43 research outputs found


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    The experience of the developed countries has shown that it is completely delusional to try and create a modern agriculture without the powerful development of agricultural insurances. Agriculture has always been one of the most important economic branches in Romania, as it has the highest value of all European countries by GDP (8-12%). This field represents an important direction in the economic development, especially due to the high potential of the agricultural development in the E.U. countries. The present paper tries to illustrate the potential of agricultural insurances, their necessity, the general presentation of the domestic agricultural insurance market and that of the European Union's as well as the search for viable solutions of development in agriculture by the aid of insurances.agricultural insurances, agriculture, the European Union

    The role of corporate social responsibility in social entrepreneurship

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    The debates on the differences between social enterprises and commercial enterprises are related to task performance and the way that social mission is accomplished by involved parties. However, commercial entrepreneurs must pursue both economic and social issues, but primary mission will be to acquire financial independence by investing and creating value for stakeholders. Corporate Social Responsibility has an undeniable effect on both society and businesses, but this practice depends on the companies availability to get involved which is at the discretion of the managers and shareholders. This study is based on a quantitative research, aimed to evaluate specific aspects of CSR policies developed by 79 firms from N-W part of Romania. Corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship have distinct conceptual approach, but both have an indubitable effect by valorizing social opportunities.Corporate Social Responsibility, social enterprise, social value, enterprises.


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    The authors are preoccupied with analyzing the process of social entrepreneurship and the implications and the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on social entrepreneurial process. We will base our researches on two perspectives of social entrepreneurs and of founds. This study was inspired from a model developed by Professor Rob John in collaboration with Skoll Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Oxford Said Business School. Our research has as a main purpose to identify the way that NGOs and enterprises representative see their social implication and also their relation trough partnerships and collaboration. This research is of particular relevance by providing an insight about the way that different types of collaboration between social organizations and companies increase social impact. Considering the lack of empirical studies in this field, we believe that this research has a great importance most of all because it offers the possibility to make a comparison between Romanian perceptions regarding the social entrepreneurship with Rob John research (2007) which can be considered a reference model.corporate social responsibility, enterprises, NGOs, social entrepreneurship, social impact, social problems.

    The Involvement of Boards in Strategy Implementation

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    The classical management perspective works on the assumption that CEO can design an explicit “grand strategy” for the entire enterprise. Later strategy perspectives question these normative assumptions and depict strategy as a messy, disorderly and disjointed process. In academic corporate governance research, it is widely agreed that boards should contribute to corporate strategy. But despite reasonable consensus on the board’s responsibility for strategy, how boards should fulfill this responsibility has remained unclear. In parts this due to the fact that the role the boards in strategy formulation and implementation is still an empirically understudied phenomenon in corporate governance research. Hence, the purpose of this research is to explore the potential role of the boards of directors in strategy formulation and implementation based on case study example – two aspects that have so far been left largely unaddressed by corporate governance research and practice.strategy formulation, strategy implementation, corporate governance, board of directors.


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    Knowing the importance of the integration process of graduates of higher economic studies on a labour market that is becoming more and more demanding, as well as the fact that professional objectives realistic defined represent an essential demand of performance, the present paper aims to determine the relevance of personal decision capacities as a favouring factor of a concrete career option for economist students. Our research is based on information and statistical data obtained through applying tests and questionnaires on economist students from licence and master studies form three universities: University of Oradea, The West University of Timişoara and "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, in the project called PRACTeam "The practice of economist students. Inter-regional partnership on the labour market between universities and the business environment" Project co-financed through the Social European Fund, Through the Operational Program Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013 - "Invest in people!". In essence we leave from the premises that the professional option reflects a specific side of individual's personality which does not choose only for a certain occupation but, implicitly for a certain lifestyle. As a diagnosis approach we assume axiomatic the thesis according to which the high level of congruence between the individual psychological availabilities and the occupational environment raises the satisfaction chance and professional success. The approach that we submit is an interdisciplinary one, as well as the research team formed of two economists and a psychologist. Our study proposes to identify the correlation between the individual decision ability of the subject and the compatibility between a specific interests set of abilities identified on the basis of individual tests. Also, on the basis of processing the results obtained of economist students at the personality tests, we will try to argument explaining the option of some subjects for professions that demand individual qualities that their personality does not imply at the level asked.labour market, profession option, economist students, career

