77 research outputs found
Descriptive study of job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction in a sample of Croatian seafarers
Background: Given the general lack of studies on well-being in Croatian seafarers, the aim of this study was to determine the level and sources of their job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction.
Materials and methods: This descriptive study was conducted on a sample of Croatian seafarers (n = 530), employed in various functions on cargo ships. Using an online survey, we examined overall job satisfaction, and satisfaction with some specific aspects of work. Participants additionally responded to two open questions relating to the sources of their job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction, and these data were analysed using a qualitative approach.
Results and conclusions: The results showed a moderate level of overall job satisfaction, while analysis of the 10 specific facets indicated that the participants are, on average, most satisfied with payment, and least satisfied with the achieved benefits and work organisation on board. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that among the main sources of job satisfaction are: financial stability and security, the ratio of work days to days off, and the quality of days off, and the nature and dynamics of the work. On the other hand, sources of dissatisfaction relate primarily to: separation from home and family, the status of Croatian seafarers in the Republic of Croatia, and working and living conditions on board.
Changes in heart rate variability during working and non-working nights
Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je usporediti razine i obrasce varijabiliteta srčane aktivnosti tijekom noćne smjene i ekvivalentnog neradnog razdoblja noći. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo osam medicinskih sestara s Odjela za kirurgiju, Opće bolnice Zadar. Dob ispitanica kretala se u rasponu od 25 do 33 godine.
Ispitivanje je uključivalo kontinuirano registriranje srčane aktivnosti tijekom 10-satnog razdoblja noćne smjene (21.00 – 07.00 sati) i tijekom ekvivalentnog neradnog razdoblja.
U skladu s očekivanjem, analize su pokazale razlike u razinama srčane aktivnosti između radnog i neradnog razdoblja. Pri tome su tijekom neradnih razdoblja utvrđene veće prosječne vrijednosti i veći
varijabilitet R-R intervala, odnosno naglašeniji učinak parasimpatičke regulacije srčane aktivnosti. S druge strane, obrasci promjena i spektralne kompozicije srčane aktivnosti bile su slične tijekom dvaju
ispitivanih razdoblja.
Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su na izraženost cirkadijurnog obrasca promjena, odnosno parasimpatičku prevalenciju tijekom radnih i neradnih noćnih r zdoblja. S obzirom da normalan rad zahtjeva aktivnost simpatičkog dijela autonomnog živčanog sustava, indikativna je parasimpatička prevalencija u srčanoj regulaciji tijekom radnog noćnog razdoblja. Navedeno se prvenstveno odnosi na razdoblja od 04.00 do 06.00 sati za koje su utvrđene iste razine parametara varijabiliteta srčane aktivnosti. Općenito se može
kazati da parasimpatička dominacija tijekom radnih noći ukazuje na različitost među radnim zahtjevima i trenutnim mogućnostima organizma da ih zadovolji, što predstavlja glavni izvor stresa kod noćnog rada.The aim of this study was to compare levels and patterns of heart rate variability during working night shifts and the same period of non-working nights. Eight nurses from the Surgical Department of Zadar Hospital, aged 25-33, participated in this study. The study included continuous recordings of cardiac activity during 10 hours of night-shift working (9.00 pm – 7.00 am) and during the equivalent non-working night periods.
As expected, the analyses showed differences in the levels of cardiac activity between working and nonworking nights. Non-working nights were characterised by longer R-R intervals, higher variability indices
and greater parasympathetic effects on cardiac activity, while their patterns of changes and spectral compositions were rather similar to those obtained during working nights.
The obtained results showed the supremacy of the circadian pattern of changes, i.e. parasympathetic prevalence, during both working and non-working nights. Parasympathetic prevalence during night shift working seemed inappropriate since normal working implies sympathetic activity. This is particularly true for the periods between 4.00 and 6.00 am, when various parameters indicated almost the same level of arousal during working and non-working nights. Certainly, the lack of sympathetic activity and parasympathetic dominance during working nights represents a discrepancy between the work requirements and the momentary capabilities of the organism to meet them. Due to this, it represents a major source of
stress in night-shift working
Stress among Croatian physicians: comparison between physicians working in emergency medical service and health centers – pilot study
Aim To determine the sources of stress, its intensity, frequency,
and psychophysical and behavioral reactions in
physicians working in emergency medical service and
those working in health centers.
