46 research outputs found
Estudis de veterinà ria : veterinà ria virtual com a espai docent complementari a l'assignatura de cirurgia general
L'assignatura de Cirurgia General, que es cursa durant el segon cicle de la llicenciatura de Veterinà ria, pretén formar els estudiants en aquesta à rea de coneixement mitjançant la realització de classes teòriques, seminaris i prà ctiques de laboratori i clÃniques. Les prà ctiques de laboratori, no només amplien la formació teòrica, sinó que constitueixen la base per a una millor preparació dels estudiants a l'hora de la realització de les prà ctiques clÃniques. Aquestes prà ctiques laboratorials pretenen ensenyar els principis d'asèpsia i comportament al quiròfan, familiaritzar-se amb l'instrumental quirúrgic, tècniques de sutura; tècniques quirúrgiques bà siques com la realització d'una laparotomia exploratòria, ovariohisterectomia i cirurgia reconstructiva cutà nia; i protocols anestèsics i de fluidoterà pia principals. Les prà ctiques clÃniques, consisteixen en la realització del procediment quirúrgic i anestèsic en l'animal viu sotmès a ovariohisterectomia. En aquestes prà ctiques, els alumnes han d'aplicar els coneixements adquirits durant les prà ctiques laboratorials. Com a mètode de formació complementà ria a les prà ctiques laboratorials i clÃniques, s'ofereix a l'alumne material audiovisual complet disponible a la xarxa "Veterinà ria Virtual". Aquests vÃdeos mostren el principal temari inclòs en les prà ctiques laboratorials, d'una manera molt esclaridora i didà ctica, i acompanyats d'explicacions. Aquests vÃdeos estan realitzats pel mateix professorat de l'assignatura. L'objectiu d'aquest material didà ctic és proporcionar a l'alumne un mètode d'aprenentatge addicional, accessible des del moment en què comencen les prà ctiques, del que pot disposar i consultar des de qualsevol ordinador connectat a la xarxa, podent-los visualitzar al llarg de tot el curs acadèmic. L'estudiant, no només pot repassar les prà ctiques un cop ja les ha realitzat, sinó que també pot preparar-les prèviament a la seva realització, oferint aixà l'oportunitat d'obtenir un major profit d'aquestes.General Surgery is a half-yearly subject given in the fourth year of the Veterinary degree. Its main goal is to teach and widen the students' knowledge in the surgery field by means of master classes, seminars, and laboratory and clinical practices. The aim of the laboratory practices is to teach the basic principles of surgical asepsis, preparation of the surgical team, surgical instrumentation, main suturing techniques; principles of reconstructive surgery, laparotomy and ovariohysterectomy; and fluid and electrolyte therapy principles. The clinical practices offer the opportunity to participate in surgical procedures related to the reproductive system in which they should apply the knowledge they have already learned in the labs. As a complementary teaching method for the practices, the teachers offer to the students a wide audiovisual material related to the practices contents, which is available in the net "Veterinà ria Virtual". These digital videos show the main surgical contents included in the laboratory practices, in a very clear and didactic manner, and performed by the same teaching staff. The main objective of this didactic material is to provide an additional learning method for students, available since first day of the start of the practical lessons, ready to be looked up at anytime and anywhere at the internet from any computer. The students can check and revise the contents of the practices after the lesson has been given, or they can seize the opportunity to review it before
Uréter ectópico extramural en un American Staffordshire Terrier macho
La ectopia ureteral se produce como consecuencia de una alteración durante el desarrollo embriológico de los conductos mesonéfricos y metanéfricos y constituye la principal causa de incontinencia urinaria en perros jóvenes. Se describe a continuación un caso atÃpico de ectopia ureteral con trayecto extramural en un American Staffordshire Terrier, macho de 6 meses de edad. El diagnóstico se realizó mediante la historia clÃnica, la ecografÃa y la urografÃa excretora. Se procedió a la intervención quirúrgica. La evolución postoperatoria fue plenamente satisfactoria
LaringuectomÃa total y traqueostomÃa permanente en un perro, por un adenocarcinoma larÃngeo infraglótico
Perra Rottweiler de 8 años de edad con historial de cansancio progresivo y dificultad respiratoria. Tras una exploración fÃsica y radiológica se sospechó la presencia de una masa en la luz de la laringe que se confirmó con la exploración directa. Se realizó una citologÃa y el informe anatomopatológico indicó que presumiblemente se trataba de una neoplasia de carácter maligno. Se realizó una laringuectomÃa total conjuntamente con una traqueostomÃa permanente. La evolución fue satisfactoria pero a los 12 dÃas del alta, el paciente falleció de muerte súbita
Insulinoma en una hembra adulta de pastor alemán
Se describe un caso de hipoglucemia persistente en una hembra adulta de Pastor alemán. La historia clÃnica, exploración directa, bioquÃmica sérica, ecografÃa e histopatologÃa permiten establecer un diagnóstico de insulinoma. Se procede a la resolución quirúrgica de la neoplasia sin complicaciones postquirúrgicas y con una evolución favorable durante los primeros seis meses aunque el pronóstico es reservado
Distribution of Methylene Blue after Injection into the Epidural Space of Anaesthetized Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Sheep
