2 research outputs found

    Romanian university sports-cultural landscape defined by the sportive space determined by national competitions (in 2015) in team sports

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    The spatial analysis of sports competitions can be accomplished according to sports branch, specific infrastructure elements and the teams trained in competitions. By limits, geographic position, structure and dynamics, such an area is defining in outlining a type of university cultural-sportive landscape. In the case of this study, through specific analysis methods, tried in the specialty literature, our purpose is to analyze the spatial impact of team sports through the static component – infrastructure and the dynamic one – sports clubs (teams). The analysis may target especially the age group, gender group, the environment, amateur or professional level, etc. At the level of the Romanian political space, the present study will reflect from territorial point of view the relationship between the dynamic and static components at the level of the year 2015, on 7 branches with team sports, amateurs, professionals, which represent the university environment. The purpose is to outline the role of university sports in the unit of the Romanian sports through quantifiable elements, useful in the spatial planning and organization strategies

    The role of tourism in local economy development. Bihor County case study

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    The purpose of the present study is to emphasize the role of tourism in local economy development, in the context of present-day society dominated by antagonistic battles between local/regional values and the global ones. Tourism is a special anthropic activity, with deep implications both in the spatial individuality and regional values assertion and in those with global character. It sets up for a significant indicator regarding the development level recorded by a human collectivity in a certain area. In this context, the results of the correlations between the number of companies, employees, turnover and recorded profit, during the period between 2000 and 2014, on spatial and global level, become significant indicators, having special relevance in the role and importance of tourism in local economy development