219 research outputs found

    Histopathology report on colon cancer specimens; measuring surgical quality, an increasing stress for surgeons

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    Introduction. Improving the quality of surgical resections by evaluating surgical specimens is probably the most important feedback a surgeon can receive. Moreover, prognosis of patients with colon cancer is based on achieving appropriate resection margins and assessment of lymph node status. For these reasons we aim to provide a retrospective analysis on colon cancer specimens operated by a single surgical team. Materials and Methods. 88 patients operated between 2013 and 2016 were included in the study. Data were gathered prospectively and assessed by multivariate analysis for the main variables (age, gender, tumor staging, specimen length, distance to closest resection margin, number of lymph nodes, and number of positive lymph nodes). Results. The mean number of lymph nodes excised was 31,9, with more after right colectomies (39.6) than after left colonic resections (29.1). The average specimen length was 29.2cm after right colectomies, 35.6cm after left hemicolectomies and 18cm after segmental colectomies. There was a significant correlation between the number of lymph nodes, specimen length, and age of patients. Conclusion. Lymph node status is correlated with specimen length and age. The standard of 12 lymph nodes was achieved and surpassed, being comparable to the benchmark literature. Standards on colon resections need to be reevaluated as many surgeons are pressured by quality measurements which do not always reflect sound oncologic principles


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    Tuberculoza este o boală cronică infecțioasă și transmisibilă, cauzată de Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Reprezintă cea mai frecventă patologie granulomatoasă care afectează laringele. În majoritatea cazurilor este secundară tuberculozei pulmonare. Tuberculoza laringiană constituie o problemă de sănătate publică ca urmare a modificărilor tiparului clinic al bolii care conduce frecvent la diagnosticare greșită și tardivă, cu tratament întârziat, ceea ce determină creșterea riscului de contagiune. Scopul acestei lucrări este de a evidenția aspectele de diagnostic și de tratament al tuberculozei laringelui

    The role of inflammation in age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a complex, chronic, and progressive disease which affects the macular area, being one of the leading causes of irreversible vision loss worldwide. Specific alterations of retinal structure occur at the macular level, which regarding its severity can range from the presence of drusen to the development of geographic atrophy or choroidal neovascularization. AMD has long been considered a degenerative disease, but new studies highlight the role of inflammation present both in the atrophic form and in the exudative form. The present review is based on comprehensive research on PubMed and Web of Science databases, and it aims to describe the inflammatory pathways involved in AMD onset and progression. Understanding the molecules involved in AMD pathogenesis, and their mechanism of action, is crucial because they can be both biomarkers with a predictive role in disease management, as well as potential therapeutic targets

    Management of Transport and Logistics in Ports Using 5G Technology

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    This poster focuses on 5G applications in the Transport and Logistics (T&L) sector. One of the advantages of these applications is the speed and bandwidth of 5G that allows access to data from both sensors and various smart devices in factories and warehouses. Meanwhile, data traffic is not increasing. Thus, end users can obtain more data in real time, data that is from different systems and smart assets in a unit (example: telematics-enabled lift trucks, drones, conveyor and sortation, camera systems, or motors and pumps compatible with IoT connectivity). All this is highlighted in the VITAL-5G project, which aims to improve the effectiveness of the way T&L verticals interact with the 5G network. This is done by providing innovative platforms and services, which were created to promote these capabilities of the T&L industry and also to have services not known to their customers. In order to achieve everything that the project has proposed, it is necessary to realize first of all, a marketing strategy where a market analysis will be done to see what is the state of the market, then to obtain information, captures market value chain trends and to identify factors and/or barriers in the T&L 5G ecosystem

    Liver fibrosis progression in a cohort of young HIV and HIV/ HBV co-infected patients: A longitudinal study using non-invasive APRI and Fib-4 scores

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    BackgroundThe risk of liver fibrosis increases over time in HIV and HIV-HBV individuals even under antiretroviral treatment (ART), warranting a rigorous and periodic monitorization. Given the lower availability of transient elastography, we aimed to assess the longitudinal variation of two non-invasive liver fibrosis scores, APRI and Fib-4, in cases with HIV monoinfection, HIV-HBV co-infection and individuals with HBsAg-seroclearance.MethodsWe performed an observational retrospective study between 2013 and 2019 on 212 HIV patients including 111 individuals with HIV mono-infection, 62 individuals with HIV-HBV co-infection and positive HBsAg and 39 cases with HIV-HBV infection and HBsAg-loss. The groups were followed at 36, 48, and 60 months. Liver fibrosis was indicated by an APRI >0.5 or Fib-4≥1.45 score and advanced fibrosis by an APRI score >1.5 or Fib-4 >3.25. Logistic regression with generalized estimating equations (GEE) was used to assess the predictors for the presence of liver fibrosis over time.ResultsDuring a median follow-up of 58.5 months the prevalence of liver fibrosis in all patients increased with 0.5% reaching 11.3% using an APRI score and with 0.9% reaching 10.8% using the Fib-4 score. At the visit corresponding to 60 months the prevalence of liver fibrosis was higher in all HIV-HBV patients compared with individuals with HIV mono-infection, namely: 16.1% on APRI and 12.9% on the Fib-4 score in HIV-HBV/HBsAg-positive individuals, 12.8% on both APRI and Fib-4 scores in HIV-HBV/HBsAg-negative individuals vs. 8.1 and 9%, respectively in HIV mono-infection. The presence of liver fibrosis over the study period was independently associated with plasma HIV RNA, CD4+T cell counts, HIV-HBV co-infection (for APRI >0.5) and ART non-adherence (for Fib-4 >1.45). At the final visit, non-adherence to ART and CD4+T cell counts remained associated with liver fibrosis.ConclusionsThe study found a slow progression of APRI and Fib-4 scores over time in young PLWH with extensive ART. Liver fibrosis scores continued to increase in patients with HIV mono-infection yet remained lower than in HIV-HBV patients irrespective on the presence of HBsAg. The periodic follow-up using non-invasive scores on the long-term could help improve the surveillance in low-income settings and high scores should be followed by additional diagnostic methods