Methods To a convenience sample of primary care physicians
employed in emergency medical service (n = 79) and
health centers (n = 81), we administered the list of demographic
questions, Scale of Sources of Stress, Scale of Intentions
of Leaving the Job, and Scale of Psychosomatic
Results Emergency medicine physicians experienced significantly
more intense and more frequent uncontrollable
working situations, conflict between work and family roles,
and unfavorable relationships with coworkers than physicians
working in health centers. They were also more likely
to leave the job during the next few years and/or change
jobs within the profession (scores 2.2 ± 0.9 vs 1.7 ± 0.9 out
of maximum 5.0, F = 12.2, P = 0.001) and they had a poorer
physical health status (scores 1.8 ± 0.5 vs 1.7 ± 0.5 out of
maximum 4.0, F = 5.3, P = 0.023).
Conclusion Physicians working in emergency medical
service experience more stress in almost all aspects of their
work than physicians working in health centers. They also
have a stronger intention of leaving the job, which decreases
with years of experienc
E-commerce Analysis in selected European Union Countries: Position of Croatia
Computer and mobile technology, Internet use and e-commerce have grown enormously in recent years. The main aim of this paper was to analyse the e-commerce of Croatia, the European Union (EU) countries and the post-transition EU countries. Due to technological progress, the paper among other things, analyses the trend of online purchase at the Croatian and the EU level. The analysis revealed the presence of a linear trend. Furthermore, hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analyses were used to classify the countries, first at the EU level and then at the level of the post-transition EU countries. Two variables, the Internet use expressed as a percentage of individuals with the last Internet use in the last 12 months and the Internet purchases expressed as a percentage of individuals with the last online purchase in the last 12 months were used to classify those countries. According to Ward’s method with squared Euclidean distances and dendrogram, the countries were classified into three clusters, which were then used as the basis for the k-means method. Finally, the cluster analysis resulted in the following three clusters: most developed, developed and less developed. Croatia was classified in the less developed cluster at the level of the EU countries, while at the level of the post-transition EU countries it was classified in the developed cluster
Provjera povezanosti različitih aspekata ugovora i dostupnosti interneta na brodu sa zadovoljstvom poslom i životom te zdravljem pomoraca
The aim of this study was to test for associations between different aspects of contract and on-board internet access and seafarers\u27 satisfaction and health. Altogether 298 Croatian seafarers, all officers, employed on cargo ships, with a minimum work experience of two years with their current shipping company, participated in an online survey. The questionnaire included sociodemographic items, questions relating to their employment contract and internet access, and measures of job satisfaction, life satisfaction, mental health, and gastrointestinal and cardiovascular symptoms. Their job- and life- satisfaction levels were higher for shorter duration on board, favourable ratio of work to non-work days, and compliance with the employment contract regarding the changes to work and non-work days. Mental health differed likewise but only in relation to two aspects of the contract: on-board duration and compliance with the contract. The level of gastrointestinal symptoms was lower in cases of shorter on-board duration and compliance with the contract, and in seafarers who have free, unlimited internet access on board. Lower level of cardiovascular symptoms was found in seafarers with free, unlimited internet access on board. Our findings suggest that in promoting satisfaction and health in seafaring, attention should be given to reducing on-board duration, compliance with the contract, and internet accessibility on board.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je provjeriti povezanosti između različitih aspekata ugovora i dostupnosti interneta na brodu sa zadovoljstvom i zdravljem pomoraca. Online upitnik ispunilo je 298 hrvatskih pomoraca časničkoga ranga, zaposlenih na teretnim brodovima s radnim iskustvom u trenutačnoj radnoj organizaciji od najmanje dvije godine. Upitnik je uz pitanja o osnovnim socio-demografskim karakteristikama uključivao pitanja vezana za radni ugovor i dostupnost interneta na brodu te mjere zadovoljstva poslom, zadovoljstva životom, psihičkog zdravlja, gastrointestinalnih i kardiovaskularnih simptoma. Prosječne razine zadovoljstva poslom i životom bile su veće kod kraćih ugovornih razdoblja na brodu, povoljnijeg omjera radnih i neradnih dana te poštovanja ugovora u pogledu izmjena radnih i neradnih dana. Razina psihičkoga zdravlja razlikovala se u istom smjeru, ali samo za dva aspekta ugovora: dužinu razdoblja na brodu i poštovanje ugovora. Razina gastrointestinalnih simptoma bila je manja kod pomoraca koji su na brodu provodili kraća razdoblja i kod kojih je poštovan ugovor te kod pomoraca s neograničenim pristupom internetu na brodu, kod kojih je utvrđena i niža razina kardiovaskularnih simptoma. U promicanju zadovoljstva i zdravlja pomoraca pažnja bi se trebala usmjeriti na smanjivanje ugovornih razdoblja na brodu, poštovanje ugovora te poboljšavanje dostupnosti interneta na brodu
