16 research outputs found

    Comunicaci贸n, cohesi贸n y satisfacci贸n familiar en adolescentes de la ense帽anza secundaria y preuniversitaria. Cienfuegos 2014

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    Fundamento: la familia es la instancia de intermediaci贸n entre el individuo y la sociedad, constituye el espacio por excelencia para el desarrollo de la identidad del adolescente, al ser el primer grupo de socializaci贸n y aportar las condiciones para el desarrollo sano de la personalidad.Objetivo: determinar el tipo de comunicaci贸n, el nivel de cohesi贸n y el grado de satisfacci贸n familiar en adolescentes que cursan la ense帽anza secundaria y pre-universitaria.M茅todos: estudio descriptivo realizado de enero a marzo de 2014 en 62 adolescentes del municipio de Cienfuegos, seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio estratificado por sexo. Se aplicaron las siguientes t茅cnicas: entrevista estructurada, cuestionarios para medir la comunicaci贸n adolescente-madre y la comunicaci贸n adolescente-padre, subescala de cohesi贸n familiar e instrumento para medir la satisfacci贸n familiar. Resultados: predominaron las edades de 13 y 16 a帽os, en familias medianas, nucleares, bigeneracionales que se encuentran en etapa de extensi贸n. En los adolescentes medios predomin贸 la comunicaci贸n positiva, alta cohesi贸n y satisfacci贸n familiar. En los adolescentes tard铆os la comunicaci贸n es l铆mite, tienen nivel de cohesi贸n intermedio y est谩n poco satisfechos con sus familias. Conclusiones: los adolescentes de edad media poseen una comunicaci贸n positiva con ambos progenitores, alto nivel de cohesi贸n y se sienten satisfechos con sus familias mientras que los adolescentes tard铆os percibieron l铆mite la comunicaci贸n con ambos padres, intermedia la cohesi贸n y se sienten poco satisfechos con sus familias.</p

    Communication, cohesion and family satisfaction in senior high and high school adolescents. Cienfuegos 2014

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    Foundation: The family is the instance of intermediation between the individual and society, it constitutes the space par excellence for adolescent identity development, being the first group of socialization and provide the conditions for healthy personality development. Objective: to determine the type of communication, the level of cohesion and the degree of family satisfaction in adolescents who attend senior high and high education centers. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out from January to March 2014 in 62 adolescents from the municipality of Cienfuegos, selected at random stratified by sex. The following techniques were applied: structured interview, questionnaires to measure adolescent-mother communication and adolescent-parent communication, subscale of family cohesion and instrument to measure family satisfaction. Results: 13 and 16-year-old adolescents predominated in medium-sized, nuclear, bigenerational families that are in the extension stage. Positive communication, high cohesion and family satisfaction prevailed in the average adolescents. In late adolescents communication is limited, they have intermediate level of cohesion and are dissatisfied with their families. Conclusions: the average adolescents showed good communication with parents, family unit and satisfaction. In the late adolescents qualitative changes were verified regarding the communication with parents, they did not feel so close to their family and showed little satisfaction

    Protocol for Detection, Prevention and Action in Alleged Cases of Gender-based Violence and Discrimination

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    A protocol is presented to prevent, avoid and act in situations of gender-based violence at the University of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos. This protocol establishes the necessary measures to identify situations of violence that occur in the university environment, whether towards students or teachers, with the aim of investigating them, proposing solutions and mitigating their consequences. The methodological and scientific rigor of the design presented allows us to offer the university community a very useful protocol that is in accordance with the Comprehensive Strategy for Prevention and Attention to Gender Violence and Violence in the Family Setting and the Advancement Plan to Women that is implemented in Cuba

    Escala de medici贸n de resiliencia en adolescentes cubanos entre 15 y 19 a帽os de edad

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    Introducci贸n: La resiliencia en la adolescencia se relaciona con la capacidad de resolver el problema de la identidad, en contextos en los cuales esta no posee las condiciones para construirse de modo positivo. Objetivo: Dise帽ar un instrumento para evaluar resiliencia en adolescentes de 15 a 19 a帽os de edad. M茅todo: Investigaci贸n de tipo instrumental, en el Instituto Preuniversitario "Mart铆n Dihigo" de Cienfuegos, de marzo a septiembre de 2022. Muestreo no probabil铆stico (n= 450). La validez de contenido se llev贸 a cabo a trav茅s del criterio de expertos, la validez de constructo a partir del an谩lisis factorial y la validez de criterio mediante correlaci贸n con la Escala de Resiliencia de Connor-Davidson. La fiabilidad se realiz贸 a trav茅s de la consistencia interna y la estabilidad temporal mediante el test-retest. Resultados: El instrumento presenta validez de contenido. El an谩lisis factorial arroj贸 7 factores que explican el 64,8 % de la varianza. La correlaci贸n con la Escala de Resiliencia de Connor-Davidson fue de 0,333 (p< 0,01). Se obtuvo un alfa de Cronbach global a= 0,839; se demostr贸 la estabilidad temporal. Conclusiones: La Escala de Resiliencia en Adolescentes Cubana tiene adecuados criterios de validez y fiabilidad que justifican su aplicaci贸n en la poblaci贸n de adolescentes de Cuba

    Estr茅s y emociones negativas en adultos medios con hipertensi贸n arterial esencial