    Professional Mobility and the Human Resources Flexibility - Premises of the Employment Improvement of Labor Force in Industry

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    During the transition years, the most striking and at the same time alarming process in matters of employment has been the severe decrease of the employed population. The causes that determine a process or another in the field of workforce employment can be grouped into: economic causes, institutional causes, educational and training causes, social causes, the management of the labour market. In this paper we have approached mainly the educational and training causes, taking into account the mass privatization process of the Romanian enterprises which led to the apparition/disappearance of qualifications, associated with big changes in the content of jobs and qualifications. In order to know the structural or circumstantial changes concerning the qualifications required on the labour market it is necessary to have an information inquiry about the qualifications and the qualification needs, which means investigations at the firms from the town/area. To this purpose we have made a research (to be seen in a questionnaire-based survey) at the level of Cluj county on a statistical population of 2736 enterprises. As a result of the research, we have elaborated the classification of the most wanted and most vulnerable jobs specific to industry on the labour market from Cluj and we have identified the main employment difficulties. Under the actual conditions of restructuring economy in general and industry in particular we consider that the flexibility of human resources represents a decisive factor for improving employment in economy in general and in industry in particular.employment; unemployment; jobs/qualifications; professional mobility; flexibility.

    Quality in museums as a way to increase sustainability

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    Due to the high accent put on sustainable development of communities and on the role played by cultural organisations in this development process, this research starts from the hypothesis that quality may represent a path through which museums can achieve a higher level of sustainability. This hypothesis was tested through semi-structured interviews with experts from museums. The qualitative research showed that museums sustainability has to be measured through quantitative indicators but also through some quality-related indicators. Despite the fact that all experts pointed out a connection between sustainability measurement and quality, they argued that very few Romanian museums are carrying out such studies. Often, museums see quality measurement as something expensive, and thus unaffordable. Based on these facts, the second part of the paper seeks to highlight that quality is a much simpler tool than it is considered and museums can use this tool for improving their sustainability. Thus, the concept of museum quality is clarified by presenting the factors influencing it and some practical models which can be used by museums for measuring quality. By combining empirical and theoretical research, this paper may be of interest for other scholars studying museums sustainability and quality, but also for people working in museums

    Sustainable Museums for Sustainable Development

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    The sustainable development of a region depends on the sustainability and measures taken by all the public and private organizations in the respective area. Museums stand out among these organizations due to the controversies arising in connection with the role they have to play in this process of sustainable development. This paper seeks to analyze whether and why museums should become sustainable and provide an overview on the Romanian museums’ sustainability. The qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews with five museum experts showed that the sustainable development of Romania through cultural tourism is threatened due to the fact that few museums take steps towards become sustainable. Among the factors that hinder the process of sustainable change in museums can be mentioned the following: the current legislation, the scarcity and poor training of the human resources, but also the some managers’ misconception on the notion of sustainable museum and their resistance to change

    Sustainable Museums for Sustainable Development

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    The sustainable development of a region depends on the sustainability and measures taken by all the public and private organizations in the respective area. Museums stand out among these organizations due to the controversies arising in connection with the role they have to play in this process of sustainable development. This paper seeks to analyze whether and why museums should become sustainable and provide an overview on the Romanian museums’ sustainability. The qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews with five museum experts showed that the sustainable development of Romania through cultural tourism is threatened due to the fact that few museums take steps towards become sustainable. Among the factors that hinder the process of sustainable change in museums can be mentioned the following: the current legislation, the scarcity and poor training of the human resources, but also the some managers’ misconception on the notion of sustainable museum and their resistance to change

    Technological innovations in museums as a source of competitive advantage

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    In an economic environment characterised by permanent and rapid technological evolution, successful organisations are the ones that are able to adapt their processes and activities to change. This article starts from the assumption that museums can use various modern technologies in order to raise their market competitiveness. Technological innovation allows museums to become more attractive and fulfil their functions better while also using their resources more efficiently. The first part of this paper presents a series of technological innovations specific to museums and the way in which these innovations can lead to an increased museum performance. The study case in the second part of the paper presents the results of an analysis of the technologies used by the museums in Baia Mare in comparison with other Romanian museums. The improvement solutions proposed based on this analysis can prove useful not just for the museums studied, but also for other museums in similar situations. Another, indirect, purpose of this research is to help raise the tourist attractiveness of Baia Mare by bettering the competitiveness of its museums