14 research outputs found

    Superoxide Dismutase 1 Nanozyme for Treatment of Eye Inflammation

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    Use of antioxidants to mitigate oxidative stress during ocular inflammatory diseases has shown therapeutic potential. This work examines a nanoscale therapeutic modality for the eye on the base of antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), termed “nanozyme.” The nanozyme is produced by electrostatic coupling of the SOD1 with a cationic block copolymer, poly(L-lysine)-poly(ethyleneglycol), followed by covalent cross-linking of the complexes with 3,3′-dithiobis(sulfosuccinimidylpropionate) sodium salt. The ability of SOD1 nanozyme as well as the native SOD1 to reduce inflammatory processes in the eye was examined in vivo in rabbits with immunogenic uveitis. Results suggested that topical instillations of both enzyme forms demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity; however, the nanozyme was much more effective compared to the free enzyme in decreasing uveitis manifestations. In particular, we noted statistically significant differences in such inflammatory signs in the eye as the intensities of corneal and iris edema, hyperemia of conjunctiva, lens opacity, fibrin clots, and the protein content in aqueous humor. Clinical findings were confirmed by histological data. Thus, SOD1-containing nanozyme is potentially useful therapeutic agent for the treatment of ocular inflammatory disorders

    Laser-induced modification of the patellar ligament tissue: comparative study of structural and optical changes

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    The effects of non-ablative infrared (IR) laser treatment of collagenous tissue have been commonly interpreted in terms of collagen denaturation spread over the laser-heated tissue area. In this work, the existing model is refined to account for the recently reported laser-treated tissue heterogeneity and complex collagen degradation pattern using comprehensive optical imaging and calorimetry toolkits. Patella ligament (PL) provided a simple model of type I collagen tissue containing its full structural content from triple-helix molecules to gross architecture. PL ex vivo was subjected to IR laser treatments (laser spot, 1.6 mm) of equal dose, where the tissue temperature reached the collagen denaturation temperature of 60 ± 2°C at the laser spot epicenterin the first regime, and was limited to 67 ± 2°C in the second regime. The collagen network was analyzed versus distance from the epicenter. Experimental characterization of the collagenous tissue at all structural levels included cross-polarization optical coherence tomography, nonlinear optical microscopy, light microscopy/histology, and differential scanning calorimetry. Regressive rearrangement of the PL collagen network was found to spread well outside the laser spot epicenter (>2 mm) and was accompanied by multilevel hierarchical reorganization of collagen. Four zones of distinct optical and morphological properties were identified, all elliptical in shape, and elongated in the direction perpendicular to the PL long axis. Although the collagen transformation into a random-coil molecular structure was occasionally observed, it was mechanical integrity of the supramolecular structures that was primarily compromised. We found that the structural rearrangement of the collagen network related primarily to the heat-induced thermo-mechanical effects rather than molecular unfolding. The current body of evidence supports the notion that the supramolecular collagen structure suffered degradation of various degrees, which gave rise to the observed zonal character of the laser-treated lesion

    Air plasma-generated nitric oxide in treatment of skin scars and articular musculoskeletal disorders : preliminary review of observations

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    The generation of gaseous mixtures containing nitric oxide (gNO) from different plasma sources has been widely used for various clinical applications. Concentrations of biologically active species generated in those discharges in addition to gNO were calculated for different gas temperatures. Synergistic actions of gNO with other plasma species are discussed. New therapeutic effects of gNO-containing plasmas achieved for the treatment of skin scars, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and sport injuries are reported.8 page(s

    Dinitrosyl iron complexes with glutathione incorporated into a collagen matrix as a base for the design of drugs accelerating skin wound healing

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    Composites of a collagen matrix and dinitrosyl iron complexes with glutathione (DNIC-GS) (in a dose of 4.0μmoles per item) in the form of spongy sheets (DNIC-Col) were prepared and then topically applied in rat excisional full-thickness skin wound model. The effects of DNIC-Col were studied in comparison with spontaneously healing wounds (SpWH) and wounds treated with collagen sponges (Col) without DNIC-GS. The composites induced statistically and clinically significant acceleration of complete wound closure (21±1day versus 23±1day and 26±1day for DNIC-Col, Col and SpWH, respectively). Histological examination of wound tissues on days 4, 14, 18 and 21 after surgery demonstrated that this improvement was supported by enhanced growth, maturation and fibrous transformation of granulation tissue and earlier epithelization of the injured area in rats treated with DNIC-Col composites benchmarked against Col and SpWH. It is suggested that the positive effect of the new pharmaceutical material on wound healing is based on the release of NO from decomposing DNIC. This effect is believed to be potentiated by the synergy of DNIC and collagen.11 page(s

