22 research outputs found


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    Healthy and active lifestyle has led in recent years to the rapid development of antimicrobial treatment. Such antimicrobial materials provide lasting freshness and a sense of security and well-being of consumers. At first glance it seems easy to achieve antimicrobial properties, but the persistence of such treatment is a bigger problem. Application of natural zeolite nanoparticles for antimicrobial protection has shown increased activity and synergism with some antimicrobial agents, e.g. azalide. On the other hand, azalides are not acceptable from dermatological or ethics view, because of resistance development. This paper deals with the selection of optimal antimicrobial treatment which will provide protection against Gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram negative (Klebsiella pneumoniae) bacteria, as well as fungi (Candida albicans). For this purpose, 100 % raw and bleached cotton knitted fabric was treated by exhaustion with natural zeolite nanoparticles and different antimicrobial agents cationic surfactant, azalide and antiseptic. It is well known that the cationic surfactants significantly improve fabric hand, but the high concentrations of activated zeolite getting it worse. Therefore, the influence of these treatments on fabric hand (subjective and objective evaluated) was investigated

    Physical and Chemical Research in Velebita Pit (Croatia)

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    We have performed measurements of the cave microclimate, water quality parameters and radon concentration to a depth of -1000 m in Velebita Cave system (Northern Velebit, CroaĀ­tia). The results were analyzed as a function of the cave depth and geomorphological characteristics. Two different air temĀ­perature gradients were obtained, which can be attributed to a cave morphology and air circulation in the upper part of the pit. The water quality parameters show that the studied waters are poorly mineralized and are of weakly alkaline type. Water chemistry is probably predominantly controlled by the petrogĀ­raphy of the bedrock (limestone) and the cave morphology. Water in the cave is not affected by pollution. The average value of radon concentration is rather low, much lower than in some other Croatian caves

    Prvi nalaz proizvodnje domoične kiseline u kulturama vrste Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha iz srednjeg Jadrana

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    In this study, three isolates of the potentially toxic diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia were analysed for morphological and toxicological features. Cultures of Pseudo-nitzschia were established from seawater samples collected from the southern part of the Velebit Channel (central Adriatic Sea) during February 2019. All culture isolates were identified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha. Domoic acid (DA) production was confirmed in all isolates analysed. The highest concentrations of cellular DA were found in early culture stages, with the lowest cell abundance, for all P. calliantha isolates. This study is the first to report DA production by P.calliantha isolated from the Adriatic Sea.Ovim istraživanjem analizirane su morfoloÅ”ke i toksikoloÅ”ke osobine potencijalno toksičnog roda dijatomeja Pseudo-nitzschia. Tri stanične kulture Pseudo-nitzschia uspostavljene su iz uzoraka morske vode prikupljenih iz južnog dijela Velebitskog kanala (srednji Jadran) tijekom veljače 2019. Pretražnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) utvrđeno je da sve izolirane kulture pripadaju vrsti Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha. Proizvodnja domoične kiseline (DA) potvrđena je za sve analizirane izolate. NajviÅ”e koncentracije stanične DA u svim izolatima vrste P. calliantha određene su u ranoj uzgojnoj fazi, s najmanjom brojnoŔću stanica. Ovo istraživanje je prva potvrda proizvodnje DA u kulturama vrste P. calliantha izoliranim iz Jadranskog mora

    Aftozne ulceracije kao multifaktorijalni problem

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    Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a disorder characterized by recurrent ulcerations limited to the oral mucosa. Many specialists and researchers in the domain of oral medicine and other fields do not recognize a single disease in RAS, but several pathologic states with similar clinical characteristics. Even though the real cause is unknown, there are some predisposing factors such as anemia caused by the lack of iron, folic acid and vitamin B, neutropenia, local trauma, emotional stress, metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders and chronic diseases, which cause immunodeficiency. This disease can appear in three clinical forms: small aphthous ulcers, large aphthous ulcers and herpetiform aphthous ulcers. The treatment of this type of disorder involves local or systemic use of corticosteroids, immunostimulants and vitamin therapy. Due to the association of aphthous ulcers with various other diseases, cooperation among multiple fields of medicine and a multidisciplinary approach are necessary.Recidivirajući aftozni stomatitis (RAS) je poremaćaj obilježen recidivima ulceracija ograničenih na oralnu sluznicu. Mnogi specijalisti i istraživači iz područja oralne medicine i drugih područja u RAS-u ne prepoznaju jednu bolest, nego nekoliko patoloÅ”kih stanja sa sličnim kliničkim značajkama. Iako je pravi uzrok nastanka nepoznat, postoje neki predisponirajući čimbenici kao Å”to su anemija zbog nedostatka željeza, folata i vitamina B skupine te cinka, neutropenija, lokalna trauma, emocionalni stres, metabolički poremećaji, hormonski poremećaji, kronične bolesti koje dovode do imunodeficijencije. Bolest dolazi u tri klinička oblika: male afte, velike afte i herpetiformne afte. Liječenje ovoga poremećaja uključuje lokalnu ili sustavnu primjenu kortikosteroida, imunostimulansa i vitaminsku terapiju. Zbog povezanosti manifestacija afti s različitim drugim bolestima potrebna je suradnja viÅ”e struka i multidisciplinarni pristup

