1 research outputs found

    Fine Structure of Class Groups \cl^{(p)}\Q(\z_n) and the Kervaire--Murthy Conjectures II

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    There is an Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence involving the Picard group of the integer group ring ZCpn\Z C_{p^n} where CpnC_{p^n} is the cyclic group of order pnp^n and ΞΆnβˆ’1\zeta_{n-1} is a primitive pnp^n-th root of unity. The "unknown" part of the sequence is a group. VnV_n. VnV_n splits as Vnβ‰…Vn+βŠ•Vnβˆ’V_n\cong V_n^+\oplus V_n^- and Vnβˆ’V_n^- is explicitly known. Vn+V_n^+ is a quotient of an in some sense simpler group Vn\mathcal{V}_n. In 1977 Kervaire and Murthy conjectured that for semi-regular primes pp, V_n^+ \cong \mathcal{V}_n^+ \cong \cl^{(p)}(\Q (\zeta_{n-1}))\cong (\mathbb{Z}/p^n \mathbb{Z})^{r(p)}, where r(p)r(p) is the index of regularity of pp. Under an extra condition on the prime pp, Ullom calculated Vn+V_n^+ in 1978 in terms of the Iwasawa invariant Ξ»\lambda as Vn+β‰…(Z/pnZ)r(p)βŠ•(Z/pnβˆ’1Z)Ξ»βˆ’r(p)V_n^+ \cong (\mathbb{Z}/p^n \mathbb{Z})^{r(p)}\oplus (\mathbb{Z}/p^{n-1} \mathbb{Z})^{\lambda-r(p)}. In the previous paper we proved that for all semi-regular primes, \mathcal{V}_n^+\cong \cl^{(p)}(\Q (\zeta_{n-1})) and that these groups are isomorphic to (\mathbb{Z}/p^n \mathbb{Z})^{r_0}\oplus (\mathbb{Z}/p^{n-1} \mathbb{Z})^{r_1-r_0} \oplus \hdots \oplus (\mathbb{Z}/p \mathbb{Z})^{r_{n-1}-r_{n-2}} for a certain sequence {rk}\{r_k\} (where r0=r(p)r_0=r(p)). Under Ulloms extra condition it was proved that V_n^+ \cong \mathcal{V}_n^+ \cong \cl^{(p)}(\Q(\z_{n-1})) \cong (\mathbb{Z}/p^n \mathbb{Z})^{r(p)}\oplus (\mathbb{Z}/p^{n-1}\mathbb{Z})^{\lambda-r(p)}. In the present paper we prove that Ullom's extra condition is valid for all semi-regular primes and it is hence shown that the above result holds for all semi-regular primes.Comment: 7 pages, Continuation of NT/020728