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    Introducci贸n: la hipertensi贸n arterial constituye una de las patolog铆as cr贸nicas de mayor impacto en la morbilidad y mortalidad cardiovascular, fen贸meno que est谩 relacionado con factores psicosociales como el estr茅s y las emociones negativas. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de estr茅s, emociones negativas y modos de afrontamiento en adultos medios con hipertensi贸n arterial esencial del consultorio 1 del 脕rea V del municipio Cienfuegos. M茅todo: se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo efectuado en el consultorio 1 del 脕rea V de salud del municipio Cienfuegos, en el per铆odo comprendido entre enero-marzo de 2014. La selecci贸n de la muestra se realiz贸 de forma probabil铆stica, se utiliz贸 un muestreo biet谩pico y aleatorio simple, por lo que qued贸 conformada por 30 pacientes hipertensos esenciales comprendidos en las edades de 40 a 60 a帽os. El sexo, color de la piel, nivel de escolaridad, estado civil, ocupaci贸n, nivel de estr茅s, vulnerabilidad y modos de afrontamiento al estr茅s, ansiedad y depresi贸n constituyeron las variables del estudio. Resultados: predomin贸 el sexo femenino, el color de la piel blanca, como nivel de escolaridad el medio superior, estado civil casados y ocupaci贸n profesional. Resultaron ser altos los niveles y la vulnerabilidad al estr茅s. Utilizaron como modos de afrontamiento la confrontaci贸n y el apoyo social. La ansiedad rasgo鈥揺stado que predomin贸 fue media y aunque presentaron s铆ntomas depresivos, la depresi贸n no caracteriz贸 a la mayor铆a de los pacientes. Fueron las mujeres, amas de casa, t茅cnicos y profesionales quienes presentaron mayores niveles de estr茅s. No hubo distinci贸n en cuanto a sexo y ocupaci贸n con el nivel de ansiedad. Conclusi贸n: los pacientes hipertensos presentaron elevado estr茅s, moderada ansiedad y en menor medida depresi贸n

    Counseling: alternative to increase self-responsibility and self-efficacy before COVID-19

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    WHO considers that counseling is the technique par excellence to face the problem of communicable diseases due to its great potential as a means of providing personal support and because of the possibilities it offers for behavior modification. Other health problems can also benefit from the accumulated experiences in counseling. This work aims at proposing a methodology for Counseling Services to people in epidemiological surveillance and patients of COVID -19

    CONVIDA line. Proposal for a practical psychological guide to the emerging situation of COVID 19. Cienfuegos, 2020

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    Foundation: telephone helpline is a valuable technique and strategy to face health problems, a service that requires a practical psychological guide with guidelines that support action in front of a person requesting help.Objective: to design a psychological practice guide to orient psychologists who provide help on the CONVIDA line.Methods: research in Health Systems and Services, in applied research modality, developed by the Psychology Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos, from the second half of April to the first week of May 2020. Methods of the theoretical and empirical levels were used (content analysis and weighting). At first, it was carried out a review of the documents issued by MINSAP, and second, specialists (three) working in the confidential line met, and seven psychologists from the Department of Psychology, with experience in psychological counseling, were consulted.Results: Several components organized into four phases of the guide were integrated: beginning, information collection, intervention and closure, useful for psychologists who attend the CONVIDA telephone line. The most important contributions were: components determination, conception on the guide structure and selection of psychological influence.Conclusions: a guide for psychological practice is presented for professionals who are providing telephone psychological help to people who request it, in the midst of the COVIC pandemic 19.</p

    Methodological proposal for psychological approach of health providers to people in isolation centers by COVID 19

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    Foundation: providers of health systems and services need to provide comprehensive care to people in epidemiological surveillance by COVID-19. Technologies are required for an intervention which facilitate and improve the accompaniment, driving, support and the relief of psychological discomfort to this group of patients.Objective: to propose a methodology for the psychological approach of service providers to people in epidemiological surveillance by COVID 19 in the Cienfuegos province.Methods: research and development work, conducted at the Department of Psychology of the Cienfuegos Faculty of Medical Sciences. Methods of the theoretical and empirical level were used, among the latter expert criteria, composed by eight professors who met the selection criteria. Each expert was given the proposal and a questionnaire prepared for this purpose which grouped eight criteria to be evaluated. The responses were processed quantitatively, through counting and by their percentage representation, and the mean and standard deviation were also calculated.Results: experts considered that there was coherence between stages, consistency between their instruments of inquiry and those of timely intervention, as well as pertinent and suitable as well as very useful for providers.Conclusion: this methodological proposal shows structural and functional requirements which print a quality seal for the purposes it was developed. It is an instrument that may be improved as its use expands.</p

    Resilience Modulators and Overburden in Major Caregivers of Advanced Cancer Patients

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    Foundation: the caregiver plays an important role in helping and supporting a patient with cancer, but at the same time has the emotional and work burden which this work presupposes. Objective: to determine the resilience modulating factors and the degree of burden in major caregivers of advanced cancer patients. Method: a descriptive study was developed at the Area III Policlinic Cienfuegos during the period from December 2012 to March 2013. The universe was constituted by 25 primary caregivers of patients in an advanced stage of the disease. The studied variables were: sex, age, scholarship, occupation, marital status, kinship, time to patient care, self-esteem, optimism, emotional intelligence, and burden. The techniques used were: questionnaire and test of emotional intelligence, Coopersmith self-esteem inventory, caregiver burden scale by Zarit. Results: ages between 51 and 72 years predominated 48 %, 88 % were female, 40 % had elementary school level and 48 % were married, 72 % were housewives, 44 % were patients spouses, 52 % less than a year of care giving. 60 % had an intense burden, 48 % low level of self-esteem and an intense burden. 58.3 % of caregivers with low emotional intelligence had an intense burden. Conclusion: resilience modulators, self-esteem and emotional intelligence determine the level of burden suffered by major caregivers of advanced cancer patients