10 research outputs found

    Organismal complexity, cell differentiation and gene expression: human over mouse

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    We present a molecular and cellular phenomenon underlying the intriguing increase in phenotypic organizational complexity. For the same set of human–mouse orthologous genes (11 534 gene pairs) and homologous tissues (32 tissue pairs), human shows a greater fraction of tissue-specific genes and a greater ratio of the total expression of tissue-specific genes to housekeeping genes in each studied tissue, which suggests a generally higher level of evolutionary cell differentiation (specialization). This phenomenon is spectacularly more pronounced in those human tissues that are more directly involved in the increase of complexity, longevity and body size (i.e. it is reflected on the organismal level as well). Genes with a change in expression breadth show a greater human–mouse divergence of promoter regions and encoded proteins (i.e. the functional genomics data are supported by the structural analysis). Human also shows the higher expression of translation machinery. The upstream untranslated regions (5′UTRs) of human mRNAs are longer than mouse 5′UTRs (even after correction for the difference in genome sizes) and contain more uAUG codons, which suggest a more complex regulation at the translational level in human cells (and agrees well with the augmented cell specialization)

    Isolation and Characterization of Human Colon Adenocarcinoma Stem-Like Cells Based on the Endogenous Expression of the Stem Markers.

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    BACKGROUND: Cancer stem cells\u27 (CSCs) self-maintenance is regulated via the pluripotency pathways promoting the most aggressive tumor phenotype. This study aimed to use the activity of these pathways for the CSCs\u27 subpopulation enrichment and separating cells characterized by the OCT4 and SOX2 expression. METHODS: To select and analyze CSCs, we used the SORE6x lentiviral reporter plasmid for viral transduction of colon adenocarcinoma cells. Additionally, we assessed cell chemoresistance, clonogenic, invasive and migratory activity and the data of mRNA-seq and intrinsic disorder predisposition protein analysis (IDPPA). RESULTS: We obtained the line of CSC-like cells selected on the basis of the expression of the OCT4 and SOX2 stem cell factors. The enriched CSC-like subpopulation had increased chemoresistance as well as clonogenic and migration activities. The bioinformatic analysis of mRNA seq data identified the up-regulation of pluripotency, development, drug resistance and phototransduction pathways, and the downregulation of pathways related to proliferation, cell cycle, aging, and differentiation. IDPPA indicated that CSC-like cells are predisposed to increased intrinsic protein disorder. CONCLUSION: The use of the SORE6x reporter construct for CSCs enrichment allows us to obtain CSC-like population that can be used as a model to search for the new prognostic factors and potential therapeutic targets for colon cancer treatment

    Cellular Biogenetic Law and Its Distortion by Protein Interactions: A Possible Unified Framework for Cancer Biology and Regenerative Medicine

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    The biogenetic law (recapitulation law) states that ontogenesis recapitulates phylogenesis. However, this law can be distorted by the modification of development. We showed the recapitulation of phylogenesis during the differentiation of various cell types, using a meta-analysis of human single-cell transcriptomes, with the control for cell cycle activity and the improved phylostratigraphy (gene dating). The multipotent progenitors, differentiated from pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESC), showed the downregulation of unicellular (UC) genes and the upregulation of multicellular (MC) genes, but only in the case of those originating up to the Euteleostomi (bony vertebrates). This picture strikingly resembles the evolutionary profile of regulatory gene expansion due to gene duplication in the human genome. The recapitulation of phylogenesis in the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) during their differentiation resembles the ESC pattern. The unipotent erythroblasts differentiating into erythrocytes showed the downregulation of UC genes and the upregulation of MC genes originating after the Euteleostomi. The MC interactome neighborhood of a protein encoded by a UC gene reverses the gene expression pattern. The functional analysis showed that the evolved environment of the UC proteins is typical for protein modifiers and signaling-related proteins. Besides a fundamental aspect, this approach can provide a unified framework for cancer biology and regenerative/rejuvenation medicine because oncogenesis can be defined as an atavistic reversal to a UC state, while regeneration and rejuvenation require an ontogenetic reversal

    Growth of Biological Complexity from Prokaryotes to Hominids Reflected in the Human Genome

