17 research outputs found

    Biological activity of silicone-based membranes with functionalized silsesquioxanes : characterization and perspectives for environmental applications

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    A series of three silsesquioxanes (containing either the original organic function (SH) (silsesquioxane 2, SH_SS), a derivatized one (NH3Cl) (silsesquioxane 1, A_SS) or completely chloro derivative (silsesquioxane 3, Cl_SS)) were obtained by acid hydrolysis of the three organo-trialkoxysilane (3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane and 3-cyanopropyltriethoxysilane). The biological compatibility was tested for the three composite films. The values of water vapors sorption capacities increase in the following order: P_Cl_SS < P_SH_SS<P_A_SS. Depending on the silsesquioxane type, an increasing of the dielectric constant value up to 4.5 as compared with the value for the silicone matrix was obtained. The bactericidal performance in environmental applications of the newly blends with specific microarchitecture, controlled porosity and higher hydrophobicity, is measured by its ability to maintain the balance between the biological selectivity and membranes functionalization as disinfection materials

    Simultaneous Enhancement of Flame Resistance and Antimicrobial Activity in Epoxy Nanocomposites Containing Phosphorus and Silver-Based Additives

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    The design and manufacture of innovative multifunctional materials possessing superior characteristics, quality and standards, rigorously required for future development of existing or emerging advanced technologies, is of great importance. These materials should have a very low degree of influence (or none) on the environmental and human health. Adjusting the properties of epoxy resins with organophosphorus compounds and silver-containing additives is key to the simultaneous improvement of the flame-resistant and antimicrobial properties of advanced epoxy-based materials. These environmentally friendly epoxy resin nanocomposites were manufactured using two additives, a reactive phosphorus-containing bisphenol derived from vanillin, namely, (4-(((4-hidroxyphenyl)amino)(6-oxido-6H-dibenzo[c,e][1,2]oxaphosphinin-6-yl)methyl)-2-methoxyphenyl) phenylphosphonate (BPH), designed as both cross-linking agent and a flame-retardant additive for epoxy resin; and additional silver-loaded zeolite L nanoparticles (Ze–Ag NPs) used as a doping additive to impart antimicrobial activity. The effect of BPH and Ze–Ag NPs content on the structural, morphological, thermal, flame resistance and antimicrobial characteristics of thermosetting epoxy nanocomposites was investigated. The structure and morphology of epoxy nanocomposites were investigated via FTIR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In general, the nanocomposites had a glassy and homogeneous morphology. The samples showed a single glass transition temperature in the range of 166–194 °C and an initiation decomposition temperature in the range of 332–399 °C. The introduction of Ze–Ag NPs in a concentration of 7–15 wt% provided antimicrobial activity to epoxy thermosets


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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) reprezintă un grup de tulburări rare, congenitale, ale ţesutului conjunctiv, caracterizate în principal prin fragilitate osoasă importantă, tulburări cauzate de mutaţii ale colagenului. Prezentăm comparativ cazul a 2 pacienţi diagnosticaţi cu diferite tipuri de OI. Scopul studiului a fost de a compara efi cienţa tratamentului cu bifosfonaţi asociat tratamentului chirurgical al fracturilor cu impact asupra calităţii vieţii bolnavului


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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a group of rare inherited disorders of connective tissue with the common feature of excessive fragility of bones caused by mutations in collagen. We present the case of 2 patients diagnosed with different types of OI, both males, one admitted in the neonatal period and one in infancy. The aim of the study was to compare the effi ciency of bisphosphonate therapy, following up the quality of life after receiving it, or in the absence of this treatment

    Excellent Cooperation between Carboxyl-Substituted Porphyrins, k-Carrageenan and AuNPs for Extended Application in CO2 Capture and Manganese Ion Detection

