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    Educaci贸n terap茅utica en insuficiencia cardiaca mediante e-Salud: revisi贸n sistem谩tica

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    Resumen: Objetivo: Aportar la mejor evidencia cient铆fica disponible sobre la efectividad de los programas de educaci贸n terap茅utica mediante salud digital en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca. Dise帽o: Revisi贸n sistem谩tica de ensayos cl铆nicos aleatorizados. Bases de datos: Se incluyeron 6 bases de datos por su relevancia en Ciencias de la Salud: PubMed, EMBASE, Scielo, Cochraine, CINAHL y Web of Science. Selecci贸n de los estudios: Se seleccionaron estudios realizados entre el a帽o 2018 y 2023, en idioma ingl茅s y espa帽ol, tras evaluar la calidad metodol贸gica de los estudios; se utiliz贸 la herramienta Jadad para discriminar aquellos que no cumpl铆an con dicha calidad. En total se incluyeron 8 art铆culos de 6 pa铆ses diferentes. Extracci贸n de datos: La revisi贸n y an谩lisis de los documentos se realiz贸 por pares de manera independiente. Para evaluar el riesgo de sesgo se utiliz贸 la herramienta Cochrane para ensayos cl铆nicos aleatorizados RoB 2. Resultados: Todas las aplicaciones contaban con educaci贸n terap茅utica; tambi茅n se valor贸 que contasen con monitorizaci贸n, evaluaci贸n de signos y s铆ntomas, titulaci贸n de f谩rmacos y seguimiento de profesionales a trav茅s de la aplicaci贸n. Conclusi贸n: Esta revisi贸n revela el impacto significativo de la educaci贸n terap茅utica en el aumento de conocimiento del paciente, la reducci贸n de reingresos hospitalarios y la mejora del estado funcional y el autocuidado. Esto convierte a la salud digital en una herramienta v谩lida para complementar la atenci贸n enfermera en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca. Abstract: Objective: To provide the best scientific evidence available on the effectiveness of therapeutic education programs through digital health in patients with heart failure. Design: Systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Data sources: Six databases were included due to their relevance in Health Sciences: PubMed, EMBASE, Scielo, Cochrane, CINAHL, and Web of Science. Selection of studies: In English and Spanish, studies carried out between 2018 and 2023 were selected. After evaluating the methodological quality of the studies, the Jadad tool was used to discriminate those that did not meet said quality. In total, 8 articles from 6 different countries were included. Data extraction: The review and analysis of the documents were carried out by independent pairs. The Cochrane tool for RoB 2 randomized clinical trials was used to assess the risk of bias. Results: All the applications had therapeutic education, it was also assessed that they had monitoring, evaluation of signs and symptoms, drug titration, and professional follow-up through the application. Conclusion: This review reveals the significant impact of therapeutic education in increasing patient knowledge, reducing hospital readmissions, and improving functional status and self-care. This makes digital health a valuable tool to complement nursing care in patients with heart failure