41 research outputs found


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    Difuzni B-velikostanični limfom (DLBCL) s fenotipom germinalnog centra B stanica (GCB) ima bolju prognozu nego limfom aktiviranih zrelih B-stanica (ABC) fenotip ili tip 3 podskupina. Prethodne studije su navodile da nuklearni faktor-κB (NF- κB) ima značajnu ulogu kod ABC i tip 3 fenotipa, dok GCB fenotip karakteriziraju česte REL amplifi kacije. Upotrebom imunohistokemijske metode analizirali smo kod 99 bolesnika kojima je postavljena dijagnoza DLBCL prisutnost DC10, BCL6 i MUM1, da bismo mogli bolesnike podijeliti u GCB, ABC i tip 3 podskupine, te smo zatim analizirali prisutnu ekspresiju NF- κB u jezgri i u citoplazmi. Kod 22 (22 %) slučajeva prisutna je ekspresija NF-κB u jezgri kod svih podskupina DLBCL. NF-κB ekspresija u citoplazmi prisutna je u svim podskupinama DLBCL i nalazi se kod 77 (77%) bolesnika, i rezultat je značajan. Analizirali smo prisutnost CD10, Bcl6 i MUM1 i prisutnost NF-κB u jezgri i rezultati nisu značajni. Analiza nuklearne akumulacije NF-κB nije povezana ni s jednim kliničkim parametrom uključujući dob, spol, stadij bolesti, primijenjenu terapiju i MPI. Bolesnici s prisutnim NF κB u citoplazmi bez obzira na podskupine prema Hansu i sur. imaju značajno lošije preživljenje nego bolesnici koji nemaju prisutan NF-κB i rezultati su značajni. Bolesnici s GCB fenotipom i negativnom ekspresijom NF-κB u jezgri imaju bolje preživljenje nego bolesnici s GCB fenotipom i pozitivnom ekspresijom NF-κB u jezgri i rezultati su značajni. Bolesnici koji su primali kemoterapiju po shemi R-CHOP i imaju pozitivan NF-κB u jezgri imaju bolje preživljenje, ali rezultati nisu značajni. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da NF-κB ekspresija u jezgri i citoplazmi može biti prognostički čimbenik kod DLBCL i to može pojasniti slojevitost rizika kod bolesnika u kombinaciji s GCB / ne-GCB fenotipom. Naša analiza pokazuje da je NF-κB aktivnost kod svih podskupina DLBCL ključna i na taj način može predstavljati obećavajući molekularni cilj za buduće terapije.Objective: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with germinal center B-cell (GCB) phenotype has better prognosis than activated mature B-cell (ABC) phenotype or type 3 subgroup. Previous studies have reported on a major role of the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in ABC and type 3 phenotypes, whereas GCB phenotype is characterized by frequent REL amplifi cations. Methods: In 99 patients diagnosed with DLBCL, the presence of CD10, BCL6 and MUM1 was analyzed by immunohistochemical method to divide them into the GCB, ABC and type 3 subgroups. Then, NF-κB expression was analyzed in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Nuclear NF-κB expression was detected in 22 (22%) cases from all DLBCL subgroups. NF-κB expression in the cytoplasm was recorded in 77 (77%) cases from all DLBCL subgroups and this fi nding was signifi cant. Results: Results on the presence of CD10, BCL6 and MUM1 and the presence of NF-κB in the nucleus were not signifi cant. Analysis of nuclear NF-κB accumulation is not associated with any of the clinical parameters including age, sex, stage of disease, therapy administered and IPP. According to Hans et al., patients with NF-κB expressed in the cytoplasm have signifi cantly poorer survival irrespective of the subgroup than patients without cytoplasmic NF-κB, and these results are signifi cant. Patients with GCB phenotype and negative nuclear NF-κB expression have better survival than those with GCB phenotype and positive nuclear NF-κB expression, and these results are also signifi cant. Patients having received chemotherapy according to the R-CHOP schedule and with positive nuclear NF-κB expression have better survival; however, these results are not signifi cant. Discussion and Conclusion: These data suggest that nuclear and cytoplasmic NF-κB expression may be a prognostic factor in DLBCL, thus explaining the stratifi ed risk observed in patients in combination with GCB/non-GCB phenotype. Our study showed the NF-κB activity to be crucial in all DLBCL subgroups, thus potentially representing a promising molecular target for future therapies

