374 research outputs found
Jarimatika adalah suatu cara berhitung (operasi KaBaTaKu atau Kali, Bagi,
Tambah, Kurang) dengan menggunakan jari dan ruasâruas jari tangan.
Keterlibatan siswa untuk memperagakan jarimatika dapat membuat pembelajaran
menjadi bermakna. Siswa dapat menggunakan jari-jari tangan untuk
menyelesaikan permasalahan berhitung berdasarkan aturan formasi tangan dan
penyelesaian jarimatika.
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan sejalan dengan judul tersebut
di atas, yaitu: (1) Bagaimanakah penerapan metode jarimatika di kelas III MI PUI
Mekarjati pada pembelajaran matematika pokok bahasan operasi hitung
perkalian?; (2) Bagaimanakah respon siswa kelas III MI PUI Mekarjati terhadap
penerapan metode jarimatika pada pembelajaran matematika pokok bahasan
operasi hitung perkalian?; dan (3) Bagaimanakah peningkatan hasil belajar
matematika siswa Kelas III MI PUI Mekarjati pada pokok bahasan operasi hitung
perkalian setelah diterapkannya metode jarimatika?
Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) Mendeskripsikan penerapan
metode jarimatika pada pembelajaran matematika pokok bahasan operasi hitung
perkalian di kelas III MI PUI Mekarjati; (2) Mendeskripsikan respon siswa kelas
III MI PUI Mekarjati terhadap penerapan metode jarimatika pada pembelajaran
matematika pokok bahasan operasi hitung perkalian; dan (3) Mendeskripsikan
peningkatan hasil belajar matematika siswa Kelas III MI PUI Mekarjati pada
pokok bahasan operasi hitung perkalian setelah diterapkannya metode jarimatika.
Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini menggunakan pendekatan kulitatif.
Pengumpulan data-data yang terkait dengan penelitian menggunakan teknik tes dan
angket. Dan analisis datanya menggunakan teknik analisis deskriftif.
Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan kesimpulan-kesimpulan sebagai berikut, yaitu:
(1) Penerapan metode jarimatika pada pembelajaran matematika pokok bahasan
operasi hitung perkalian di kelas III MI PUI Mekarjati termasuk dalam kategori
baik; (2) Respon siswa kelas III MI PUI Mekarjati terhadap penerapan metode
jarimatika pada pembelajaran matematika pokok bahasan operasi hitung perkalian
termasuk dalam kategori baik; dan (3) Hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas III MI
PUI Mekarjati pada pokok bahasan operasi hitung perkalian mengalami
peningkatan yang signifikan setelah diterapkannya metode jarimatika.
Kata Kunci : Jarimatika, Operasi hitung perkalian, Hasil belajar
ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh functional benefit dan Symbolic benefit terhadap attitudinal dan behavioral consumer loyalty. Penelitian empiris ini menggambarkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan diantara functional benefit, emotional benefit dan symbolic benefit dan consumer attitudinal dan behavior loyalty. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 92 pelanggan di showroom Hyundai Pondok Indah. Cronbach alpha dan analisis regresi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 12.00 adalah sebagai alat yang mendukung dalam validasi construct pemahaman teori argumentasi sebagai dasar dalam pengukuran hasil. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah functional benefit, emotional benefit, dan symbolic benefit berpengarus positif terhadap attitudinal loyalty dan behavior customer loyalty. Kata kunci : Functional Benefit, Emotional Benefit, Symbolic Benefit, Attitudinal Customer Loyalty, Behavioral Customer Loyalt
Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji dan mengembangkan model pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab di STAI Taruna Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode research and development (R&D). STAI Taruna Surabaya merupakan salah satu lembaga Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Tertua di Surabaya yang mewajibkan mahasiswanya mempelajari/menguasai bahasa Arab. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme mampu meningkatkan proses dan hasil/keterampilan berbahasa Arab mahasiswa. Penggunaan model ini juga dapat meningkatkan kinerja dosen karena; 1) waktu pembelajaran lebih efektif, 2) pembelajaran lebih terkonsentrasi dan 3) aktivitas pembelajaran lebih terkontrol. Melalui model ini, perolehan hasil belajar (post test) kelompok eksperiman (KE) pada uji validasi lebih tinggi, daripada hasil belajar (post test) kelompok kontrol (KK). Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Arab mahasiswa dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa yang belajar melalui model pembelajaran konvensional. Berarti, perguruan tinggi Islam lain di Indonesia dapat juga menerapkan model pembelajaran berbasis konstruktivisme ini
Ms. Lucille Young on Employment
Ms. Lucille Young Full Interview
Lucille Young was born in Jackson, Mississippi in 1928. Her father and her five brothers and sisters lived on eight different plantations throughout Mississippi during her childhood; her mother became ill and died when she was an infant. Lucille attended school up to tenth grade, then worked at the Swift Packing Company, a box factory, and as a house cleaner and nanny. She married and had eight children, seventeen grandchildren, and fifteen great-grandchildren.
