26 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Quantipheron (QFN) SARS-CoV-2 in vaccinated and recovered individuals

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    Quantipheron (QFN) SARS-CoV-2 is a new test in which lymphocytes involved in cell immunity, in fully heparinized blood, are stimulated by combination of antigens specific for SARS-CoV-2. QFN SARS-CoV-2 is interferon gamma release assay (IGRA)

    Kraniometrija dobrog dupina (Tursiops truncatus) iz Jadranskoga mora.

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    The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is a cetacean distributed worldwide with an external morphology that varies between different populations. An endangered population of bottlenose dolphins inhabits the Adriatic Sea and is legally protected. The skulls of 95 adult bottlenose dolphins (47 females and 43 males, 5 of unknown sex) were morphometrically analyzed. They originated from bottlenose dolphins stranded dead from 1990 to 2011 in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea. For each animal a total of up to 53 skull measurements and meristic characters were taken using slide calipers to the nearest 0.01 cm. Sexual dimorphism within the Adriatic population was analyzed while the average morphometric values of Adriatic specimens were compared with published values for the genus Tursiops from different geographical areas. Male Adriatic bottlenose dolphins were significantly larger in terms of 19 craniometric characteristics compared to females. The male skull is wider along the rostrum, at the level of the braincase and at the orbital region. Their braincase is higher and longer and their teeth are higher. Comparison of morphometrical values between Adriatic bottlenose dolphins and populations from other seas confirms geographical polymorphism within the species T. truncatus. Our study showed that the skull size follows Bergmannā€™s rule, with larger skulls found in colder waters, while smaller skulls are found in populations from temperate and tropical seas. Our results represent referent craniometrical values for the Adriatic bottlenose dolphin and should be used when implementing morphometry in population conservation.Dobri dupin (Tursiops truncatus) pripadnik je reda kitova (Cetacea) koji nastanjuje gotovo sva mora svijeta i čija se morfologija značajno razlikuje između populacija. Jedna ugrožena i zakonom zaÅ”tićena populacija dobrog dupina nastanjuje i Jadransko more. U ovom radu morfometrijski je obrađeno 95 lubanja odraslih dobrih dupina (47 ženki i 43 mužjaka, 5 nepoznatog spola) podrijetlom od dobrih dupina uginulih od 1990. do 2011. u hrvatskom dijelu Jadranskoga mora. Na svakoj lubanji izmjerene su 53 mjere pomoću pomične mjerke s preciznoŔću od 0,01 cm. Spolni dimorfizam analiziran je pomoću t-testa. Ujedno, morfometrijske vrijednosti jadranskih jedinki uspoređene su s objavljenim vrijednostima za rod Tursiops iz drugih zemljopisnih područja također koristeći t-test. Mužjaci dobrih dupina iz Jadranskog mora značajno su veći u 19 kraniometrijskih izmjera od ženki. Lubanja mužjaka Å”ira je duž rostralnog dijela, u području lubanjske Å”upljine i u orbitalnom području. Lubanjska Å”upljina mužjaka je viÅ”a i duža, a i zubi su im viÅ”i. Usporedbom morfometrijskih vrijednosti jadranskih dobrih dupina s populacijama iz drugih mora potvrdili smo da postoji zemljopisni polimorfizam unutar vrste T. truncatus. NaÅ”e istraživanje pokazalo je da veličina lubanje slijedi Bergmannovo pravilo i da veće lubanje dolaze u dobrih dupina koji nastanjuju hladna mora, dok manje lubanje imaju jedinke iz toplih i tropskih mora. NaÅ”i rezultati predstavljaju referentne kraniometrijske vrijednosti za jadranskog dobrog dupina potrebne tijekom primjene morfometrije u zaÅ”titi ove životinjske vrste

    Masna jetra i potkožni edem slobodno živućeg dobrog dupina (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) iz Jadranskog mora; svjetlosno i elektronsko mikroskopsko istraživanje.

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    Research was carried out on a 21-year-old, 288 cm-long free-living grand multigravida female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) with mass of 214 kg. The animal died on 8 October 1997 in the Adriatic Sea, near Å ibenik, Croatia. Prior to death she showed some neurological symptoms. For control and comparison we used the carcasses and tissues of two presumably clinically healthy dolphins. Autopsy showed massive edema in the subcutaneous tissues (between blubber and musculature) on the dorsal side of the body of the diseased subject. The fluid in intercellular tissue spaces was clear and light-yellowish. Larger amounts of the same fluid were found in serous sacs of the animal, as well as slight brain edema. The most prominent structural change was found in the liver, which wasnormal in size but extremely yellow and fragile. Its structure was totally destroyed, without any traces of blood, and there was pronounced fatty degeneration of liver parenchyma. All hepatocytes were also destroyed and swollen mitochondria and dilated endoplasmic reticulum were evident. This massive hepatic degeneration and necrosis was probably due to some unknown acute biological or chemical agent that provoked hepatargic crisis and the ultimate death of this free-living female dolphin.Istražena je jedna ženka dobrog dupina (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) koja je rađala viÅ”e puta, a živjela je slobodno u Jadranskom moru te je uginula 8. listopada 1997. u blizini Å ibenika. U času smrti bila je stara 21 godinu, mase 214 kg i dužine 288 cm. Neposredno prije smrti životinja je pokazivala neke poremetnje funkcije sredÅ”njeg živčanog sustava. Za kontrolu i usporedbu koriÅ”tena su trupla i tkiva dva dobra dupina za koje se može pretpostaviti da su bili zdravi. Razudbom trupla uginule ženke dupina nađen je na dorzalnoj strani tijela životinje prostrani potkožni edem između potkožnog masnog omotača i miÅ”ićja. Edem je činila bistra svijetložučkasta međustanična tekućina. NeÅ”to povećana količina iste takve tekućine je nađena i u seroznim Å”upljinama tijela ove oboljele i uginule ženke dupina, kao i lagani edem mozga. Najizrazitija promjena nađena je u građi jetre bolesne ženke dupina, koja je bila izrazito žute boje i prhka na dodir, ali normalne veličine. Struktura jetre bila je potpuno razorena, bez i najmanjih tragova krvi u jetri, te s jako izraženom masnom degeneracijom jetrenog parenhima. Svi hepatociti su bili razoreni s ostatcima nabubrenih mitohondrija i proÅ”irenog endoplazmatskog retikuluma. Ova sveobuhvatna degeneracija jetre bila je vjerojatno posljedica akutnog djelovanja nekog neutvrđenog bioloÅ”kog ili kemijskog agensa, a izazvala je hepatargičnu krizu i smrt ove ženke dupina koja je živjela slobodno u Jadranskom moru