    Treatment of severe acquired haemophilia A with an immunosuppressive agent

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    Acquired haemophilia A (AHA) is a rare hemorrhagic disease caused by an autoantibody against coagulation factor VIII. Nonhaemophiliac patients develop autoantibodies (inhibitors) directed against the factor VIII circulating coagulation protein. Disease is associated with an increased morbidity and mortality. Inhibitors against FVIII induce acute and life-threatening hemorrhagic diathesis because of abnormal blood clotting. FVIII inhibitors demonstrate bleeding disorders and prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time and a normal prothrombin time. AHA should be considered in the differential diagnosis particularly in postpartum women and in the elderly patients with bleeding tendency. Treatment of acute hemorrhage is focused in the control of the acute bleeding episode and the long term suppression of the autoantibody. In congenital hemophilia A with inhibitors, in which using repetitive infusions of high dose FVIII concentrates is effective for inhibitor eradication. This report presents one patient treated with immunosuppressive regimens. The most effective first-line treatment for the eradication of factor VIII autoantibodies is the combination of steroides and cyclophosphamide


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    Difuzni B velikostanični limfom (DLBCL) je klasificiran kao limfom različitog entiteta i pomoću genske ekspresije proteina klasificiran je u tri podskupine. Cilj ovog rada je da pojasni kliničke, biološke, imunofenotipske i citogenetske značajke DLBCL s translokacijom t(14;18) i 8q24/c-MYC. Jedanaest bolesnika s DLBCL s dvostrukom translokacijom praćeno je u razdoblju od 2000. do 2009. god. Obilježja tih bolesnika uključuju morfološke, imunohistokemijske i citogenetske analize. Svi bolesnici imaju agresivna obilježja, prisutnost B simptoma (64 %), opće stanje bolesnika prema ECOG ljestvici ≥2 (55 %), povišenu aktivnost serumske laktat dehidrogenaze (73 %), klinički stadij III i IV (82 %), ekstranodalnu zahvaćenost bolesti (73 %), IPI ≥2 (73 %). Parcijalna remisija je postignuta kod 73 %, svi su bolesnici (73 %) umrli u kratkom roku. Bolesnici su liječeni CHOP i sličnim protokolima (COP, CVP, CNOP) uz dodatak Mabthere. Učinjena je imunofenotipizacija te određena ekspresija biljega CD20, CD3, CD10, Bcl6 i MUM1. u svih je učinjena citogenetska analiza ⌠fluorescentna hibridizacija in situ - FISH)⌡i nađene su kompleksne kariotipske promjene. Tako smo analizirali prisutnost gena BCL2, BCL6 i c-MYC, osam bolesnika je imalo translokacije gena BCL2 i c-MYC, dok je troje imalo translokaciju gena BCL6 i c-MYC. Usprkos provedenoj adekvatnoj terapiji, prognoza bolesnika je loša. Medijan preživljenja tih bolesnika je 1,85 godina. Zaključujemo da je DLBCL s BCL2 i c-MYC preuređenjem podskupina limfoma s vrlo lošim preživljenjem. Prisutnost tih dviju translokacija ima agresivan klinički tijek.Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is classified as lymphoma and various entities using the gene expression of proteins are classified into three groups. The aim of this study was to clarify the clinical, biological, immunophenotypic and cytogenetic features of DLBCL with translocation t (14; 18) and 8q24/c-MYC. Eleven DLBCL patients with dual translation were monitored during the 2000-2009 period. The characteristics of these patients included morphological, immunohistochemical and cytogenetic analysis. Study results showed that all patients had aggressive characteristics, presence of B symptoms (64%), general patient condition according to ECOG scale ≥2 (55%), elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase activity (73%), clinical stage III and IV (82%), extranodal involvement of the disease (73%), and IPI ≥2 (73%). Partial remission was achieved in 73% of all patients and all patients (73%) died within a short time. Patients were treated with CHOP and similar protocols (COP, CVP, CNOP), with the addition of MabThera. Immunophenotyping was performed and determined expression of the CD20, CD3, CD10, BCL6 and MUM1 markers. The cytogenetic analysis/fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed complex karyotype changes. Thus, we analyzed the presence of BCL2, BCL6 and c-MYC genes and found eight patients to have BCL2 and c-MYC translocation genes, while three had translocation of the BCL6 and c-MYC genes. Despite appropriate therapy, the patient prognosis is poor. The median survival in these patients was 1.85 years. DLBCL with BCL2 and c-MYC rearrangement of the subgroups of lymphoma is associated with very poor survival. The presence of these two translocations has an aggressive clinical course

    Serum Immunoglobulins in non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patients

