7 research outputs found

    Study of Perceived Accessibility in Daily Travel within the Metropolis

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    The growth of metropolises and the number of vehicles cruising within their boundaries creates a permanent problem of dissatisfaction with transport accessibility. This study aims to identify the difference between perceived (PA) and objective (OA) transport accessibility. For its implementation, it was necessary: to explore PA between different residential areas and travel modes, reveal the influence of the travel regime on the PA, compare the impact of social-demographic factors on the individuals' PA. The research methodology is based on a large cross-sectional study with 2,275 respondents. A quota sample was used for 12 administrative districts of the Moscow metropolis. The data was processed by IBM SPSS Statistics 20 statistical program to obtain descriptive statistics indicators. Correlation analysis of the respondent's answers to the four items for PA assessment was performed to assess the relationship between the results of the solutions. Next, a synthetic index of PA was calculated and analyzed differences using the integral index PA. The relationship significance was assessed using F-criterion-based one-way ANOVA. The novelty of our study is as follows: it contributes to previous research on the possibility of measuring perceived affordability in metropolitan areas and benchmarking OA and RA. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01316 Full Text: PD

    Unified educational space of the EAEU member states

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    The article deals with the issues of integration of individual national educational systems and the formation of a single Eurasian educational space. The purpose of the article is to assess the degree of readiness of the national higher education systems of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states for consistent integration. The assessment was conducted employing the tools of mathematical statistics. At the first stage, the authors formalized the national education system parameters in the form of a scorecard. At the second stage of the study, a comparative analysis of educational systems was carried out based on enlarged groups of quantitative and qualitative indicators. To conduct a comparative analysis of educational systems the authors used comparative logical, descriptive, and cluster analysis methods. According to the analysis results, Armenia and Belarus turned out to be the countries, most close to each other in terms of the totality of qualitative and quantitative indicators of national higher education systems. The conducted analysis allows concluding that Belarus can integrate with other countries most easily. Armenia is ranked the second country capable of such integration. Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are in the third and fourth places, respectively. According to the results of the cluster analysis, Russia has shown a minimal degree of integration of the higher education system with other EAEU countries, as it is the leader in terms of several qualitative and quantitative indicators. The authors have empirically proved that the EAEU member states have similar approaches to the organization of the higher education system and can hypothetically be united into a single educational cluster within a single Eurasian educational space

    Access to the Rail Station as a Customer Value: Simulation of Passenger Flows in Rail Stations with Disinfection Gateway Installations

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    This research applied secondary data collection methods to predict passenger flows, which involved analyzing traffic flows at rail stations and statistical methods, which involved assessing the relationship between variables and regression. Observation methods were used to measure current passenger flows at the rail station entrances. Passengers’ safety perception was assessed to understand the customer value of transport services. This assessment was based on an online survey, an analysis of official requests from passengers to the station directorates, and feedback from passengers and station visitors posted on the Internet. Traditional and content analysis methods were used to study passengers’ requests and feedbacks. It was substantiated that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of transportation security and the role of health safety as a customer value in passenger service have become more prominent. The possibility for passenger flow simulation to ensure people’s safe passage through a disinfection gateway is clearly shown. Public space management structures in transportation hubs can use the simulation results of this paper to solve the problem of passenger flow control along with installation of disinfection gateways at the station entrances for additional security. This is one of the few studies that explores the impact of using disinfection gateways to manage passenger flows in train stations

    Access to the Rail Station as a Customer Value: Simulation of Passenger Flows in Rail Stations with Disinfection Gateway Installations

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    This research applied secondary data collection methods to predict passenger flows, which involved analyzing traffic flows at rail stations and statistical methods, which involved assessing the relationship between variables and regression. Observation methods were used to measure current passenger flows at the rail station entrances. Passengers’ safety perception was assessed to understand the customer value of transport services. This assessment was based on an online survey, an analysis of official requests from passengers to the station directorates, and feedback from passengers and station visitors posted on the Internet. Traditional and content analysis methods were used to study passengers’ requests and feedbacks. It was substantiated that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of transportation security and the role of health safety as a customer value in passenger service have become more prominent. The possibility for passenger flow simulation to ensure people’s safe passage through a disinfection gateway is clearly shown. Public space management structures in transportation hubs can use the simulation results of this paper to solve the problem of passenger flow control along with installation of disinfection gateways at the station entrances for additional security. This is one of the few studies that explores the impact of using disinfection gateways to manage passenger flows in train stations

    Local Resident Attitudes to the Sustainable Development of Urban Public Transport System

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    This article presents a study of the attitude of metropolis residents to the environmental development of the urban public transport system. The authors set a goal to assess the influence of values on the assessment of environmental initiatives of city authorities in the field of public transport and their attitude to innovations in this sphere. In the course of the study, four clusters reflecting the values of the respondents were identified. The results showed support for innovations that do not require changes in the transport behavior of the individual. At the same time, we observe differences in the perception of initiatives by representatives of different clusters when the innovation affects their transportation behavior. Hypotheses were tested as an analysis result of empirical data by determining the synthetic indices of values using factor analysis, the classification of respondents based on the obtained indices to identify groups with similar values using cluster analysis, and an analysis of the relationship of the classification results by values using contingency tables and chi-square criterion. The scientific novelty of the study is to assess the impact of values of metropolis residents on the perception of environmental conditions and their change in the city

    Local Resident Attitudes to the Sustainable Development of Urban Public Transport System

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    This article presents a study of the attitude of metropolis residents to the environmental development of the urban public transport system. The authors set a goal to assess the influence of values on the assessment of environmental initiatives of city authorities in the field of public transport and their attitude to innovations in this sphere. In the course of the study, four clusters reflecting the values of the respondents were identified. The results showed support for innovations that do not require changes in the transport behavior of the individual. At the same time, we observe differences in the perception of initiatives by representatives of different clusters when the innovation affects their transportation behavior. Hypotheses were tested as an analysis result of empirical data by determining the synthetic indices of values using factor analysis, the classification of respondents based on the obtained indices to identify groups with similar values using cluster analysis, and an analysis of the relationship of the classification results by values using contingency tables and chi-square criterion. The scientific novelty of the study is to assess the impact of values of metropolis residents on the perception of environmental conditions and their change in the city