    Primjena apsorpcije dvostrukih X-zraka metodom za male životinje u mjerenju mineralne gustoće nadlaktične kosti dobrog dupina (Tursiops truncatus) iz Jadranskog mora

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    The measurement of bone mineral density (BMD) in dolphins was described in earlier investigations, but only by application of osteodensitometric methods used for man. The aim of this study was to test the possibilities of applying the method for small animals in the measurement of the bone mineral density in dolphins. The humeri of the right flippers of 24 bottlenose dolphins (11 males and 13 females) were analyzed using the dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) method for measurement and analysis of the bone mineral density in small animals. The tested method can be successfully applied for measuring bone mineral density in dolphins, but the range of measured values was lower than values that resulted from using the method for man. Statistical analysis indicated positive linear correlations between bone mineral density of dolphin humerus and the total body length and age of the dolphins.Mjerenje mineralne gustoće kostiju dupina opisano je u ranijim istraživanjima, ali samo primjenom osteodenzitometrijske metode za čovjeka. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi mogućnosti za primjenu metode za male životinje u mjerenju mineralne gustoće kosti u dupina. Nadlaktične kosti desnih prsnih peraja od 24 dobra dupina (11 mužjaka i 13 ženki) istražene su DEXA (apsorpciometrija dvostrukih X-zraka) metodom za mjerenje mineralne gustoće kosti malih životinja. Istražena metoda može se uspjeÅ”no primijeniti na dupinima, ali je raspon izmjerenih vrijednosti niži nego Å”to je utvrđen primjenom metode za čovjeka na kostima dupina. Statistička je analiza pokazala pozitivnu linearnu korelaciju između mineralne gustoće nadlaktične kosti dupina i ukupne dužine tijela i dobi dupina

    Anatomske i histoloŔke osobitosti hipofize dobroga dupina (Tursiops truncatus) iz Jadranskog mora.

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    The structure of the pituitary gland was studied in 3 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Adriatic Sea. This species is legally protected in Croatia. All examined animals died of natural causes and were found stranded along the eastern Adriatic coast. The pituitary gland is a rectangular body suspended at the base of the brain and situated in a depression of the sphenoid bone, clearly identififi ed as sella turcica. The gland was divided into the adenohypophysis and the neurohipophisis, interconnected by thick layer of connective tissue. Pars distalis and pars tuberalis were observed in the adenohypophysis while the pars intermedia was lacking. The pars distalis was built of three main cell types: acidophils, basophils and chromophobes. Most of the acidophils were situated in the centre of the gland while chromophobes occurred dorsal and basophils ventral. Pars tuberalis was composed of cords of polygonal and vacuolated cells, which were in close association with numerous blood vessels. Large numbers of colloid-containing follicles were observed throughout the pars tuberalis. The neurohypophysis of the bottlenose dolphin consisted of unmyelinated nerve fibres among which numerous pituicytes were scattered.Istraživana je građa hipofize u tri dobra dupina (Tursiops truncatus) iz Jadranskog mora. Dobri dupin u Republici Hrvatskoj najstrože je zaÅ”tićena životinjska vrsta. Sve istražene životinje uginule su u prirodi i nađene su nasukane duž istočne jadranske obale. Hipofiza u dobroga dupina pravokutnoga je oblika, smjeÅ”tena na osnovici mozga i uložena u udubinu klinaste kosti, prepoznate kao sella turcica. Žlijezda je podijeljena na adenohipofizu i neurohipofizu koje su međusobno povezane debelim slojem vezivnog tkiva. Adenohipofiza dobroga dupina sastoji se od pars distalis i pars tuberalis, dok pars intermedia nedostaje. Pars distalis građen je od tri tipa stanica: acidofilnih, bazofilnih i kromofobnih. Acidofilne stanice u najvećem su broju smjeÅ”tene u srediÅ”tu žlijezde, dok se kromofobne stanice nalaze dorzalno, a bazofilne ventralno. Pars tuberalis građen je od nizova poligonalnih i poneÅ”to vakuoliziranih stanica koje su blisko vezane uz mnoge krvne žile. Uočen je i velik broj folikula ispunjenih koloidom. Neurohipofiza dobroga dupina građena je od nemijeliziranih živčanih vlakana između kojih se nalaze brojni pituiciti

    Persistent left-sided pleural effusion ā€“ rare manifestation of iatrogenic pulmonary vein stenosis

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    Radiofrequency (RF) ablation is a method of choice for treating patients with paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation (AFib) refractory to antiarrhythmics. Pulmonary vein stenosis (PVS) is a rare complication of RF ablation that occurs in 1-3%. Patients may be asymptomatic, or present with dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, and chest pain