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    Serum proteins and immunoglobulin (Ig) findings in 119 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) patients were analysed. Out of them 96 (81%) patients had B non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL), and 23 (19%) T-NHL. Indolent type of NHL was more frequent (77 patients, 65%), then aggressive type of NHL (42 patients, 35%). Most patients had normal serum protein concentration, the increased protein concentration was seen in 17% of patients while decreased concentration was noticed in 7% of patients. Hypoalbuminaemia was more frequent (43%) then hyperalbuminaemia (1%). In contrast to albumin, low levels of other protein fractions (alpha1-, alpha2-, and beta-globulin) were rather rare (0.6%, 4%, and 3% of patients, respectively) and high levels were frequent (23%, 37%, and 8%, respectively). Polyclonal hyperimmunoglobulinaemia was more frequent finding than hypoimmunoglobulinaemia. In 29% patients higher IgG level and in 25% patients higher IgA level were found. IgM hypoimmunoglobulinaemia (22%) was more frequent than IgG (11%) and IgA (8%) hypoimmunoglobulinaemia. M-spike in serum protein electrophoresis was found in 11 (7%) patients. The statistically significant association was not found between serum Ig concentration and lymphoma malignancy grade as well as between serum Ig concentration and immunologic origin of lymphoma. T-NHL patients have more often IgA concentration level above or under normal values than B-NHL patients (p<0.05)


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    Cilj je ovoga preglednog rada prikazati suvremeno stajalište struke, ali i prijepore u svezi s medicinskom skrbi za bolesnike s klasičnim Hodgkinovim limfomom u prvoj remisiji. Većina bolesnika s klasičnim Hodgkinovim limfomom izliječena je prvom linijom terapije i u nastavku je važan medicinski pristup radi otkrivanja mogućeg relapsa. Pregledom literature nismo našli jednoznačne smjernice za rutinsko praćenje bolesnika slikovnim metodama, tj. kompjutoriziranom tomografijom ili pozitronskom emisijskom tomografijom. Prema dokazima u literaturi, otkriće asimptomatskog relapsa nije povezano s poboljšanim ishodom liječenja. Za sada se može smatrati da su standardne kliničke i radiološke metode ­dostatne za praćenje ovih bolesnika. Kasne toksičnosti uzrokovane mnogim lijekovima i zračenjem znatno pridonose morbiditetu bolesnika. To uključuje pojavu sekundarnih solidnih malignoma (ponajprije karcinoma pluća i dojke) i hematoloških ­neoplazma koštane srži te pojavu benignih toksičnosti kao što su poremećaji funkcije štitnjače, fertiliteta i kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Usprkos obilju literature i smjernica za praćenje ovih bolesnika nakon završetka liječenja, za sada ne postoje rezultati prospektivnih istraživanja koji bi pružili temelj zasnovan na dokazima za nove smjernice i preporuke. Smatramo da otkrivanje kasne toksičnosti treba biti prilagođeno pojedinačnom bolesniku, sukladno specifičnom liječenju i kasnijem utjecaju te toksičnosti na mogući morbiditet u ovih bolesnika.In this review we present current evidence for the follow-up of patients treated for classical Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). Nowadays introduction of novel therapies enabled successful treatment in most patients with classical HL in first remission with 5-year overall survival rate estimation of 80%. We have performed extensive literature search on the ­methodological approach to detection of relapse. Evidence regarding imaging clinical methods in detecting relapse on ­serial computed tomography and/or positron emission tomography scans is scarce. These imaging modalities are associated with considerable economic cost, unnecessary exposure to radiation and patients’ stress. Furthermore, the detection of ­asymptomatic relapse does not seem to be associated with improved outcome in this patient group. Available data on this subject indicate that standard imaging methods, such as ultrasound, and judicious clinical examination in detecting of ­relapse should be the basis of HL patient follow-up. Late toxicity due to various modalities of treatment represents serious morbidity in HL. They vary from secondary solid cancers and hematologic neoplasms, associated with poor outcome, to benign disorders (fertility issues, thyroid dysfunction, cardiovascular and lung disorders). Current data on the incidence, prevalence and etiological factors do not yet provide evidence on appropriate screening methods. Most recommendations in various guidelines are associated with low level of evidence (grade IV). We, therefore, propose individually-tailored screening methods for each patient based on the modality of treatment received

    T Lymphoblastic Leukaemia with an Unusual Burkitt Lymphoma Morphology – A Case Report

