3,518 research outputs found

    The Omnipaper metadata RDF/XML prototype implementation

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    Omnipaper (Smart Access to European Newspapers, IST-2001-32174) is a project from the European Commission IST program (Information Society Technologies) that investigates and proposes ways for access to different types of distributed information sources. This article intends to introduce the technology Resource Description Framework - RDF, developed by W3C for the Web based on metadata, and its practical use in the Omnipaper project, which the authors are involved. We intend to achieve the implementation of a prototype that enables users (professional journalists and occasional users) to have simultaneous and structured access to the articles of a large number of digital European news providers. Omnipaper is not a project about digitalization of news, but about bringing digitized news originating from various sources (and in various formats) together. In this article will be described the procedure implemented in the description of our newspaper articles using the RDF technology, followed by a elaborated description on the manipulation process and treatment of the information structured in RDF, through the RDF Gateway

    Navegação semântica sobre uma base de metadados RDF implementada no projecto OmniPaper

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    O projecto OmniPaper (Smart Access to European Newspapers) é um projecto do programa IST (Information Society Technologies) da comissão europeia, que visa fomentar um acesso distribuído a diferentes tipos de fontes de informação. Com este projecto pretende-se chegar a um protótipo de um sistema que permita aos utilizadores (quer ocasionais, quer profissionais) um acesso estruturado, personalizado e multilingue a todo um conjunto de artigos de notícias disponibilizados pelas empresas parceiras (a que denominamos por arquivos locais). Este artigo pretende descrever o trabalho desenvolvido na implementação do protótipo RDF no âmbito do projecto OmniPaper, focando a utilização dos IPTC Subject Codes na definição de uma camada de navegação semântica sobre as descrições de metadados codificados em RDF/XML

    The instantiation of Omnipaper RDF prototype in the context of scientific publications

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    The purpose of this paper is to present an instance of the system developed in the OmniPaper project, regarding the mechanisms of distributed information retrieval. These mechanisms were developed for newspapers’ articles and they were then instantiated in the context of the scientific publication. Another goal concerns the use of a central metadatabase developed to accomplish the syndication of contents, through the RSS approach. Design/methodology/approach One of the steps of the system’s development was the definition of the metadata layer that supports the research and the navigation functionalities as well as the contents’ syndication. Several tasks were performed for the definition of the metadata layer, namely: (1) analysis of several metadata standard vocabularies; (2) Selection of the metadata elements; (3) Definition of an application profile and the RSS template; (4) Development of a metadatabase, through the use of a native RDF database management system to store the RSS descriptions of the scientific publications; (5) Implementation of the search and navigation processes developed in the prototype through the use of the RDFS version of the WordNet and the RDFS version of classification system of Association for Computing Machinery Computing Classification System (ACM CCS); finally (5) Tests and validation of all developed functionalities. Findings and value The OmniPaper system can be instantiated to other domains other than news published in newspapers. The RSS technology is well suited for handling the description of scientific contents. RDF records that were used in the OmniPaper RDF prototype were replaced by RSS. The subject and lexical thesauri were kept. This strong metadata layer allows the creation of several services that facilitate the conceptual search of scientific contents. Originality and value of paper This paper presents a system that uses a central metadatabase to support conceptual searching mechanisms. The metadatabase consists of RDF triples generated from: (1) RSS files that were, by their turn generated from OAI-PMH harvested metadata records; (2) a controlled vocabulary (ACM-CCS) implemented in RDF Schema and (3) an RDF version of WordNet. This is a solution for a value-added service for the scientific community that is fully based in state-of-the-art standard technologies and is fully open for integration with other systems. Moreover this could be implemented by journals to improve the current mechanisms used to access, distribute and disseminate the scientific research developments. Research limitations/implications (if applicable) The system implemented was tested but not evaluated in a real environment with specific users

    The extension of the omnipaper system in the context of scientific publications

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    Today the Internet is an important information source, which facilitates the search and access to information contents on the Web. In fact, the Internet has become an important tool used daily by scholars in the development of their work. However the contents published on the Web increase daily and consequently difficult the identification of new contents published in various information sources. In this context the RSS technology introduces a new dimension in the access and dis-tribution mechanisms of new contents published by distributed information sources. In the scope of scientific contents the use of RSS technology helps the scholars to be up to date of new scientific resources provided by several and dis-tributed information sources. An instance of the OmniPaper RDF prototype has been developed in order to instantiate the mechanisms of distributed information retrieval investigated in the context of the news published in newspapers and use them in the context of scientific contents. In addition a central metadatabase was developed through the RSS approach, in order to enable the scientific content syn-dication. This paper intends to describe the steps involved in the development of the instantiation system of the OmniPaper RDF prototype

