4 research outputs found


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    Professor Mykola Kravchenko developed scientific approaches to the creation of new beef cattle breeds for Ukraine. His elaborations on genealogical breeding, animal selection, reproductive crossing of breeds, line breeding methods and their classification were used for the Ukrainian Beef cattle breeding. These scientific provisions have been analyzed for the animals productivity at various stages of breeding and use Ukrainian Beef cattle breed. In animals studied reproductive capacity, meat productivity, meat forms of exterior and body types. In cows milking and calves safety evaluated. The selection methods are based on the M.A. Kravchenko scientific provisions allowed to create a dominated breed in the former USSR by average daily gain in weight. These animals were significantly inferior to Simmental breeding traits of cow’s productivity. This indicates a low level of dams breeding methods justification. Detected significant influence of the original breeds on the features intrabreed types. The use of Charolais breed influenced the increase of bulls muscle development and the calving difficulty of cows. The use of Chianina cattle breed increased the growth size of animals, but significantly worsened of the calf’s mortality. Not all Ukrainian Beef cattle breed breeding schemes were successful. Simmental and Chianina cattle breeds were not satisfactorily combined at crossbreeding. In the development of breeding selection theory the possible manifestation of inbred depression studied. The direction of inbreeding has been found to be more important than its coefficient value. In inbreeding for the mother line ancestor and “middle ancestor” cows calf’s mortality up to age of 3 months old less than with intra-linear breeding. Proved that reduce expression of inbreeding depression diversity parents of the body type and blood groups antigens. Research data should be used to create and improve new synthetic cattle breed


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    In the complex of measures of beef cattle improvement, essential in breeding is the choice of the desired body conformation type, which corresponds to certain direction of productivity. Reproductive traits of the Prydniprovskii breed type (PM -1) sires in ALLC “Volia”, Zolotonostha district, Cherkasy region were evaluated depending on the body conformation types and development of meat forms. Conformation types were studied by the method of model deviations in rump height and body length from points of shoulders to pin bones. Body measurements were determined with a measuring stick at 18 months of age. By spiƫng the distribution of frequencies of deviations of the variation series over the measurements, large frame animals (big height and long bodied animals) and compact (low height and short bodied bulls) types of body conformation have been segregated. The development of the meat forms was determined by testing of the bulls’ own performance. It has been proved that greater volume of ejaculation, bigger number of spermatozoa in ejaculation with straight progressive movement, higher fertilizing ability of spermatozoa were associated with the bulls of large frame type as compared to compact type contemporaries. Under the pure breeding methods of selection, cows bred by large frame sires, have had easier calving. The offspring from compact-type bulls had larger forehead width, head depth, width at points of shoulders, and hip width, and lower body lengthas compared to the offspring from large frame sires. Survival rate of calves born from large frame sires until 8 months of age was higher. Bulls with better developed meat forms tend to have lower volume of ejaculation, concentration, and fertilizing ability of spermatozoa. Cows fertilized with their semen were more likely have difficult calving, which affected calves’ survival rate from birth to weaning. According to the results obtained, compact type bulls and bulls with better expressed meat forms have lower reproductive abilit

    Influence of body structure types and pronouncement of meat forms of bulls on their sexual activity

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    The relevance of the study is determined by the need to find ways to improve the attributes of the reproduction of bulls that affect the economic efficiency of their use. The purpose of the study was to identify the relationship between the features of the exterior of bulls and their sexual activity, other signs of reproduction. Bulls of the Ukrainian meat breed were divided into two groups using the size Index: large-sized and compact. The pronouncement of meat forms in bulls was determined at the age of 15 months on a 60-point scale. Sexual activity was characterised by the duration of the manifestation of sexual reflexes from bringing the animal to the mount to mounting it. In experimental bulls, the duration of the period of productive use, the number of deliveries to the mount and attempts of mounting it, and the number of ejaculates received and culled were recorded. It was found that the tendency to distribute active moderate and calm manifestations of sexual reflexes in bulls of different types of body structure and the development of meat forms are similar. Most of all, there was a proportion of moderate sexual activity, but specific trends were observed within the groups. The proportion of high sexual activity was higher in compact bulls compared to large-sized peers and animals with better pronounced meat forms. Further, large-sized bulls tend to increase the duration of productive use, predominate in the proportion of mounts made and are characterised by a decrease in the proportion of ejaculate culling. Bulls with more pronounced meat forms tend to increase the duration of productive use, which is due to their higher breeding value based on the characteristics of meat productivity. In terms of the proportion of mounts made and the percentage of ejaculates culled, there was no difference between animals with different meat forms. The results obtained prove that compact bulls are more suitable for intensive use at an early age, and large-sized producers are more effective in adulthood. The better development of meat forms somewhat reduces the sexual activity of young bulls. At a more mature age, meat forms practically do not affect the results of using bulls. The results obtained allow selecting the type of body structure of bulls that have the highest sexual activit

    The expressiveness of meat forms of cattle depending on the content of adipose tissue under the skin and between the muscles

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    The paper covers the peculiarities of the degree of meat shapes in the bulls of the Ukrainian meat breed, depending on the adipose tissue content under the skin and between the muscles. They were evaluated according to their productivity from 8 to 18, 21, and 23 months. Bulls with better development of meat shapes are characterized by fat deposition in the carcass and between the muscles earlier and more intensively. They have from 15.1 to 44.7% more fatty tissue in the carcass, including under the skin – from 3.8 to 44.1%. With a different degree of meat shapes, subcutaneous fat is deposited more than between muscles. The content of adipose tissue under the skin relative to its total amount in the body of animals tends to decrease by 6.5 points with age for a better degree of meat shapes, and on the contrary, to increase by 2.6 points for a worse degree. If the fat under the bull skin at 18 months in the best shapes is 72.1% of the fat in the carcass, and in the worst – 72.3%, then at 23 months, its amount decreases by 13.6 and 4.4 points, respectively. The fat between the muscles, on the contrary, increases from 27.9 and 27.7% by the same amounts, respectively. With a greater degree of meat shapes and subcutaneous fat thickness on the carcasses of 18-month-old bulls, intramuscular fat (marbling) content is lower by 75.0%. 18-month-old bulls with better-developed meat shapes have fat cuts off from the carcass by 15.2% more than animals with less developed shapes, 23 – by 11.3%. A large amount of produced waste in the body of animals in the best meat shape leads to excessive (from 0.9 to 14.5%) feed consumption (feed unit) for the increase in live weight. The subcutaneous fat content and the number of cuts off from 16 to 24 months positively correlate with the degree of meat shapes in bulls at 15 months and have correlation coefficients of 0.26 and 0.17, respectively