5 research outputs found


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    Aim of the study. Dental anxiety has an important role in the development of the periodontal disease. The aim of the current study is to investigate the relationship between dental anxiety and periodontal disease. Material and methods: Data was collected between 2022 and 2023 using a self-reporting questionnaire created with the Google Forms platform. Results: High dental anxiety is correlated both with poor periodontal health (p=2.11E-86) and with strong psychosocial impact that dental aesthetics has on the quality of life (p=4.46E-56). These directly influence the frequency of visits to the dentist (P values: 4.89E-07, 9.53E-17 and 5.29E-07), as well as the time elapsed since the last professional dental hygienization (P values: 0.0008, 1.57E-17 and 5.62E-10). These three are also interconnected with general health (P values: 0.015, 3.73E-09 and 1.95E-05) and stress (P values: 5.09E-10, 1.64E-08 and 9.87E-07). In addition, BMI shows a direct relationship with dental anxiety (p=0.020), as well as with periodontal health, along with the quality of eating habits (p=0.017 and p=0.001). Conclusion: the results indicated that the severity of the periodontal disease is a result of dental anxiety, and vice versa. Therapy should be personalized for each individual following a comprehensive evaluation and should be based on the experience and expertise of the dentist, the intellectual capacity of the patient, age, cooperation, and clinical situation of the patient


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    Corticosteroids, including glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgenic hormones, are hormonal mediators produced by the adrenal glands and are widely used in the treatment of various conditions, including dental diseases. While systemic corticosteroid therapy offers significant therapeutic benefits, it is crucial to understand the potential adverse effects on oral health. This paper aims to highlight the impact of systemic corticosteroid therapy on oral health, focusing particularly on the associated complications and management strategies. The paper emphasizes specific complications that may occur in the oral cavity as a result of corticosteroid use, the most important being an increased susceptibility to oral infections such as candidiasis and impaired bone metabolism, with a significant reduction in the mineral density of the mandibular bone (BMD), as well as delayed wound healing, the occurrence of oral ulcers, and changes in the oral microbiome. Furthermore, the importance of rigorous oral care and regular dental monitoring for patients undergoing systemic corticosteroid therapy is underlined. The role of oral health specialists in the early detection and efficient management of oral complications, as well as patient education regarding proper oral hygiene practices and possible side effects, is of crucial importance. In conclusion, it is essential for healthcare providers to be vigilant regarding the potential oral health complications associated with systemic corticosteroid therapy, and early detection, prevention, and the implementation of appropriate management strategies are fundamental for optimizing oral health outcomes in patients undergoing corticosteroid treatment


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    Angular Cheilitis (AC) represents a multifaceted oral pathology characterized by erythematous lesions at the labial commissures. Despite its prevalence, AC is often inadequately addressed due to its polymorphic etiology, which can encompass infectious agents, nutritional deficits, and systemic conditions. This article provides a systematic review of the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and etiological factors of AC, including nutritional deficiencies, infectious agents, and systemic diseases. Emphasizing a multidisciplinary strategy, we discuss the collaborative roles of dental, medical, and dermatological expertise in the accurate diagnosis and effective management of AC. We outline diagnostic criteria, appropriate laboratory tests, and imaging techniques tailored to address the multifaceted nature of the condition. Management strategies encompass a range of options from topical treatments and medications to dietary modifications and preventative measures, with an emphasis on evidence-based practices. This review advocates for integrated care models to optimize treatment efficacy, patient compliance, and to mitigate the recurrence of AC. Our analysis aims to enhance the understanding of AC and to provide a framework for its management, contributing to better patient care and opening avenues for future research


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    Immunodeficiencies induced by chemotherapy make cancer patients vulnerable to to reactivation of latent viruses and to primary viral infections caused by exposure to environmental factors, such as air, water, microbial flora and debris. Patients with hematological cancers are more prone than patients with solid tumors to develop viral infections that affect the oral cavity due to high-dose chemotherapy regimens and prolonged immunosuppression. Viruses of the Herpetoviridae family (herpes simplex, varicella, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr) and human papillomavirus cause mouth pain with difficulties in eating and oral ulcerations that can spread, leading to life-threatening systemic infection. Therapeutic approaches for the more severe and atypical oral manifestations seen in cancer immunosuppressed patients include inhibitors of virus replication, antivirals, surgical excision and analgesics, but the painful oral lesions are associated with longer healing times. The differential diagnosis of a oral ulcers in cancer patients is broad, but it should include various viral infections

    Desquamative Gingivitis in the Context of Autoimmune Bullous Dermatoses and Lichen Planus—Challenges in the Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a clinical term that describes erythema, desquamation and erosions of the gingiva, of various etiologies. Although the clinical aspect is not specific for a certain disease, an accurate diagnosis of the underlying disorder is necessary because the disease course, prognosis and treatment vary according to the cause. DG may inflict significant oral discomfort, which is why patients typically present to the dentist for a first consultation, rendering it important for these specialists to be informed about this condition. Our paper aims to review the ethiopatogenesis and diagnostic approach of DG, focusing on the most common underlying disorders (autoimmune bullous dermatoses and lichen planus) and on the management of these patients. Potential etiological agents leading to an inflammatory immune response in the oral mucosa and DG appearance include genetic predisposition, metabolic, neuropsychiatric, infectious factors, medication, dental materials, graft-versus-host reaction and autoimmunity. A thorough anamnesis, a careful clinical examination, paraclinical explorations including histopathological exam and direct immunofluorescence are necessary to formulate an appropriate diagnosis. Proper and prompt management of these patients lead to a better prognosis and improved quality of life, and must include management in the dental office with sanitizing the oral cavity, instructing the patient for rigorous oral hygiene, periodic follow-up for bacterial plaque detection and removal, as well as topical and systemic therapy depending on the underlying disorder, based on treatment algorithms. A multidisciplinary approach for the diagnosis and follow-up of DG in the context of pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid, cicatricial pemhigoid or lichen planus is necessary, including consultations with dermatologists, oral medicine specialists and dentists