    Incorporating a semantically enriched navigation layer onto an RDF metadatabase

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    Information Society Technologies (IST) funded Omnipaper project, proposes to investigate efficient ways to enable an access to distributed, and heterogeneous digital news archives through the use of state-of-the-art technologies such as RDF, and XTM. In the Omnipaper project we intend to achieve the implementation of a final prototype that enables users (professional journalists and occasional users) to have simultaneous and structured access to the articles of a large number of digital European news providers. This paper proposes to describe the work developed in the Omnipaper RDF prototype focusing the use of the IPTC Subject Codes in order to incorporate a semantically enriched navigation layer onto an RDF/XML metadata descriptions developed in the RDF prototype

    Metadata elements for digital news resource description

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    This paper examines and proposes a set of metadata elements for describing digital news articles for the benefit of distributed and heterogeneous news resource discovery. Existing digital news description standards such as NITF and NewsML are analysed and compared with Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES), which results in that the use of Dublin Core is encouraged for interoperability of the resources. The suggested metadata elements are carefully selected and defined considering the characteristics of news articles. Some elements are detailed with refinement qualifiers and recommended encoding scheme. This set of metadata has been developed as a part of the tasks in the IST (Information Society Technologies)-funded European project OmniPaper (Smart Access to European Newspapers, IST-2001-32174)

    Design of metadata elements for digital news articles in the omnipaper project

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    This paper examines and proposes a set of metadata elements for describing digital news articles for the benefit of distributed and heterogeneous news resource discovery. Existing digital news description standards such as NITF and NewsML are analysed and compared with Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES), which results in that the use of Dublin Core is encouraged for interoperability of the resources. The suggested metadata elements are carefully selected and defined considering the characteristics of news articles. Some elements are detailed with refinement qualifiers and recommended encoding scheme. This set of metadata has been developed as a part of the tasks in the IST (Information Society Technologies)-funded European project OmniPaper (Smart Access to European Newspapers, IST-2001-32174)

    Omnipaper – Arquitectura de metadados e sua implementação no RDF gateway

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    O projecto Omnipaper (Smart Access to European Newspapers) é um projecto do programa IST (Information Society Technologies) da comissão europeia, que visa fomentar um acesso comum a diferentes tipos de fontes de informação distribuída. Pretende-se chegar a um protótipo de um sistema que permita aos utilizadores (quer ocasionais, quer profissionais) um acesso estruturado, personalizado e multilíngua a todo o manancial de artigos de notícias disponibilizados pelas empresas parceiras (a que chamamos arquivos locais). Um dos aspectos fundamentais do projecto é toda a camada de metadados do sistema. Na verdade, falamos de duas camadas de metadados: (1) uma primeira camada (Local Knowledge Layer) que é adicionada aos arquivos locais e tem como principal objectivo proporcionar uma descrição semântica de todos os artigos existentes; e (2) uma segunda camada (Overall Knowledge Layer), a um nível de abstracção mais elevado que recorre á primeira para proporcionar um ambiente integrado e estruturado de navegação, e pesquisa possibilitando, quando possível uma ligação a um ambiente multilingua. Neste artigo focalizamos a nossa atenção no Local Knowledge Layer e apresentamos as estruturas de metadados utilizadas, bem como as descrições tipo RDF/XML dos diferentes géneros de artigos de notícias incluídos no protótipo. A sua implementação foi realizada, utilizando um ambiente RDF ainda em de fase de testes – o RDF Gateway. Neste momento, esta ferramenta é o suporte ao desenvolvimento do protótipo, na manipulação e tratamento de informação estruturada em RDF. Os primeiros resultados e as análises decorrentes do desenvolvimento deste protótipo, são apresentados como conclusão deste artigo

    Detecting cells with low RNA content colonizing artworks non-invasively: RNA-FISH

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    Various non-invasive RNA-FISH methodologies were tested in this work. They seem to be good alternatives for analyzing the potential biodeteriogenic microorganisms thriving in CH objects.This work was co- financed by FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through the project "MICROTECH-ART- Microorganisms Thriving on and Endamaging Cultural Heritage -an Analytical Rapid Tool-" (PTDC/BBB-IMG/0046/2014) and by European Union, European Regional Development Fund ALENTEJO 2020 through the project HIT3CH - HERCULES Interface for Technology Transfer and Teaming in Cultural Heritage (ALT20-03-0246-FEDER-000004). Marina González-Pérez acknowledges FCT for the economic support through the post-doctoral grant SFRH/BPD/100754/2014

    Implementation of metadata for OmniPaper RDF prototype

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    Information Society Technologies (IST) funded OmniPaper project investigates efficient ways for access to distributed and heterogeneous digital news archives using state-of-the-art technologies such as RDF, XTM and SOAP. An approach taken is to create small prototypes based on each of them. This paper presents the first stage of the prototype development, particularly of RDF approach, including analysis on existing news text format standards and metadata vocabularies, definition of metadata elements for OmniPaper, implementation of application profile and RDF schema and development of the RDF prototype in a web-based RDF specific application. The elaborated analysis shows that Dublin Core Metadata Element Set has to be a principal vocabulary to implement the OmniPaper application profile as it provides greater interoperability. The RDF prototype provides RDF “metadatabase” with searchable interface for simple and advance search on the defined metadata elements