    Signaling in 5G networks

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    Signalizacija u 5G mrežama odnosi se na razmjenu informacija i komunikaciju između različitih entiteta u mreži radi upravljanja uslugama, upravljanja vezama i ostvarivanja komunikacije između korisnika i mreže. U kontekstu 5G mreže, signalizacija omogućuje entitetima da međusobno komuniciraju putem različitih poruka i protokola. Signalizacijska arhitektura 5G mreže imala je ključnu ulogu u omogućavanju visokih brzina, većeg kapaciteta, pouzdanosti i niske latencije koje su karakteristične za 5G mrežu. NR protokolni stog se nalazi unutar 5G mreže i sastoji se od različitih slojeva koji rade zajedno kako bi se omogućio prijenos podataka i ostvarila komunikacija u mreži. Kroz protokole kao Å”to su Diameter i SIP-a, omogućena je registraciju uređaja, autentifikaciju korisnika i upravljanje mrežnim resursima. U odnosu na prethodne generacije, 5G mreža pružila je brojna poboljÅ”anja u brzini, kapacitetu i pouzdanosti, ali istovremeno donijela i nove izazove po pitanju složenosti, sigurnosti, energetske potroÅ”nje i interoperabilnosti.Signaling in 5G networks refers to the exchange of information and communication between different entities in the network to manage services, handle connections, and enable communication between users and the network. In the context of 5G networks, signaling enables entities to communicate with each other through various messages and protocols. The signaling architecture of the 5G network has played a crucial role in enabling the high speeds, greater capacity, reliability, and low latency that are characteristic of 5G networks. The NR protocol stack is located within the 5G network and consists of different layers that work together to enable data transmission and communication in the network. Through protocols such as Diameter and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), device registration, user authentication, and network resource management have been facilitated. Compared to previous generations, 5G networks have provided numerous improvements in terms of speed, capacity, and reliability. However, they have also introduced new challenges related to complexity, security, energy consumption, and interoperability. As 5G continues to evolve and mature, further advancements in signaling technology will be necessary to address these challenges and ensure the seamless operation of the network. Efforts in standardization, research, and development will be crucial in overcoming these obstacles and maximizing the potential of 5G networks to deliver enhanced connectivity and transformative services

    Seksualna energija i njena druŔtvena regulacija u uvjetima suvremenog kapitalizma

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    Historijske su institucije podruÅ”tvenile, politizirale, historizirale i kolonizirale seksualnost, tu prirodnu funkciju potrage za užitkom, te se iz tog razloga problem/ pitanje ljudske seksualnosti, koji se u ovom svijetu navodno dokinutih metanaracija pokuÅ”ava nametnuti kao isključivo seksoloÅ”ki ili isključivo psiholoÅ”ki, razotkriva kao izrazito politički, kao problem cjelokupnog druÅ”tvenog uređenja. Iz tog su razloga analizirani mehanizmi kojima se konstruiraju kolektivni i pojedinačni identiteti, mehanizmi kojima se ljudska osoba kultivira, civilizira. Među rečenim mehanizmima druÅ”tvenog stvaranja značenja (semioze) kroz reprezentaciju popularnih fikcija, posebna je pozornost posvećena upotrebi retoričkih figura nagovaranje i ponavljanje te mimezi (mimesis) kako ju vide RenĆ© Girard i Roland Barthes. Autorica se u radu također bavi pitanjem seksualnog tijela i Ā«otkrićemĀ» ljudske seksualne energije na Zapadu (Freud, Sigmund; Jung, Carl Gustav; Reich, Wilhelm). Posebna pozornost posvećena je teoriji Wilhelma Reicha, autora koji je postulirao uvjetovanost oblika i naravi seksualnog života materijalnim i socijalnim uvjetima. U zavrÅ”nom dijelu rada, autorica daje kratak osvrt na druÅ”tvenu situaciju u Hrvatskoj