    Scar tissue classification using nonlinear optical microscopy and discriminant analysis

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    This paper addresses the scar tissue maturation process that occurs stepwise, and calls for reliable classification. The structure of collagen imaged by nonlinear optical microscopy (NLOM) in post-burn hypertrophic and mature scar, as well as in normal skin, appeared to distinguish these maturation steps. However, it was a discrimination analysis, demonstrated here, that automated and quantified the scar tissue maturation process. The achieved scar classification accuracy was as high as 96%. The combination of NLOM and discrimination analysis is believed to be instrumental in gaining insight into the scar formation, for express diagnosis of scar and surgery planning.9 page(s

    Long term clinical results in laser reconstruction of spine discs

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    Purpose: Determine the long-term clinical outcome of the laser reconstruction of intervertebral discs (LRD) in patients with chronic degenerative spine diseases. Methods: Ninety-seven patients with chronic back and neck pain caused by single and multi-level spinal discs degeneration were treated with non-ablative laser irradiation (1.56 μm Er:glass fiber laser) of the nucleus pulposus and the inner third of the annulus fibrosus through percutaneous needle puncture. The results were analyzed during five years after LRD by the means of clinical observation, radiological and biomechanical testing. Three surgical biopsies of the laser-irradiated disks were examined by the morphological methods. Subjective estimation of LRD influence of the patients’ life quality and back pain intensity has been performed with validated questionnaires of SF-36 and VAS. Results: Majority of the patients, who underwent LRD procedure, demonstrated an essential improvement in their health state, including decreasing of spine discs instability, pain relief and the general quality of their lives. There were no any complications related to the use of LRD. Five-year outcome have shown positive dynamics of MRI features of the treated discs in 77% of patients as well as an improvement in the SF-36 total score and VAS in 92 and 95.9% of patients respectively. The histological results have proved the growth of hyaline like cartilage in laser-treated zone. Conclusions: Five years outcome observations demonstrate stable positive structural changes in the intervertebral discs as well as the significant improvement in subjective feelings of the life quality and pain relief for the majority of the patients

    Collagen structure deterioration in the skin of patients with pelvic organ prolapse determined by atomic force microscopy

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    We used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to diagnose pathological changes in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of skin connective tissue in patients with pelvic organ prolapse (POP). POP is a common condition affecting women that considerably decreases the patients' quality of life. Deviations from normal morphology of the skin ECM from patients with POP occur including packing and arrangement of individual collagen fibers and arrangement of collagen fibrils. The nanoindentation study revealed significant deterioration of the mechanical properties of collagen fibril bundles in the skin of POP patients as compared with the skin of healthy subjects. Changes in the skin ECM appeared to correlate well with changes in the ECM of the pelvic ligament tissue associated with POP. AFM data on the ECM structure of normal and pathologically altered connective tissue were in agreement with results of the standard histological study on the same clinical specimens. Thus, AFM and related techniques may serve as independent or complementary diagnostic tools for tracking POP-related pathological changes of connective tissue.10 page(s

    Specific features of early stage of the wound healing process occurring against the background of photodynamic therapy using fotoditazin photosensitizer-amphiphilic polymer complexes

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    There is a growing demand on the studies of the wound healing potentials of photodynamic therapy. Here we analyze the effects of Fotoditazin, an e6 chlorine derivative, and its complexes with amphiphilic polymers, on the early stage of wound healing in a rat model. A skin excision wound model with prevented contraction was developed in male albino rats divided into eight groups according to the treatment mode. All animals received injections of one of the studied compositions into their wound beds and underwent low-intensity laser irradiation or stayed un-irradiated. The clinical monitoring and histological examination of the wounds were performed. It has been found that all the Fotoditazin formulations have significant effects on the early stage of wound healing. The superposition of the inflammation and regeneration was the main difference between groups. The aqueous solution of Fotoditazin alone induced a significant capillary hemorrhage, while its combinations with amphiphilic polymers did not. The best clinical and morphological results were obtained for the Fotoditazin-Pluronic F127 composition. Compositions of Fotoditazin and amphiphilic polymers, especially Pluronic F127, probably, have a great potential for therapy of wounds. Their effects can be attributed to the increased regeneration and suppressed reactions changes at the early stages of repair.10 page(s