Indeks tjelesne mase, prehrana, tjelovježba i zadovoljstvo pomorskim poslom, kao prediktori subjektivnog zdravlja hrvatskih pomoraca: pilot istraživanje
Uzimajući u obzir nalaze dosadašnjih istraživanja o rizičnim činiteljima kojima se mogu objasniti
nepovoljni zdravstveni ishodi kod pomoraca, provedeno je pilot-istraživanje na prigodnom uzorku hrvatskih
pomoraca s ciljem dobivanja odgovora na dva istraživačka problema. Prvi istraživački problem bio je dobiti
uvid u deskriptivne podatke o indeksu tjelesne mase, učestalosti tjelovježbe, te zdrave i uravnotežene prehrane
na brodu i kod kuće, dok je drugi istraživački problem podrazumijevao testiranje uloge navedenih čimbenika
i zadovoljstva pomorskim poslom u objašnjenju samoprocjene zdravlja. Uzorak se sastojao od 286 hrvatskih
muških pomoraca, dobi u rasponu od 18 do 65 godina, zaposlenih pretežno u međunarodnoj plovidbi.
Sudionici istraživanja ispunili su upitnik u klasičnoj papirnatoj ili online formi. Upitnik se sastojao od pitanja
kojima su obuhvaćene sociodemografske karakteristike, te seta pitanja vezanih za zdravlje, zdravstveni stil
života i zadovoljstvo poslom.
Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da vrijednosti indeksa tjelesne mase na testiranom uzorku imaju
tendenciju prema višim vrijednostima. Sudionici izvještavaju o sličnim razinama tjelovježbe kod kuće i na
brodu, no međutim podaci pokazuju da sudionici, u prosjeku govoreći, nedovoljno provode tjelovježbu.
Prehranu na brodu sudionici procjenjuju u značajno većoj mjeri nezdravom i neuravnoteženom u odnosu na
prehranu kod kuće. Daljnje analize, u skladu s očekivanjima, ukazuju na to da procjena općega zdravlja
značajno korelira s dobi, indeksom tjelesne mase, procjenama vezanima za tjelovježbu i prehranu na brodu i
kod kuće, te razinom zadovoljstva poslom. Navedeni čimbenici objašnjavaju oko 20% varijance subjektivnog
zdravlja. Rezultati pilot istraživanja općenito ukazuju na važnost promoviranja zdravog životnog stila kod
pomoraca, ali i poboljšanja radnih uvjeta u pomorstvu. Evidentna je i potreba daljnjih istraživanja rizičnih
zdravstvenih čimbenika kod pomoraca, uz korištenje objektivnijih mjera i reprezentativnih uzoraka
The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Job Satisfaction – A Pilot Study on a Sample of Croatian Seafarers
Over the past decade, research on seafarers\u27 health, well-being, stress, and job satisfaction has increased. Previous studies on other work populations have shown the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and job satisfaction, but the significance of each trait of the Big Five model, as well as the size of the correlations, vary according to the characteristics of the samples, such as gender, age, and occupation. With a view of the lack of addressing this research topic in seafarers, this study aimed to examine the relationships between the five basic personality dimensions and seafarers\u27 job satisfaction. The convenient sample consisted of 286 Croatian male seafarers aged between 18 and 65. Participants completed a questionnaire that included questions on sociodemographic characteristics, IPIP-50 inventory measuring five personality traits, Job Satisfaction Scale, and Seafarers\u27 Job Satisfaction Scale. The results showed that both measures of job satisfaction correlated positively with emotional stability, conscientiousness, and extraversion. However, the general measure of job satisfaction additionally correlated positively with intellect/imagination, while the measure of maritime job satisfaction additionally correlated positively with agreeableness. Among the five personality traits, emotional stability proved to be the highest correlate for both measures of job satisfaction. This pilot study reveals significant correlations between the Big Five personality traits and seafarers\u27 job satisfaction. The paper brings theoretical and practical discussions on the relationships between the Big Five personality traits and seafarers\u27 general and specific job satisfaction. The study represents a call for further researchers to verify the obtained results on more representative samples of the seafarer population and to test the predictive validity of personality traits in explaining job satisfaction through longitudinal studies
Shiftwork Problems
U radu se raspravlja o negativnim utjecajima smjenskog rada koji su klasifi cirani u četiri kategorije učinaka: na biološke funkcije, radnu efi kasnost, društvene / obiteljske aspekte života te na zdravlje. Dan je sustavni pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja zdravstvenih problema smjenskih radnika u čijoj je osnovi narušavanje cirkadijurnih ritmova organizma koju nameće smjenski / noćni rad. Zdravstveni problemi koji se dovode u vezu sa smjenskim radom su ovi: problemi sa spavanjem, gastrointestinalne i kardiovaskularne bolesti, karcinom, problemi s reproduktivnim funkcijama žena te lošije psihičko zdravlje.