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    Significant tasks of the presented research are the development of multifunctional materials capable both to detect/capture carbon dioxide and to monitor toxic metal ions from waters, thus contributing to maintaining a sustainable and clean environment. The purpose of this work was to synthesize, characterize (NMR, FT-IR, UV-Vis, Fluorescence, AFM) and exploit the optical and emission properties of a carboxyl-substituted A3B porphyrin, 5-(4-carboxy-phenyl)-10,15,20-tris-(4-methyl-phenyl)&ndash;porphyrin, and based on it, to develop novel composite material able to adsorb carbon dioxide. This porphyrin-k-carrageenan composite material can capture CO2 in ambient conditions with a performance of 6.97 mmol/1 g adsorbent. Another aim of our research was to extend this porphyrin- k-carrageenan material&rsquo;s functionality toward Mn2+ detection from polluted waters and from medical samples, relying on its synergistic partnership with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). The plasmonic porphyrin-k-carrageenan-AuNPs material detected Mn2+ in the range of concentration of 4.56 &times; 10&minus;5 M to 9.39 &times; 10&minus;5 M (5&ndash;11 mg/L), which can be useful for monitoring health of humans exposed to polluted water sources or those who ingested high dietary manganese

    New highlights of the syntheses of pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxalin-4-ones

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    The one-pot three-component reactions of 1-substituted benzimidazoles with ethyl bromoacetate and electron-deficient alkynes, in 1,2-epoxybutane, gave a variety of pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxalin-4-ones and pyrrolo[1,2-a]benzimidazoles. The influence of experimental conditions on the course of reaction was investigated. A novel synthetic pathway starting from benzimidazoles unsubstituted at the five membered ring, alkyl bromoacetates and non-symmetrical electron-deficient alkynes in the molar ratio of 1:2:1, in 1,2-epoxybutane at reflux temperature, led directly to pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxalin-4-ones in fair yield by an one-pot three-component reaction

    Excellent Cooperation between Carboxyl-Substituted Porphyrins, k-Carrageenan and AuNPs for Extended Application in CO<sub>2</sub> Capture and Manganese Ion Detection

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    Significant tasks of the presented research are the development of multifunctional materials capable both to detect/capture carbon dioxide and to monitor toxic metal ions from waters, thus contributing to maintaining a sustainable and clean environment. The purpose of this work was to synthesize, characterize (NMR, FT-IR, UV-Vis, Fluorescence, AFM) and exploit the optical and emission properties of a carboxyl-substituted A3B porphyrin, 5-(4-carboxy-phenyl)-10,15,20-tris-(4-methyl-phenyl)–porphyrin, and based on it, to develop novel composite material able to adsorb carbon dioxide. This porphyrin-k-carrageenan composite material can capture CO2 in ambient conditions with a performance of 6.97 mmol/1 g adsorbent. Another aim of our research was to extend this porphyrin- k-carrageenan material’s functionality toward Mn2+ detection from polluted waters and from medical samples, relying on its synergistic partnership with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). The plasmonic porphyrin-k-carrageenan-AuNPs material detected Mn2+ in the range of concentration of 4.56 × 10−5 M to 9.39 × 10−5 M (5–11 mg/L), which can be useful for monitoring health of humans exposed to polluted water sources or those who ingested high dietary manganese

    Effects of Phosphorus and Boron Compounds on Thermal Stability and Flame Retardancy Properties of Epoxy Composites