    Signaling in 5G networks

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    Signalizacija u 5G mrežama odnosi se na razmjenu informacija i komunikaciju između različitih entiteta u mreži radi upravljanja uslugama, upravljanja vezama i ostvarivanja komunikacije između korisnika i mreže. U kontekstu 5G mreže, signalizacija omogućuje entitetima da međusobno komuniciraju putem različitih poruka i protokola. Signalizacijska arhitektura 5G mreže imala je ključnu ulogu u omogućavanju visokih brzina, većeg kapaciteta, pouzdanosti i niske latencije koje su karakteristične za 5G mrežu. NR protokolni stog se nalazi unutar 5G mreže i sastoji se od različitih slojeva koji rade zajedno kako bi se omogućio prijenos podataka i ostvarila komunikacija u mreži. Kroz protokole kao Å”to su Diameter i SIP-a, omogućena je registraciju uređaja, autentifikaciju korisnika i upravljanje mrežnim resursima. U odnosu na prethodne generacije, 5G mreža pružila je brojna poboljÅ”anja u brzini, kapacitetu i pouzdanosti, ali istovremeno donijela i nove izazove po pitanju složenosti, sigurnosti, energetske potroÅ”nje i interoperabilnosti.Signaling in 5G networks refers to the exchange of information and communication between different entities in the network to manage services, handle connections, and enable communication between users and the network. In the context of 5G networks, signaling enables entities to communicate with each other through various messages and protocols. The signaling architecture of the 5G network has played a crucial role in enabling the high speeds, greater capacity, reliability, and low latency that are characteristic of 5G networks. The NR protocol stack is located within the 5G network and consists of different layers that work together to enable data transmission and communication in the network. Through protocols such as Diameter and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), device registration, user authentication, and network resource management have been facilitated. Compared to previous generations, 5G networks have provided numerous improvements in terms of speed, capacity, and reliability. However, they have also introduced new challenges related to complexity, security, energy consumption, and interoperability. As 5G continues to evolve and mature, further advancements in signaling technology will be necessary to address these challenges and ensure the seamless operation of the network. Efforts in standardization, research, and development will be crucial in overcoming these obstacles and maximizing the potential of 5G networks to deliver enhanced connectivity and transformative services

    Signaling in 5G networks

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    Signalizacija u 5G mrežama odnosi se na razmjenu informacija i komunikaciju između različitih entiteta u mreži radi upravljanja uslugama, upravljanja vezama i ostvarivanja komunikacije između korisnika i mreže. U kontekstu 5G mreže, signalizacija omogućuje entitetima da međusobno komuniciraju putem različitih poruka i protokola. Signalizacijska arhitektura 5G mreže imala je ključnu ulogu u omogućavanju visokih brzina, većeg kapaciteta, pouzdanosti i niske latencije koje su karakteristične za 5G mrežu. NR protokolni stog se nalazi unutar 5G mreže i sastoji se od različitih slojeva koji rade zajedno kako bi se omogućio prijenos podataka i ostvarila komunikacija u mreži. Kroz protokole kao Å”to su Diameter i SIP-a, omogućena je registraciju uređaja, autentifikaciju korisnika i upravljanje mrežnim resursima. U odnosu na prethodne generacije, 5G mreža pružila je brojna poboljÅ”anja u brzini, kapacitetu i pouzdanosti, ali istovremeno donijela i nove izazove po pitanju složenosti, sigurnosti, energetske potroÅ”nje i interoperabilnosti.Signaling in 5G networks refers to the exchange of information and communication between different entities in the network to manage services, handle connections, and enable communication between users and the network. In the context of 5G networks, signaling enables entities to communicate with each other through various messages and protocols. The signaling architecture of the 5G network has played a crucial role in enabling the high speeds, greater capacity, reliability, and low latency that are characteristic of 5G networks. The NR protocol stack is located within the 5G network and consists of different layers that work together to enable data transmission and communication in the network. Through protocols such as Diameter and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), device registration, user authentication, and network resource management have been facilitated. Compared to previous generations, 5G networks have provided numerous improvements in terms of speed, capacity, and reliability. However, they have also introduced new challenges related to complexity, security, energy consumption, and interoperability. As 5G continues to evolve and mature, further advancements in signaling technology will be necessary to address these challenges and ensure the seamless operation of the network. Efforts in standardization, research, and development will be crucial in overcoming these obstacles and maximizing the potential of 5G networks to deliver enhanced connectivity and transformative services