22 research outputs found


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    A careful look at the world economic picture allows us to highlight unquestionable defining features: diversification and renewal of commodity supply, modernization of markets and modernization of clients and the demands of society. In view of these conditions, the quality of services has become a determining factor in the competitiveness of enterprises, regardless of the field in which they operate. Operating in a market with significant competition, Ryanair Company is looking for strategies to cope with this competition. This paper exemplifies how the company chose to put in place a quality strategy that would bring advantages over competition


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    The paper describes how Kandia Dulce Company, the largest chocolate producer in Romania, chose to implement the diversification strategy to stay on the market and compete. The introduction refers to the quality and safety of the importance of food and chocolate products, then the paper describes the company and its history, the business environment, its quality policy, the implementation of the quality strategy and its results. The end of the article contains several concluding ideas and remarks related to the present study

    High School Vocational Counseling Role in Leveraging Students' Professional Inclinations

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    The experience of many countries with a well-educated workforce highlights the important role of vocational counselling services for advantageous youth professional orientation. Researchers manifest in their turn, a growing interest to study the role of vocational counselling, from the perspective of increasing the efficiency of investment in education and strengthening the capacity of enterprises to meet the challenges of the knowledge economy

    Quality - a competitive advantage on the hotel services market. Case study: Marriott Hotels & Resort versus Radisson Blu

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    The success of a business is determined by how customers perceive the quality they offer. Therefore, the acti vity of any organization should be directed towards knowing the needs of consumers, who have become better acquainted with the assessment of the quality of products and services and therefore increasingly demanding. The purpose of this paper is to identify the quality strategies implemented by two hotel chains recognized internationally

    Continuous improvement of product and service quality by implementing staff development strategy. Case study S.C. Redplast S.R.L.

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    Quality of products / services is key to organizational success. For this quality to be appreciated by customers, the organization must implement a number of quality strategies. These include the organization staff’ development strategy. The staff has an important role in achieving product and services quality, but also in improving the quality of all organization’s activities. This paper presents a plan for staff training to SC REDPLAST S.R.L.Braşov as a strategy within the quality management system

    Implementation of total quality management Case study: British Airways

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    Total Quality Management (TQM) has an important role in any company, since the implementation of this program companies can continuously improve their performance. Thus, organizations will be able to considerably meet their internal and external clients' needs in terms of services and products quality, and they will also be able to develop an efficient and profitable business. The paper analyzes how this concept was implemented by the British Airways airline, since it is among the first companies that have implemented such a program

    Elements of design and aesthetics on the beer market in Romania. Case Study: Tuborg

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    Due to the development and modernization of trade, the packaging is a very valuable component of marketing policy, being a carrier of messages to the consumer. Classic elements of design that include any packaging refer to the shape, colour and graphics. The beer market in Romania was marked by originality and innovation in terms of packaging design elements. Tuborg is the leading brand in the portfolio of URBB and the first Tuborg beer bottle was produced in Romania in 1997. The Tubog beer is identified on the market by a special package that was always improved

    Implementing the environmental management system as a factor to improve company image

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    The rising awareness on the importance of environmental protection and on the possible impact associated with products produced and consumed has increased the interest in developing methods to better understand and address this impact. Thus, 14000 environmental management standards were born. This determines environmental policy issues and the environmental impact of products, activities or services of the organisation, the planning of the objectives on environmental protection, the setting of measurable targets, the implementation of policies and programmes necessary to achieve these goals and targets, the mechanisms of control and feedback measures, the corrective activity monitoring and the assessment manage ment system. This article exemplifies how this standard was implemented at the company HIB Rolem Codlea

    Design and Aesthetics on Organic Cosmetics Market Case Study: Face Creams

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    Organic market in Romania is relatively new, and consumer information plays an importantrole. On this market, the elements of design and aesthetics of goods have a crucial role in the waythey are perceived. The present study analyses the elements of design and aesthetics ofmoisturizing and nutritional organic range face creams

    Tourists’ vision about the implementation of sustainable development practices in the hospitality industry in Romania

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    It has been shown that the development of tourism brings many benefits to the areas where this activity takes place (jobs, incomes for the community and for individuals, etc.), but it also has some shortcomings, such as the environmental degradation and the negative impact on local traditions. In order to stop these negative effects, the concept of sustainable development must be applied. This paper wants to identify the extent to which tourists are familiar with the term of „sustainability” and how they perceive the implementation of sustainable practices in the tourism sector in Romania. The research also wanted to reveal whether the application of sustainable development practices in this sector influenced tourists in choosing a specific economic agent. The authors have conducted a qualitative marketing research, and interviewed tourists who have used tourist services in Romania for the last 5 years. The research was based on the semi-structured depth interview method. The results show that most of the interviewees do not have a very clear idea about the concept of „sustainability” and that of the implementation of consistent practices in the hospitality industry. Therefore, they do not consider the application of these practices when choosing a certain economic agent for spending their free time. The results of this research can be the basis of some governmental and nongovernmental programs for educating potential tourists regarding the impact of tourism on the environment and the need for sustainable development of this sector. Also, these results can be useful to the economic operators in the tourism industry, to consider participating in the sustainable development of the sector and to take measures to promote the sustainable practices that they have applied