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    The growth of complexity in evolution is a most intriguing phenomenon. Using gene phylostratigraphy, we showed this growth (as reflected in regulatory mechanisms) in the human genome, tracing the path from prokaryotes to hominids. Generally, the different regulatory gene families expanded at different times, yet only up to the Euteleostomi (bony vertebrates). The only exception was the expansion of transcription factors (TF) in placentals; however, we argue that this was not related to increase in general complexity. Surprisingly, although TF originated in the Prokaryota while chromatin appeared only in the Eukaryota, the expansion of epigenetic factors predated the expansion of TF. Signaling receptors, tumor suppressors, oncogenes, and aging- and disease-associated genes (indicating vulnerabilities in terms of complex organization and strongly enrichment in regulatory genes) also expanded only up to the Euteleostomi. The complexity-related gene properties (protein size, number of alternative splicing mRNA, length of untranslated mRNA, number of biological processes per gene, number of disordered regions in a protein, and density of TF–TF interactions) rose in multicellular organisms and declined after the Euteleostomi, and possibly earlier. At the same time, the speed of protein sequence evolution sharply increased in the genes that originated after the Euteleostomi. Thus, several lines of evidence indicate that molecular mechanisms of complexity growth were changing with time, and in the phyletic lineage leading to humans, the most salient shift occurred after the basic vertebrate body plan was fixed with bony skeleton. The obtained results can be useful for evolutionary medicine

    Polyploidy as a Fundamental Phenomenon in Evolution, Development, Adaptation and Diseases

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    DNA replication during cell proliferation is ‘vertical’ copying, which reproduces an initial amount of genetic information. Polyploidy, which results from whole-genome duplication, is a fundamental complement to vertical copying. Both organismal and cell polyploidy can emerge via premature cell cycle exit or via cell-cell fusion, the latter giving rise to polyploid hybrid organisms and epigenetic hybrids of somatic cells. Polyploidy-related increase in biological plasticity, adaptation, and stress resistance manifests in evolution, development, regeneration, aging, oncogenesis, and cardiovascular diseases. Despite the prevalence in nature and importance for medicine, agri- and aquaculture, biological processes and epigenetic mechanisms underlying these fundamental features largely remain unknown. The evolutionarily conserved features of polyploidy include activation of transcription, response to stress, DNA damage and hypoxia, and induction of programs of morphogenesis, unicellularity, and longevity, suggesting that these common features confer adaptive plasticity, viability, and stress resistance to polyploid cells and organisms. By increasing cell viability, polyploidization can provide survival under stressful conditions where diploid cells cannot survive. However, in somatic cells it occurs at the expense of specific function, thus promoting developmental programming of adult cardiovascular diseases and increasing the risk of cancer. Notably, genes arising via evolutionary polyploidization are heavily involved in cancer and other diseases. Ploidy-related changes of gene expression presumably originate from chromatin modifications and the derepression of bivalent genes. The provided evidence elucidates the role of polyploidy in evolution, development, aging, and carcinogenesis, and may contribute to the development of new strategies for promoting regeneration and preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer

    Polyploidy and Myc Proto-Oncogenes Promote Stress Adaptation via Epigenetic Plasticity and Gene Regulatory Network Rewiring

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    Polyploid cells demonstrate biological plasticity and stress adaptation in evolution; development; and pathologies, including cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration, and cancer. The nature of ploidy-related advantages is still not completely understood. Here, we summarize the literature on molecular mechanisms underlying ploidy-related adaptive features. Polyploidy can regulate gene expression via chromatin opening, reawakening ancient evolutionary programs of embryonality. Chromatin opening switches on genes with bivalent chromatin domains that promote adaptation via rapid induction in response to signals of stress or morphogenesis. Therefore, stress-associated polyploidy can activate Myc proto-oncogenes, which further promote chromatin opening. Moreover, Myc proto-oncogenes can trigger polyploidization de novo and accelerate genome accumulation in already polyploid cells. As a result of these cooperative effects, polyploidy can increase the ability of cells to search for adaptive states of cellular programs through gene regulatory network rewiring. This ability is manifested in epigenetic plasticity associated with traits of stemness, unicellularity, flexible energy metabolism, and a complex system of DNA damage protection, combining primitive error-prone unicellular repair pathways, advanced error-free multicellular repair pathways, and DNA damage-buffering ability. These three features can be considered important components of the increased adaptability of polyploid cells. The evidence presented here contribute to the understanding of the nature of stress resistance associated with ploidy and may be useful in the development of new methods for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and oncological diseases

    Phylostratic Shift of Whole-Genome Duplications in Normal Mammalian Tissues towards Unicellularity Is Driven by Developmental Bivalent Genes and Reveals a Link to Cancer

