor dos frutos (roxos e amarelos), tiveram a composição de seus óleos essenciais analisadas com a finalidade de obter indícios de variedade botânica para esta espécie. Embora, os componentes principais nos óleos das folhas fossem os mesmos monoterpenos para ambas as variedades, alfa-pineno, beta-pineno e 1,8-cineol, a variedade com frutos roxos acumulou maior quantidade de sesquiterpenos oxigenados (33,9%) do que aquela com frutos amarelos (3,8%). As diferenças principais ocorreram nos frutos roxos que apresentaram como componente principal o óxido de cariofileno (22,2%) e o alfa-cadinol (10,4%), não detectados no óleo das folhas, e o óleo dos frutos amarelos apresentou uma composição similar àquela observada para as folhas. Estas variedades de coloração dos frutos de E. brasilensis podem ser considerados como dois quimiotipos distintos, uma vez que na variedade com frutos roxos a rota biossintética para sesquiterpenos encontra-se mais operante do que naquela com frutos amarelos, onde são acumulados principalmente os monoterpenos.Eugenia brasiliensis Lam. is a variable species concerning fruit colour, with three recognized varieties. However, the definition of varieties is not easy for Myrtaceae species and not widely accepted. Two fruit colour varieties (purple and yellow) of E. brasiliensis had their essential oil composition analysed in order to give support to the existence of varieties for this species. Although, the major components in the leaf oil are the same monoterpenes for both varieties, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene and 1,8-cineol, the purple fruit variety accumulates more oxygenated sesquiterpenes (33.9%) than the one with yellow fruits (3.8%). The major differences occurred in purple fruits that present as major components caryophyllene oxide (22.2%) and alpha-cadinol (10.4%), not found in the leaf oil, and the yellow fruit oil presented a similar composition as observed for the leaves. These fruit colour varieties of E. brasilensis can be considered as two distinct chemotypes, since the sesquiterpene pathway is more operant in the purple variety than in the yellow one, in which monoterpenes are mainly accumulated

    Volatil oil antimicrobial activity investigation from some Myrtaceae family species

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    Óleos voláteis de folhas frescas de espécies pertencentes a família Myrtaceae, de ocorrência no sul do Brasil, obtidos por extração através de destilação por arraste de vapor foram avaliados quanto à sua atividade antimicrobiana. As espécies analisadas foram: Acca sellowiana, Calyptranthes lúcida, Eugenia bacopari, Eugenia pluriflora, Eugenia uru guayensis, Gomidesia schaueriana, Gomidesia sellowiana, Hexachlamys edulis, Marlierea eugeniopsoides, Myrceugenia cucullata, Myrceugenia myrcioides, Myrceugenia oxysepala, Myrcia lajeana, Myrcia oligantha, Myrcia rostrata, Paramyrciaria delicatula e Siphoneugena reitzii. Este estudo foi realizado pelo método de difusão em ágar, avaliando a ação inibitória frente a Staphilococcus aureus, Staphilococcus epidermidis, Micrococcus luteus, Cândida albicans e Saccharomyces cerevisae. Os resultados obtidos permitiram observar que os óleos voláteis ensaiados apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana em diferentes graus de potência, sendo que M. eugeniopsoides demonstrou maior atividade frente a todos os microrganismos testados e M. cucullata inibição total contra S. cerevisae.In this paper was evaluated the antimicrobial activity of essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from fresh leaves of the following species, belonging to the Myrtaceaefamily, collected from different areas of the south of Brazil: Acca sellowiana, Calyptranthes lucida, Eugenia bacopari, Eugenia pluriflora, Eugenia uruguayensis, Gomidesia schaueriana, Gomidesia sellowiana, Hexachlamys edulis, Marlierea eugeniopsoides, Myrceugenia cucullata, Myrceugenia myrcioides, Myrceugenia oxysepala, Myrcia lajeana, Myrcia oligantha, Myrcia rostrata, Paramyrciaria delicatula e Siphoneugena reitzii. The antimicrobial activity survey was tested using the plate agar gel diffusion method, evaluating the inibitory action against Staphilococcus aureus, Staphilococcus epidermidis, Micrococcus luteus, Candida albicans e Saccharomyces cerevisae. The results obtained allowed us to observe that the volatile oils analysed showed antimicrobial activity in differents potential levels, considering that M. eugeniopsoides showed most activity against all the microorganisms tested and M. cucullata total inhibition activity against S. cerevisae