80 research outputs found

    A Non-Archimedean Wave Equation

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    Let K be a non-Archimedean local field with the normalized absolute value βˆ£β‹…βˆ£|\cdot |. It is shown that a ``plane wave'' f(t+Ο‰1x1+...+Ο‰nxn)f(t+\omega_1 x_1+... +\omega_nx_n), where f is a Bruhat-Schwartz complex-valued test function on K, (t,x1,...,xn)∈Kn+1(t,x_1,..., x_n)\in K^{n+1}, max⁑1≀j≀nβˆ£Ο‰j∣=1\max\limits_{1\le j\le n}|\omega_j|=1, satisfies, for any f, a certain homogeneous pseudo-differential equation, an analog of the classical wave equation. A theory of the Cauchy problem for this equation is developed.Comment: 17 pages; the final version, to appear in Pacif. J. Mat

    Non-Archimedean Group Algebras with Baer Reductions

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    Within the concept of a non-Archimedean operator algebra with the Baer reduction (A. N. Kochubei, On some classes of non-Archimedean operator algebras, Contemporary Math. 596 (2013), 133--148), we consider algebras of operators on Banach spaces over non-Archimedean fields generated by regular representations of discrete groups.Comment: Final version, to appear in Algebras and Representation Theor

    Evolution Equations and Functions of Hypergeometric Type over Fields of Positive Characteristic

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    We consider a class of partial differential equations with Carlitz derivatives over a local field of positive characteristic, for which an analog of the Cauchy problem is well-posed. Equations of such type correspond to quasi-holonomic modules over the ring of differential operators with Carlitz derivatives. The above class of equations includes some equations of hypergeometric type. Building on the work of Thakur, we develop his notion of the hypergeometric function of the first kind (whose parameters belonged initially to Z\mathbb Z) in such a way that it becomes fully an object of the function field arithmetic, with the variable, parameters and values from the field of positive characteristic

    Fractional-Hyperbolic Systems

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    We describe a class of evolution systems of linear partial differential equations with the Caputo-Dzhrbashyan fractional derivative of order α∈(0,1)\alpha \in (0,1) in the time variable tt and the first order derivatives in spatial variables x=(x1,...,xn)x=(x_1,...,x_n), which can be considered as a fractional analogue of the class of hyperbolic systems. For such systems, we construct a fundamental solution of the Cauchy problem having exponential decay outside the fractional light cone {(t,x): ∣tβˆ’Ξ±xβˆ£β‰€1}\{(t,x):\ |t^{-\alpha}x|\le 1\}.Comment: Final version. available at http://link.springer.com/journal/1354

    Dwork-Carlitz Exponential and Overconvergence for Additive Functions in Positive Characteristic

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    We study overconvergence phenomena for Fq\mathbb F_q-linear functions on a function field over a finite field Fq\mathbb F_q. In particular, an analog of the Dwork exponential is introduced

    Analysis and Probability over Infinite Extensions of a Local Field

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    We consider an infinite extension KK of a local field of zero characteristic which is a union of an increasing sequence of finite extensions. KK is equipped with an inductive limit topology; its conjugate Kˉ\bar{K} is a completion of KK with respect to a topology given by certain explicitly written seminorms. We construct and study a Gaussian measure, a Fourier transform, a fractional differentiation operator and a cadlag Markov process on Kˉ\bar{K}. If we deal with Galois extensions then all these objects are Galois-invariant.Comment: 24 pages, LaTex; to appear in Potential Analysi

    Analysis and Probability over Infinite Extensions of a Local Field, II: A Multiplicative Theory

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    Let VV be a projective limit, with respect to the renormalized norm mappings, of the groups of principal units corresponding to a strictly increasing sequence of finite separable totally and tamely ramified Galois extensions of a local field. We study the structure of the dual group Vβ€²V', introduce and investigate a fractional differentiation operator on VV, and the corresponding L\'evy process. Part I: Potential Anal., 10 (1999), 305-325.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Polylogarithms and a Zeta Function for Finite Places of a Function Field

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    We introduce and study new versions of polylogarithms and a zeta function on a completion of Fq(x)\mathbb F_q (x) at a finite place. The construction is based on the use of the Carlitz differential equations for Fq\mathbb F_q-linear functions.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX-2

    General Fractional Calculus, Evolution Equations, and Renewal Processes

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    We develop a kind of fractional calculus and theory of relaxation and diffusion equations associated with operators in the time variable, of the form (Du)(t)=ddt∫0tk(tβˆ’Ο„)u(Ο„) dΟ„βˆ’k(t)u(0)(Du)(t)=\frac{d}{dt}\int\limits_0^tk(t-\tau)u(\tau)\,d\tau -k(t)u(0) where kk is a nonnegative locally integrable function. Our results are based on the theory of complete Bernstein functions. The solution of the Cauchy problem for the relaxation equation Du=βˆ’Ξ»uDu=-\lambda u, Ξ»>0\lambda >0, proved to be (under some conditions upon kk) continuous on [(0,∞)[(0,\infty) and completely monotone, appears in the description by Meerschaert, Nane, and Vellaisamy of the process N(E(t))N(E(t)) as a renewal process. Here N(t)N(t) is the Poisson process of intensity Ξ»\lambda, E(t)E(t) is an inverse subordinator.Comment: To appear in Integral Equations and Operator Theor

    Differential Equations for F_q-Linear Functions

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    We study certain classes of equations for FqF_q-linear functions, which are the natural function field counterparts of linear ordinary differential equations. It is shown that, in contrast to both classical and pp-adic cases, formal power series solutions have positive radii of convergence near a singular point of an equation. Algebraic properties of the ring of FqF_q-linear differential operators are also studied.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex-2
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