The aim of the study was to determine the distribution of different volumes of methylene blue solution injected into the epidural space in anaesthetized pregnant and non-pregnant sheep, to evaluate its cranial distribution and to compare between them. Fifteen pregnant and fifteen non-pregnant sheep were included in the study. Sheep were anaesthetized and received 0.05, 0.1, or 0.2 mL/kg of a lumbosacral epidural solution containing 0.12% methylene blue in 0.9% saline. Thirty minutes after the epidural injection, the ewes were euthanized. The extension of the dye within the epidural space was measured, and the correlation between the volume of the dye injected and the number of stained vertebrae was evaluated. The cranial migration of the dye between pregnant and non-pregnant sheep was also compared. The results show that the volume of methylene blue injected epidurally into pregnant and non-pregnant sheep correlated directly with its cephalic distribution into the epidural space; and a volume of 0.1 mL/kg or 0.2 mL/kg stained up to the first lumbar segment in pregnant and non-pregnant sheep, respectively. Also, the results suggest that the volume of drugs administered into the epidural space of pregnant sheep should be half the volume that would be used in non-pregnant sheep
A clinically oriented computer model for radiofrequency ablation of hepatic tissue with internally cooled wet electrode
Purpose: To improve the computer modelling of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) by internally cooled wet (ICW) electrodes with added clinically oriented features. Methods: An improved RFA computer model by ICW electrode included: (1) a realistic spatial distribution of the infused saline, and (2) different domains to distinguish between healthy tissue, saline-infused tumour, and non-infused tumour, under the assumption that infused saline is retained within the tumour boundary. A realistic saline spatial distribution was obtained from an in vivo pig liver study. The computer results were analysed in terms of impedance evolution and coagulation zone (CZ) size, and were compared to the results of clinical trials conducted on 17 patients with the same ICW electrode. Results: The new features added to the model provided computer results that matched well with the clinical results. No roll-offs occurred during the 4-min ablation. CZ transversal diameter (4.10 ± 0.19 cm) was similar to the computed diameter (4.16 cm). Including the tumour and saline infusion in the model involved (1) a reduction of the initial impedance by 10 − 20 Ω, (2) a delay in roll-off of 20 s and 70 − 100 s, respectively, and (3) 18 − 31% and 22 − 36% larger CZ size, respectively. The saline spatial distribution geometry was also seen to affect roll-off delay and CZ size. Conclusions: Using a three-compartment model and a realistic saline spatial distribution notably improves the match with the outcome of the clinical trials
Maternal and Foetal Cardiovascular Effects of the Anaesthetic Alfaxalone in 2-Hydroxypropyl- β -cyclodextrin in the Pregnant Ewe
The objective of this study was to determine the pharmacodynamics effects of the anaesthetic alfaxalone in 2-hydroxypropyl- β -cyclodextrin in pregnant sheep after the intravenous injection of a 2 mg/kg weight dose. Six pregnant Ripollesa sheep, weighing 47.1 ± 4.4 kg, were used. Twenty-four hours after instrumentation, sheep were anaesthetized with intravenous alfaxalone in cyclodextrin. Time to standing from anaesthesia was 30.0 ± 10.81 min. Foetal heart rate increased significantly during the first 5 min after alfaxalone administration. Significant differences were observed in maternal diastolic arterial blood pressure between minute 10 and minutes 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, and 240. Significant differences were observed for foetal systolic arterial blood pressure between 5 and 30 min after alfaxalone administration. Significant differences in foetal pH were detected during the entire study period, whereas maternal pH returned to baseline values by 60 min after alfaxalone administration. The present study indicated that alfaxalone in 2-hydroxypropyl- β -cyclodextrin administered as an intravenous bolus at 2 mg/kg body weight produced minimal adverse effects and an uneventful recovery from anaesthesia in pregnant sheep and their foetus
Hypersaline Infusion Protocol through the Portal Vein may Focus Electroporation on Tumor Tissue, but is it really Safe? Preliminary Results
Introduction: Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) is highly dependent on the electrical conductivity of the tissue and the high conductivity of tumor tissue, which leads to a lower field than in the surrounding healthy tissue. Hypersaline Infusion (HI) through the portal vein focuses IRE on scattered liver tumors, by creating a differential conductivity between the different types of tissue. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of the HI protocol on the hepatic and histological biochemical results. Methods: Ten male Sprague Dawley rats were used for HI protocol. Blood samples were collected at pre-, immediately post-, 24-hrs, 72-hrs, 1-week and 3-weeks post-HI. All the animals were sacrificed after one-month follow-up in order to collect histological samples. Results: The mortality rate in this procedure reached 30% (3/10). Only the pH and transaminases at 24-hrs were significantly and directly linked to mortality (p=0.036 and p=0.004, respectively). The three non-surviving animals had a four-time higher AST level at 24-hrs. Natremia normalized at 24-hrs post-HI. Statistically significant differences were found in hepatic necrosis between the non-surviving (n=3) and surviving rats (n=7) (30.67 ± 10.97 vs. 2.86 ± 7.56% respectively, p=0.01). Discussion: HI through the portal system involves a significant risk of possibly lethal cytolysis and acidosis. Therefore, compensatory measures and a reduced saline overload are warranted to improve the survival rates