10 research outputs found


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    În condițiile ecologice actuale de intensificare a presingului antropic se constată progresia biologică în ecosistemele acvatice din Republica Moldova a speciilor de guvizi de origine ponto-aralo-caspică. În lucrarea de față se analizează diversitatea guvizilor, indicii ecologici analitici, principalele particularități biologice, strategiile de expansiune și măsurile necesare în reglarea numerică a efectivelor populaționale.BIOLOGICAL PROGRESS OF GOBIES SPECIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: DETERMINANT CAUSES AND NUMERICAL CONTROL METHODSIn the present ecological conditions of intensification of the anthropogenic pressing, it has been noted a biological progression in the aquatic ecosystems of theRepublicofMoldovaof the gobiidae species of Ponto-Aralo-Caspian origin. In this paper, we analyze the diversity of gobies, the ecological analytical indices, the main biological features, the expansion strategies and the necessary measures for the numerical population regulation.</p

    New Molecular Targets in the Therapy of Arthrosis Patients

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    Introduction: Arthrosis represents the progressive degeneration of the joint cartilage, accompanied by the narrowing of the articular space and inflammation, which affects 70% of the population after the age of 60. Research purpose: This paper reviews the opportunity of using proinflammatory cytokine inhibitors as a means of stopping the progress of arthrosis. Material and method: As a result to a research into various clinical trial registers (Arthritis Clinical Trials, Clinical Research and Drug Information) and on specialized e-platforms, 5 randomized, multicentric double-blind clinical studies have been identified, which monitored the efficiency of various biological molecules in the treatment of arthrosis (etanercept, adalimumab, litikizumab, fasinumab and tanezumab). Results: The current pharmacological interventions consist mainly in the prescription of analgesics (acetaminophen, opioid analgesics), non-steroidal and chondroprotective anti-inflammatories. The proinflammatory cytokine inhibitors are already widely used in the inflammatory joint diseases, such as the rheumatoid polyarthritis. Their introduction into the treatment of arthrosis blocks the disease’s etiopathogenic mechanisms. Discussions: Arthrosis physiopathology involves a series of systemic, biological, biochemical factors, molecular and enzymatic processes that generate minimum inflammation. IL-1b and TNF-α are two major cytokines produced by the synovial cells and chondrocytes, which are involved in the destruction of the cartilage matrix by stimulating the production of proteolytic enzymes (MMP and aggrecanase). Conclusions: The utilisation of proinflammatory cytokine inhibitors in arthrosis represents a therapeutic option that requires studies in order to establish whether the introduction of proinflammatory cytokine inhibitors in arthrosis therapy might slow down the disease’s etiopathogenic mechanisms


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    Abstract The mood effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is a matter of debate concerning clinical and experimental data as well. This paper presents the mood effect of ketoprofen in mice during the forced swimming test. In three series of laboratory animal groups, the mobility time was significantly shorter than that in controls supporting a ketoprofen depressant effect. Administering amitriptyline and fluoxetine, but not mianserin, antagonized the depressant effect of ketoprofen. These data point out that ketoprofen when administered on longer term has an effect on mood acting only at the serotonin level (receptors or metabolism). Rezumat Efectul antiinflamatoarelor nesteroidiene (AINS) asupra dispoziţiei este controversat, atât pentru datele clinice, cât şi pentru cele experimentale. Lucrarea de faţă a studiat efectul ketoprofenului asupra dispoziţiei la şoareci, utilizând testul de înot forţat. În trei serii de experimente timpul de mişcare a fost semnificativ mai mic faţă de martor, demonstrând efectul depresiv al acestuia. Administrarea de amitriptilina, şi respectiv fluoxetină, a antagonizat efectul depresiv al ketoprofenului, dar nu şi administrarea de mianserină. Aceasta demonstrează că administrarea cronică de ketoprofen are efect asupra dispoziţiei, acţionând doar la nivelul căii serotoninergice (receptori sau metabolism)

    Pharyngeal-Esophageal Malignancies with Dermatologic Paraneoplastic Syndrome

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    Systemic changes often send signals to the skin, and certain neoplastic diseases of the internal organs can also trigger skin manifestations. In this article, the authors make clinical photography presentations of the patients seen at our clinic with dermatologic paraneoplastic syndromes within pharyngeal&ndash;esophageal malignancies, describe several paraneoplastic dermatoses, and also review high-quality scientific literature in order to be able to highlight the dermatological signs of pharyngoesophageal malignant tumors. The majority of our patients with paraneoplastic dermatoses, filtering for pharyngoesophageal malignancies, had esophageal neoplasms, out of whom seven were female and two were male, making esophageal cancer more common within the paraneoplastic dermatoses within pharyngoesophageal malignancies. An early recognition of paraneoplastic dermatoses can diagnose neoplasms and sequentially contribute to a better prognosis for the patient. This matter is also useful for front-line medical personnel in order to improve early diagnosis of the underlying malignancy, curative interventions with prompt therapy administration and good prognosis

    Anti-Psoriasis Effect of Diclofenac and Celecoxib Using the Tail Model for Psoriasis

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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) showed effects in some hyperproliferative dermatologic pathologies. The aim of the study is the assessment of anti-psoriasis effect of diclofenac and celecoxib using a mice tail model. The topical application of substances on the proximal mice tails was performed for two weeks. The effects on the epidermal granular layer and mean epidermal thickness (excluding the stratum corneum) were evaluated using hematoxylin–eosin staining. Orthokeratosis degree and percentual drug activity were calculated. A positive control group treated with tretinoin and two negative controls (white soft paraffin and untreated mice) were used. Orthokeratosis degree significantly increased in all the NSAIDs groups (celecoxib 1%, 2% and diclofenac 1%, 2%) and in the tretinoin 0.05% group, versus negative controls. Celecoxib 1% and 2%, tretinoin 0.05% and white soft paraffin significantly increased mean epidermal thickness, versus untreated mice. The values obtained in the case of celecoxib 2% ointment regarding the orthokeratosis degree and percentual drug activity are providing premises for further investigations regarding this effect and the mechanisms of action involved. Celecoxib 2% had the greatest percentual drug activity and is a promising substance for the anti-psoriasis topical treatment. Along with the COX-2 inhibition, celecoxib might have an anti-psoriasis effect by other independent mechanisms