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    Precursor T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL)/lymphoma (T-LBL) is a neoplasm with cytological features that include blast cells of medium size, high nuclear cytoplasmic ratio and inconspicuous nucleoli, which are usually TdT (Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase) positive and variably express T-cell markers. We report a case of T-ALL with atypical cytological presentation which showed lymphoblasts with homogenous nuclear pattern, larger amounts of cytoplasm with vacuoles and prominent nucleoli. A 56-year-old male was hospitalized due to high fever and kidney infection. Further examination confirmed anemia, thrombocytopenia, normal level of white blood cells and high level of lactat-dehidrogenase (LDH). Bone marrow aspiration revealed 87% and peripheral blood 41% of lymphoblasts with cytoplasmic vacuoles which suggested Burkitt lymphoma (BL) morphology. Patient’s karyotype showed no chromosomal aberations. Identification of immunophenotype discovered cells which were CD2 and CD3 positive and CD20 negative with focal acid phosphatase activity in 67% of blasts. This excluded Burkitt lymphoma and led to diagnosis of T-ALL. The patient was submitted to two cycles of chemotherapy, autologous stem cell transplantation, and intrathecal chemotherapy, but he died after 10 months because of disease complications (lung aspergillosis and pleural effusion). Our case report showed how morphology alone can be misleading and sometimes is not enough in diagnosing ALL. Beside morphologic criteria, setting correct diagnosis depends on identification of immunophenotype by flow cytometry and cytogenetic-molecular abnormalities. Further improvements in the molecular definition of ALL subtypes, development of new and targeted drugs will improve patient’s outcome and prognosis

    Primary Gastrointestinal non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Adults: Clinicopathologic and Survival Characteristics

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    Primary non-Hodgkin lymphomas of gastrointestinal tract (PGI-NHL) are the most common extranodal lymphomas with an increasing incidence. The incidence, clinicopathologic characteristics, treatment and survival were assessed in 39 successive, newly diagnosed PGI-NHL patients (23 male and 16 female) treated at »Merkur« University Hospital. The aim of the study was to precisely evaluate their characteristics and compare them with the results reported from other similar studies. The most common site of PGI-NHL was stomach (n=29, 74%), followed by small intestine (n=5, 13%), and colon and rectosigmoid (n=5, 13%). According to the Ann Arbor classification, 34 (87%) patients had stage IE and IIE, and five patients (12%) stage IIIE and IVE. According to World Health Organization (WHO) classification, 29 (87%) patients had diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLCBL), two had mantle cell lymphoma, and seven (18%) had marginal zone B-cell lymphoma-mucosa associated tissue (MALT). Twenty-six (66%) patients underwent surgical resection followed by chemotherapy, ten (26%) were treated with chemotherapy alone, and three (8%) were treated surgically. Complete remission was achieved in 28 (72%) and partial remission in seven (18%) patients. Four (10%) patients had progressive disease. In our patients, the major prognostic factor for outcome was the stage of disease. Patients with localized lymphoma (stage IE and IIE) had a significantly longer overall survival: 85% at five years and 65% at ten years. Patients with extended disease (stage IIIE and IVE) had overall survival less than 33%. The prognostic power of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), total protein, serum albumin, LDH concentration and activity was analyzed. Of these parameters, only LDH had a statistically significant effect on overall survival. In conclusion, our patient group was comparable to other literature reports on PGI-NHL patients according to clinicopathologic characteristics. Disease stage and LDH were the only parameters that had a statistically significant effect patient survival

    Praćenje bolesnika s klasičnim Hodgkinovim limfomom nakon liječenja – suvremena saznanja i nedoumice. Pregled literature [Follow-up of patients with classical Hodgin lymphoma after treatment - novel evidence and dilemmas. Literature review]

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    In this review we present current evidence for the follow-up of patients treated for classical Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). Nowadays introduction of novel therapies enabled successful treatment in most patients with classical HL in first remission with 5-year overall survival rate estimation of 80%. We have performed extensive literature search on the methodological approach to detection of relapse. Evidence regarding imaging clinical methods in detecting relapse on serial computed tomography and/or positron emission tomography scans is scarce. These imaging modalities are associated with considerable economic cost, unnecessary exposure to radiation and patients' stress. Furthermore, the detection of asymptomatic relapse does not seem to be associated with improved outcome in this patient group. Available data on this subject indicate that standard imaging methods, such as ultrasound, and judicious clinical examination in detecting of relapse should be the basis of HL patient follow-up. Late toxicity due to various modalities of treatment represents serious morbidity in HL. They vary from secondary solid cancers and hematologic neoplasms, associated with poor outcome, to benign disorders (fertility issues, thyroid dysfunction, cardiovascular and lung disorders). Current data on the incidence, prevalence and etiological factors do not yet provide evidence on appropriate screening methods. Most recommendations in various guidelines are associated with low level of evidence (grade IV). We, therefore, propose individually-tailored screening methods for each patient based on the modality of treatment received