U radu se također raspravlja o toleranciji smjenskog rada. Pri tome je kao teoretski okvir povezanosti smjenskog rada i negativnih zdravstvenih posljedica rabljen procesni model koji su postavili Smith i suradnici 1999. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na individualne i organizacijske faktore o kojima ovisi mogućnost prilagodbe na smjenski rad te tolerancija takvog rada. Značajni prediktori tolerancije smjenskog rada su: dob, spol, jutarnjost-večernjost, rigidnost-fl eksibilnost u navikama spavanja, obiteljska situacija,
higijena spavanja te zdrava prehrana. S obzirom na rezultate istraživanja koji upućuju na povezanost nekih karakteristika organizacije smjenskog rada s tolerancijom prema smjenskom radu, kao što su: broj radnih smjena i trajanje smjene, broj sukcesivnih noćnih smjena, regularnost smjena, brzina i smjer rotacije smjena,
preporučene su intervencijske strategije u organizaciji smjenskog rada.This paper discusses the negative effects of shiftwork which are classified into four categories: biological functions, efficiency, social / family domains and health. It presents systematic review of previous studies which indicated at health problems in shiftworkers which can, at least in part, be attributed to disturbation of circadian rhythms imposed by shift / night work. Health probles which are connected with shiftork are: sleeping problems, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, carcinoma, problems with reproductive health in women and lower levels of psychological health. The paper also discusses about shiftwork tolerance. The process model of shiftwork and health, made by Smith and his coworkers in 1999, is used as theoretical framework. An accent is put on individual and organisational factors which are important for shiftwork adaptation and tolerance. Significant predictors of shiftwork tolerance are: age, gender, morningness–eveningness, rigidity-flexibility of sleeping habits, family situation, sleep hygiene and food intake. Regarding studies which indicated important aspects of shiftwork organization, such as: number of working shifts and working hours, regularity of shifts, pace and direction of shifts’ rotation, recommendations for shiftwork management are giv
Indeks tjelesne mase, prehrana, tjelovježba i zadovoljstvo pomorskim poslom, kao prediktori subjektivnog zdravlja hrvatskih pomoraca: pilot istraživanje
Uzimajući u obzir nalaze dosadašnjih istraživanja o rizičnim činiteljima kojima se mogu objasniti
nepovoljni zdravstveni ishodi kod pomoraca, provedeno je pilot-istraživanje na prigodnom uzorku hrvatskih
pomoraca s ciljem dobivanja odgovora na dva istraživačka problema. Prvi istraživački problem bio je dobiti
uvid u deskriptivne podatke o indeksu tjelesne mase, učestalosti tjelovježbe, te zdrave i uravnotežene prehrane
na brodu i kod kuće, dok je drugi istraživački problem podrazumijevao testiranje uloge navedenih čimbenika
i zadovoljstva pomorskim poslom u objašnjenju samoprocjene zdravlja. Uzorak se sastojao od 286 hrvatskih
muških pomoraca, dobi u rasponu od 18 do 65 godina, zaposlenih pretežno u međunarodnoj plovidbi.
Sudionici istraživanja ispunili su upitnik u klasičnoj papirnatoj ili online formi. Upitnik se sastojao od pitanja
kojima su obuhvaćene sociodemografske karakteristike, te seta pitanja vezanih za zdravlje, zdravstveni stil
života i zadovoljstvo poslom.
Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da vrijednosti indeksa tjelesne mase na testiranom uzorku imaju
tendenciju prema višim vrijednostima. Sudionici izvještavaju o sličnim razinama tjelovježbe kod kuće i na
brodu, no međutim podaci pokazuju da sudionici, u prosjeku govoreći, nedovoljno provode tjelovježbu.
Prehranu na brodu sudionici procjenjuju u značajno većoj mjeri nezdravom i neuravnoteženom u odnosu na
prehranu kod kuće. Daljnje analize, u skladu s očekivanjima, ukazuju na to da procjena općega zdravlja
značajno korelira s dobi, indeksom tjelesne mase, procjenama vezanima za tjelovježbu i prehranu na brodu i
kod kuće, te razinom zadovoljstva poslom. Navedeni čimbenici objašnjavaju oko 20% varijance subjektivnog
zdravlja. Rezultati pilot istraživanja općenito ukazuju na važnost promoviranja zdravog životnog stila kod
pomoraca, ali i poboljšanja radnih uvjeta u pomorstvu. Evidentna je i potreba daljnjih istraživanja rizičnih
zdravstvenih čimbenika kod pomoraca, uz korištenje objektivnijih mjera i reprezentativnih uzoraka
New anticoagulant drugs
Novi oralni antikoagulansi učinkovita su mjera prevencije i liječenja tromboembolijskih bolesti za koje se vezuje visok morbiditet i mortalitet. Mehanizam njihovog djelovanja temeljen je bilo na inhibiciji trombina ili inhibiciji aktivnog faktora X. Lijekovi su visoke učinkovitosti, povoljnih farmakokinetičkih svojstava, s manjom incidencijom zabilježenih nuspojava u odnosu na alternativnu antikoagulaciju varfarinom.
Nuspojave se javljaju kao rezultat djelovanja lijeka na zgrušavanje krvi i mogu biti od rijetkih i životno ugrožavajućih do blažih i čestih krvarenja. Od direktnih inhibitora trombina značajan je dabigatran, a u inhibitore faktora Xa ubrajamo apiksaban i rivaroksaban. ----- Za razliku od vitamina K koji možemo primijeniti kao antidot u slučaju predoziranja varfarinom, specifične molekule koje poništavaju učinak NOAC-a još su u fazi razvoja ili su nedavno odobrene pa zbog toga nisu dostupne u svakodnevnom radu.
Mjere opreza potrebne su kod bubrežnih bolesnika, starijih bolesnika, onih sa umjetnim zaliscima, prirođenim koagulopatijama ili bilo kojim drugim stanjima koje povećavaju rizik krvarenja.
Prije propisivanja NOAC-a, liječnik bi se trebao upoznati s postojećim komorbiditetima i ostalom terapijom koju pacijent konzumira jer to može imati utjecaja na učinkovitost NOAC-a.
Uz adekvatno korištenje te edukaciju bolesnika i članova obitelji o pravilnom doziranju i važnosti strogog pridržavanja antikoagulantne terapije, NOAC-i su lijekovi sigurnog profila.New oral anticoagulants are effective measures of prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disease that is associated with both: high morbidity and mortality. Their mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of thrombin, or active factor X. These drugs have high efficiency, favorable pharmacokinetic parameters, with lower incidence of reported side effects compared to alternative anticoagulation with warfarin.
Side effects can occur due to action of the drug on blood clotting and may vary from rare and life-threatening to mild and frequent bleeding. Dabigatran is an important direct thrombin inhibitor, while in factor Xa inhibitors we include rivaroxaban and apixaban. ----- Unlike vitamin K, which can be used as an antidote for an overdose of warfarin, specific molecules that can reversed the effect of NOAC are still explored or have been recently approved and therefore they are not available in daily clinical practice. Precautions are needed in patients with kidney failure, the elderly, those with artificial heart valves, congenital coagulopathy or any other conditions that increase the risk of bleeding. Before prescribing NOAC, a physician should be familiar with the existing co-morbidities and other consumed therapy because it can affect the performance of NOAC's. With appropriate use and education of patients and family members about the proper dosage and the importance of strict adherence to anticoagulation therapy, NOAC ̓s are medicines with safe profile
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