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    While plastics are regarded as the most resourceful materials nowadays, ranging from countless utilities including protective or decorating coatings, to adhesives, packaging materials, electronic components, paintings, furniture, insulating composites, foams, building blocks and so on, their critical limitation is their advanced flammability, which in fire incidents can result in dramatic human fatalities and irreversible environmental damage. Herein, epoxy-based composites with improved flame-resistant characteristics have been prepared by incorporating two flame retardant additives into epoxy resin, namely 6-(hydroxy(phenyl)methyl)-6H-dibenzo[c,e][1,2]oxaphosphinine-6-oxide (PFR) and boric acid (H3BO3). The additional reaction of 9,10-dihydro-oxa-10-phosphophenanthrene-10-oxide (DOPO) to the carbonyl group of benzaldehyde yielded PFR, which was then used to prepare epoxy composites having a phosphorus content ranging from 1.5 to 4 wt%, while the boron content was 2 wt%. The structure, morphology, thermal stability and flammability of resulted epoxy composites were investigated by FTIR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, and microscale combustion calorimetry (MCC). Thermogravimetric analysis indicated that the simultaneous incorporation of PFR and H3BO3 improved the thermal stability of the char residue at high temperatures. The surface morphology of the char residues, studied by SEM measurements, showed improved characteristics in the case of the samples containing both phosphorus and boron atoms. The MCC tests revealed a significant reduction in flammability as well as a significant decrease in heat release capacity for samples containing both PFR and H3BO3 compared to the neat epoxy thermoset

    Thermal Properties and Flammability Characteristics of a Series of DGEBA-Based Thermosets Loaded with a Novel Bisphenol Containing DOPO and Phenylphosphonate Units

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    Despite a recent sustained preoccupation for developing biobased epoxies with enhanced applicability, such products have not been widely accepted for industry because of their inferior characteristics compared to classic petroleum-based epoxy thermosets. Therefore, significant effort is being made to improve the flame retardance of the most commonly used epoxies, such as diglycidyl ether-based bisphenol A (DGEBA), bisphenol F (DGEBF), novalac epoxy, and others, while continuously avoiding the use of hazardous halogen-containing flame retardants. Herein, a phosphorus-containing bisphenol, bis(4-(((4-hydroxyphenyl)amino)(6-oxido-6H-dibenzo[c,e][1,2]oxaphosphinin-6-yl)methyl)phenyl) phenylphosphonate (BPH), was synthesized by reacting bis(4-formylphenyl)phenylphosphonate with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde followed by the addition of 9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide (DOPO) to the resulting azomethine groups. Environmentally friendly epoxy-based polymer thermosets were prepared by using epoxy resin as polymer matrix and a mixture of BPH and 4,4′-diaminodiphenylsulfone (DDS) as hardeners. A hyperbranched phthalocyanine polymer (HPc) and BaTiO3 nanoparticles were incorporated into epoxy resin to improve the characteristics of the final products. The structure and morphology of epoxy thermosets were evaluated by infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while the flammability characteristics were evaluated by microscale combustion calorimetry. Thermal properties were determined by thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The surface morphology of the char residues obtained by pyrolysis was studied by SEM analysis

    New Grafted Copolymers Carrying Betaine Units Based on Gellan and N-Vinylimidazole as Precursors for Design of Drug Delivery Systems

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    New grafted copolymers possessing structural units of 1-vinyl-3-(1-carboxymethyl) imidazolium betaine were obtained by graft copolymerization of N-vinylimidazole onto gellan gum followed by the polymer-analogous reactions on grafted polymer with the highest grafting percentage using sodium chloroacetate as the betainization agent. The grafted copolymers were prepared using ammonium persulfate/N,N,N&prime;,N&prime; tetramethylethylenediamine in a nitrogen atmosphere. The grafting reaction conditions were optimized by changing one of the following reaction parameters: initiator concentration, monomer concentration, polymer concentration, reaction time or temperature, while the other parameters remained constant. The highest grafting yield was obtained under the following reaction conditions: ci = 0.08 mol/L, cm = 0.8 mol/L, cp = 8 g/L, tr = 4 h and T = 50 &deg;C. The kinetics of the graft copolymerization of N-vinylimidazole onto gellan was discussed and a suitable reaction mechanism was proposed. The evidence of the grafting reaction was confirmed through FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, 1H-NMR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The grafted copolymer with betaine structure was obtained by a nucleophilic substitution reaction where the betainization agent was sodium chloroacetate. Preliminary results prove the ability of the grafted copolymers to bind amphoteric drugs (cefotaxime) and, therefore, the possibility of developing the new sustained drug release systems