3 research outputs found

    Estudio Fitoquimico y actividad antioxidante in vitro de hojas y flores de Passiflora manicata.

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue efectuar un estudio fitoquímico de hojas y flores de Passiflora manicata y la posterior evaluación de su actividad antioxidante. Previo al análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo se comprobó que la materia vegetal cumpla con parámetros de calidad. Se realizó un tamizaje fitoquímico de extractos de diferente polaridad con lo que se pudo identificar cualitativamente su composición química. Por cromatografía de capa fina (TLC) se realizó la identificación presuntiva de flavonoides glicósidos y agliconas. Mediante técnicas espectrofotométricas se cuantificó el contenido de fenoles y flavonoides totales de extractos en acetato de etilo, metanol y alcohol 70 %. Para el análisis cromatográfico se realizó una hidrólisis ácida con el fin de cuantificar las agliconas provenientes de los flavonoides glicósidos. La evaluación de la actividad antioxidante in vitro se realizó mediante el ensayo de captación de radicales libres con el radical 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazil (DPPH*); se usó como antioxidante estándar ácido gálico. Los resultados fueron expresados como concentración inhibitoria 50 (IC50). Los compuestos identificados en TLC fueron: vitexina, isoorientina, vitexina-2”-O-ramnósido e isovitexina-2”-O-ramnósido. El contenido fenólico varió de 956.9892 ± 81.181 a 1389.0967 ± 645.1613 mg/100 gramos de planta, mientras que el contenido de flavonoides de 61.7971 ± 0.004 a 5310.1449 ± 100.4087 mg/100 gramos de planta; siendo el extracto hidroalcohólico de hojas el que presenta mayor contenido de compuestos. Se identificó y cuantificó apigenina en hojas y flores mediante cromatografía líquida de alta eficiencia. El IC50 calculado para hojas fue de 331.9234 ± 3.097 µg/ml y para flores de 3338.6306 ± 4.3089 µg/ml. Se concluye que las hojas presentan una mayor capacidad antioxidante en comparación que las flores, por lo que se recomienda profundizar los estudios farmacológicos, sobre actividades cicatrizante, antiantiinflamatoria y citotóxica de hojas de Passiflora manicata, con el fin de aprovechar su contenido de flavonoidesThe objective of this research was to conduct a phytochemical study of leaves and flowers of Passiflora manicata and the subsequently evaluation of their antioxidant activity. As a preliminary step to a qualitative and quantitative analysis it was necessary to check that the plant material meets quality standards. A phytochemical screening of extracts of different polarity was performed, which enable to identify its qualitatively chemical composition. By thin layer chromatography (TLC) the presumptive identification of flavonoid glycosides and aglycones was done. Through spectrophotometrically techniques it was possible to quantify the phenol and flavonoids total content of the extracts from ethyl acetate, methanol and 70 % alcohol. For the chromatographic analysis, an acid hydrolysis was done in order to quantify the aglycones coming from flavonoid glycosides. The evaluation of antioxidant activity in vitro was perfomed by radical scavenging assay with the radical 2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH*); it was used as standard antioxidant Gallic acid. The results were expressed as inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50). The identified compounds in TLC were: vitexina, isoorientin, vitexin-2”-O-rhamnoside and isovitexin-2”-O-rhamnoside. Phenolic content ranged from 956.9892±81.181 to 1389.0967 ± 645.1613 mg/100 g of plant; being the hydroalcoholic extracto of leaves the one that presents a higher content of compounds. It was identified and quantified apigenin in leaves and flowers by liquid chromatography of high efficiency. The quantified apigenin in leaves of 331.9234 ± 3.097 µg/ml and for the flowers 3338.6306 ± 4.3089 µg/ml. As conclusion, the leaves have a higher antioxidant capacity compared to the flowers, so it is recommended further pharmacological studies about cicatrizing, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activity of Passiflora manicata leaves, in order to benefit its flavonoid content

    Therapeutic potential of Physalis peruviana: a review of its biological activity

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    Introducción: la Physalis peruviana, también conocida como uvilla o uchuva, es una planta originaria de Sudamérica que ha sido utilizada tradicionalmente por sus propiedades medicinalesObjetivo: describir la actividad biológica de la Physalis peruviana y su potencial terapéutico.Métodos: se realizó una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura científica disponible en las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science. Se aplicó un filtro para limitar los resultados a artículos publicados en los últimos cinco años, obteniendo un total de 28 artículos disponibles en la base de datos. Se seleccionaron artículos en idioma inglés que estuvieran enfocados en la actividad biológica de la Physalis peruviana.Resultados: la planta contiene compuestos bioactivos, como withanólidos, flavonoides, ácidos fenólicos y carotenoides, que contribuyen a sus propiedades terapéuticas. Se destacan algunos estudios que han demostrado la eficacia de la Physalis peruviana en la regulación niveles séricos de glucosa, la prevención de la formación de tumores y la protección contra el daño oxidativo, incluyendo su potencial como antidiabético, antiinflamatorio, anticancerígeno, antioxidante, antibacteriano, neuroprotector y nefroprotector.Conclusiones: la Physalis peruviana es una fuente prometedora de compuestos bioactivos con diversas propiedades terapéuticas, como la actividad antidiabética, anticancerígena, antioxidante, antibacteriana, neuroprotectora y nefroprotectora. Los hallazgos subrayan la importancia de continuar investigando en esta área para descubrir y desarrollar nuevos productos naturales que puedan utilizarse en la prevención y tratamiento de diversas enfermedades.Introduction: physalis peruviana, also known as uvilla or uchuva, is a plant native to South America that has been traditionally used for its medicinal properties.Objective: to describe the biological activity of Physalis peruviana and its therapeutic potential.Methods: an exhaustive review of the scientific literature available in the electronic databases PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science was carried out. A filter was applied to limit the results to articles published in the last five years, obtaining a total of 28 articles available in the database. English-language articles were selected that focused on the biological activity of Physalis peruviana.Results: the plant contains bioactive compounds, such as withanolides, flavonoids, phenolic acids and carotenoids, which contribute to its therapeutic properties. Some studies have shown the efficacy of Physalis peruviana in the regulation of serum glucose levels, prevention of tumor formation and protection against oxidative damage, including its potential as an antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, antibacterial, neuroprotective and nephroprotective agent.Conclusions: physalis peruviana is a promising source of bioactive compounds with diverse therapeutic properties, such as antidiabetic, anticancer, antioxidant, antibacterial, neuroprotective and nephroprotective activity. The findings underscore the importance of continuing research in this area to discover and develop new natural products that can be used in the prevention and treatment of various diseases

    Potential use of agroindustrial waste as a source of phenolic compounds with biological activity

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    Phenolic compounds have bioactive properties of interest in Medicine. Current research focuses on the search for new sources of this type of compounds. Several studies have proposed recovering, characterizing and identifying phenolic compounds from agroindustrial waste, searching for various biological activities in them. The present research was developed with the objective of describing the potential use of agroindustrial waste as a source of phenolic compounds with biological activity and their use in Medicine. Agroindustrial waste has a high potential as a novel source of phenolic compounds with biological activity, which can be used in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries. Among its applications are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activity. Several of the agroindustrial waste come from cultivable products in Ecuador, hence it constitutes an opportunity to be exploited in the national industry. Studies in Ecuador on the use of agroindustrial waste focus on obtaining biofuels, bioplastics and animal feed products, so the search for bioactive compounds from new sources is still an incipient field