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    Tumours were recently revealed to undergo a phylostratic and phenotypic shift to unicellularity. As well, aggressive tumours are characterized by an increased proportion of polyploid cells. In order to investigate a possible shared causation of these two features, we performed a comparative phylostratigraphic analysis of ploidy-related genes, obtained from transcriptomic data for polyploid and diploid human and mouse tissues using pairwise cross-species transcriptome comparison and principal component analysis. Our results indicate that polyploidy shifts the evolutionary age balance of the expressed genes from the late metazoan phylostrata towards the upregulation of unicellular and early metazoan phylostrata. The up-regulation of unicellular metabolic and drug-resistance pathways and the downregulation of pathways related to circadian clock were identified. This evolutionary shift was associated with the enrichment of ploidy with bivalent genes (p < 10−16). The protein interactome of activated bivalent genes revealed the increase of the connectivity of unicellulars and (early) multicellulars, while circadian regulators were depressed. The mutual polyploidy-c-MYC-bivalent genes-associated protein network was organized by gene-hubs engaged in both embryonic development and metastatic cancer including driver (proto)-oncogenes of viral origin. Our data suggest that, in cancer, the atavistic shift goes hand-in-hand with polyploidy and is driven by epigenetic mechanisms impinging on development-related bivalent genes

    Long-Term Transcriptomic Changes and Cardiomyocyte Hyperpolyploidy after Lactose Intolerance in Neonatal Rats

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    Many cardiovascular diseases originate from growth retardation, inflammation, and malnutrition during early postnatal development. The nature of this phenomenon is not completely understood. Here we aimed to verify the hypothesis that systemic inflammation triggered by neonatal lactose intolerance (NLI) may exert long-term pathologic effects on cardiac developmental programs and cardiomyocyte transcriptome regulation. Using the rat model of NLI triggered by lactase overloading with lactose and the methods of cytophotometry, image analysis, and mRNA-seq, we evaluated cardiomyocyte ploidy, signs of DNA damage, and NLI-associated long-term transcriptomic changes of genes and gene modules that differed qualitatively (i.e., were switched on or switched off) in the experiment vs. the control. Our data indicated that NLI triggers the long-term animal growth retardation, cardiomyocyte hyperpolyploidy, and extensive transcriptomic rearrangements. Many of these rearrangements are known as manifestations of heart pathologies, including DNA and telomere instability, inflammation, fibrosis, and reactivation of fetal gene program. Moreover, bioinformatic analysis identified possible causes of these pathologic traits, including the impaired signaling via thyroid hormone, calcium, and glutathione. We also found transcriptomic manifestations of increased cardiomyocyte polyploidy, such as the induction of gene modules related to open chromatin, e.g., “negative regulation of chromosome organization”, “transcription” and “ribosome biogenesis”. These findings suggest that ploidy-related epigenetic alterations acquired in the neonatal period permanently rewire gene regulatory networks and alter cardiomyocyte transcriptome. Here we provided first evidence indicating that NLI can be an important trigger of developmental programming of adult cardiovascular disease. The obtained results can help to develop preventive strategies for reducing the NLI-associated adverse effects of inflammation on the developing cardiovascular system

    Cytogenetic and Transcriptomic Analysis of Human Endometrial MSC Retaining Proliferative Activity after Sublethal Heat Shock

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    Temperature is an important exogenous factor capable of leading to irreversible processes in the vital activity of cells. However, the long-term effects of heat shock (HS) on mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) remain unstudied. We investigated the karyotype and DNA repair drivers and pathways in the human endometrium MSC (eMSC) survived progeny at passage 6 after sublethal heat stress (sublethal heat stress survived progeny (SHS-SP)). G-banding revealed an outbreak of random karyotype instability caused by chromosome breakages and aneuploidy. Molecular karyotyping confirmed the random nature of this instability. Transcriptome analysis found homologous recombination (HR) deficiency that most likely originated from the low thermostability of the AT-rich HR driving genes. SHS-SP protection from transformation is provided presumably by low oncogene expression maintained by tight co-regulation between thermosensitive HR drivers BRCA, ATM, ATR, and RAD51 (decreasing expression after SHS), and oncogenes mTOR, MDM2, KRAS, and EGFR. The cancer-related transcriptomic features previously identified in hTERT transformed MSC in culture were not found in SHS-SP, suggesting no traits of malignancy in them. The entrance of SHS-SP into replicative senescence after 25 passages confirms their mortality and absence of transformation features. Overall, our data indicate that SHS may trigger non-tumorigenic karyotypic instability due to HR deficiency and decrease of oncogene expression in progeny of SHS-survived MSC. These data can be helpful for the development of new therapeutic approaches in personalized medicine