She moved to Portland, Maine, in 1967, after her eldest daughter got a JobCorps position in the city.
On Employment:
âWell, I\u27d have to start from way back, you know. I\u27d have to tell some of the story the way I really know it. I was born on a plantation they called the Latham Plantation, and my mother got sick and went into the hospital. And my mother died, and we never saw her again. So we don\u27t know what happened-where they buried her or what happened. So we had to leave from that plantation. We moved to another plantation called the Chamber plantation, and we lived there for quite a few years, I don\u27t remember. And the man came and told my father, says \u27Your wife has died.\u27 Then my father came back inside and told us that \u27Your mom has died, but we can\u27t bring her home-we don\u27t have money.\u27 So that\u27s all we know-we never heard from our mother again. So we lived on the Latham plantation, to the Wallace plantation, to the Walker plantation, to the Armstrong Plantation, and to the Johnson Plantation. I lived on about eight different plantations from the late 20s to the late 40sâŠâhttps://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/we5quotes/1012/thumbnail.jp
Tingkat Islamic Financial Literacy dan Penggunaan Fintech Terhadap Financial Inclusion UMKM Kawasan Pondok Pesantren di Kota Jombang
The UMKM in Islamic Boarding School area continue to experience an increase in financial transactions in line with the increase in banking financial services, especially Islamic banking financial services, for example: BPRS, Syariah Bank, BMT and Micro Waqf Banks which are located around the area. The purpose of this study is to find out the level of Islamic financial literacy and the use of Fintech of UMKM in the Islamic boarding school area in Jombang. This is based on the data that the number of research is included in associative research with purposive sampling technique of all UMKM which are located in the Islamic boarding school area in Jombang, with the criteria of UMKM which have used Fintech services and banking services as the requirement in the area of financial inclusion. The method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis which is strengthened by qualitative analysis to find out the quality of financial inclusion. The results showed that Islamic financial literacy has a positive and significant effect on financial inclusion. The use of Fintech has a positive and significant effect on UMKM financial inclusion. Islamic financial literacy and the use of Fintech have a positive and significant effect on the financial inclusion of UMKM in the Islamic boarding school area in Jombang city
Anah Rohanah
Pendidikan merupakan tanggung jawab keluarga sekolah dan lingkungan.
Keberhasilan pendidikan tiga komponen tersebut sangat menentukan. Disamping tiga
komponen tersebut, metode atau strategi pembelajaran, alat-alat pembelajaran juga
mutlak diperlukan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah metode
drill (latihan) dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata Pelajaran
Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) materi pokok shalat Kelas III di SDN 1 Sindang
Kempeng kecamatan Greged Kabupaten Cirebon.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dalam
melafalkan dan melakukukan gerakan shalat dengan menggunakan metode drill
(latihan), juga diharapkan bermanfaat bagi siswa, peneliti. Untuk mencapai tujuan
tersebut dikembangkanlah rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan proses
pembelajaran dengan metode dan media yang tepat yang tahapannya meliputi tahap
kegiatan awal, kegiatan inti, kegiatan akhir.
Desain penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan model siklus, yaitu
serangkaian langkah-langkah mulai dari perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan
refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen
penelitian seperti lembar observasi, catatan lapangan, lembar wawancara, lembar
kerja siswa, lembar penilaian proses, dan lembar evaluasi.
Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan penelitian tindakan kelas terhadap
Siswa kelas III SDN 1 Sindang Kempeng sebanyak 25 siswa yang dilakukan dalam 3
siklus. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini melalui observasi pengamatan
diskusi dan evaluasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan peningkatan dari kegiatan
pratindakan, siklus I, siklus II dan siklus III. Dalam penelitian pra siklus siswa yang
mengalami ketuntasan belajar sebanyak 40 % setelah dilakukan tindakan dengan
menggunakan metode drill (latihan). Ketuntasan belajar siswa dalam siklus I naik
menjadi 60 % dilanjutkan siklus II naik menjadi 76%, dan dilanjutkan siklus III naik
menjadi 100% seluruh siswa mengalami ketuntasan belajar.
Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa penggunaan metode drill
(latihan) dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada pelajaran Pendidikan
Agama Islam (PAI) materi pokok shalat di Kelas III SDN 1 Sindang Kempeng
Kecamatan Greged Kabupaten Cirebon, prestasi belajar siswa mengalami kemajuan
yang sanagat pesat. Temuan yang lainnya siswa menjadi senang, percaya diri dalam
melakukan proses pembelajaran
The relationship between population growth and poverty in Africa: a view from the south
The apparent intractability of the problem posed by widespread poverty in Africa has made it an international issue. Thus discussions and debates on the subject have been dominated by bilateral aid agencies, international Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and development banks. The mainstream view from these debates and discussions is that rapid population growth in Africa has put pressure on the environment, leading to environmental degradation which translates into shortfall in food production and atrophied development. This view is as a result of ritualistic adherence to narrow ideological considerations and predetermined stereotypes about Africa. From a political economy perspective, this paper re-appraises the relationship between population
growth and poverty in Africa. Quantitative and qualitative evidence are drawn from the relationship between the ever-increasing complexities of the social dynamics that shape livelihood on the African continent and the wider global context of poverty in Africa. This paper locates the source of poverty in Africa outside the increase in population which should actually be viewed as on advantage to the economy of Africa where machines have not replaced manual labour.
Key words; Population growth, Poverty, Political economy, Degradatio
Abstract. Online shop development or online shop through social media has already existed in Indonesia, moreever it is being really potential things and give is easier to seller and buyer even online shop is being more popular than before and it causes the competition highly (begin), but beside that, the facility has been making the shop site badly or it has been making deception site by anyone who didnât responsibly. Therefore, the facility has to influence on directness of online shop and trusting costumer then purchase decision. So, it needs inapplying the strateghy for making /getting customerâs trusting and the costumer decide to do purchas. One of its is sharia marketing mix 9P (product, price, place, promotion, peolpe, physical evidance, process, promise, and patience). Based on reason, the research is to investigate the effect of sharia marketing mix to customerâs trusting and purchase decision on online shop Tiws.id. quantitative method is used in conducting the research. To collect the data, questionaire, technique are used to conduct the research meanwhile, analysis regresi linier with SPSS 16âs program are used in analyzig the data. The data analysis showed that the strateghy sharia marketing mix to Tiws.id online shop has an alternative hypotesis to customerâs trusting and purchase decision. It means that,in applying sharia marketing mix better,it make customer trusting ang purchase decision to Tiws.id online shop as good as possible. Keywords: Sharia Marketing Mix, Customer Trusting, Purchase Decision and Online Sho
The Best Interests of a Trafficked Adolescent
For decades, the world has faced a tremendous obstacle in locating trafficking victims and their perpetrators. The United States has enacted the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) and implemented a system of Trafficking in Persons Reports (TIPs) to track domestic progress. Nonetheless, even more challenging than addressing adult trafficking is conquering the rampant existence of child trafficking, which inherently has its own unique challenges. Child trafficking comes in many forms and affects different regions of the world in various ways. Misunderstanding precisely what constitutes trafficking is one of the obstacles to ridding the world of its existence. Moreover, the victimsadolescents- are also misunderstood, mislabeled, and as a result, left to the hands of their perpetrators rather than brought to safety by trained specialists. The United States, as a global leader, has a role to play in resolving the ambiguities within child trafficking laws. It has a duty to create and enforce child-specific remedies and protections that recognize an adolescent\u27s own best interests. Furthermore, the United States can help diminish predator success by empowering youth, recognizing their constitutional rights, and giving them a voice within the nation\u27s legal framework. Those countries that have enacted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) have already adopted these ideals of empowering youth. By failing to enact the CRC and with case law precedent, the United States has sent a message that an adolescent\u27s own best interests are not defined by him or herself, but by others. Thus, the United States has created an impediment in the way of terminating child trafficking operation
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