44 research outputs found

    The Happy Home: Ageing, Migration, and Housing in Relation to Older Migrants’ Subjective Wellbeing

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    (1) Background: With an increasingly diversifying ageing population, it is important to understand what ‘ageing well’ means to older adults with a migration background. Given older adults’ preference to age in place and declining mobility, housing is a significant place in later life. Therefore, this paper explores the influence of housing, migration, and age on older migrants’ subjective wellbeing, with attention to immaterial aspects such as a sense of home as well. (2) Methods: In-depth interviews with older migrants from various ethnicities (N = 22) were conducted. The data collection and analysis were led by an inductive and deductive approach through thematic analysis. (3) Results: The results point to the dynamic nature of age(ing) and the role of migration background in the subjective wellbeing of older migrants. The need for preserving one’s housing situation and environmental mastery in later life is highlighted. Furthermore, the relation and mutual influence of subjective wellbeing and sense of home is uncovered. (4) Conclusions: This study highlights the intersection of age, migration, and housing to the subjective wellbeing and sense of home of older migrants. In addition, influences on older migrants’ subjective wellbeing concern both a material (i.e., housing) and immaterial (i.e., sense of home, age, migration) base

    Exploring older migrants’ meaning-making of ‘happiness’: “The main thing is health. Young people might say otherwise.”

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    Purpose As our ageing population is growing and diversifying, it is important to gain insight into the well-being of older migrants. However, the meanings of happiness can vary cross-culturally. Therefore, prior to exploring older migrants’ happiness, their meaning-making of “happiness” should be explored. This way, cultural or individual variations can be considered when analysing older migrants’ happiness. Not only migration background but also age could influence the meaning of well-being. For example, the meaning of well-being can change as people grow older. Therefore, both migration background and age are considered in exploring older migrants’ meaning-making of happiness. Methods To do so, in-depth interviews with older migrants (n = 22) from various ethnicities were conducted in which their meaning-making of happiness was questioned via a semi-structured interview guide. Results After analysing the results via thematic analysis, three overarching themes are discussed: (1) happiness associations, (2) happiness-pursuing strategies, and (3) happiness obstructions. The analysis then further focuses on the role of migration background and ageing on the meaning-making of happiness. Conclusions Participants’ meaning-making of happiness seems strongly imbued with age-related references. On the contrary, the impact of migration background is rather limited. To explain this difference, the value of incorporating participants’ life course experiences emerged


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    SAMENVATTINGZowel in Vlaanderen als in Nederland werd de voorbije jaren sterk geïnvesteerd in preventie en interventieprogramma’s om kwetsbaarheid bij ouderen tegen te gaan. Kwetsbaarheid wordt doorgaans gedetecteerd door gezondheidsprofessionals. Deze studie exploreerde hoe andere professionals buiten de zorgsector zoals postbodes, winkelbediendes of apothekers een antennefunctie kunnen hebben in de detectie van kwetsbare ouderen door hen door te verwijzen naar zorg wanneer dit nodig is. Daarnaast werd nagegaan in welke situaties zij acties ondernemen en welke ondersteuning nodig is om de rol van antenneberoep op te nemen. 18 professionals werden individueel (n=12) of in focusgroep (n=6) geïnterviewd. Resultaten van dekwalitatieve analyse tonen aan dat zij veelvuldig in contact komen met kwetsbare ouderen tijdens het uitoefenen van hun beroepsactiviteit. Door in gesprek te gaan met de ouderen detecteren zij verschillende vormen van kwetsbaarheid. Zij kunnen en willen een sleutelrol opnemen om deze ouderen door te verwijzen naar zorgondersteuning maar stellen zich vragen omtrent de privacy. Een centraal meldpunt per gemeente zien zij als een oplossing. ABSTRACTBackground: When older adults have early symptoms of frailty, research indicates that an early intervention can delay or avoid adverse frailty outcomes such as hospitalization or institutionalization. Frailty is to date mostly detected in a medical setting. General practitioners or home care nurses are care professionals who are the key persons in this detection. The informal network of frail older people as well has a crucial role in avoiding the worsening of frailty and the prevention of adverse frailty outcomes. Unfortunately, not all older adults in need of care have adequate care networks. In the past years, many policies have seriously invested in prevention and intervention programs for frail older adults. Within the D-SCOPE study, the potential role of ‘non-care professionals’ is explored for detecting frail older adults without an informal network and potentially leading them to formal care. Professionals such as pharmacists, mailmen or cashiers have frequent contact with frail older adults and can be seen as “antenna professionals” given they receive considerable information from their clients or costumers. This explorative study researched (a) whether antenna professionals can detect frail communitydwellingolder adults, (b) which action they undertake when they detect a frail person andwhich barriers may occur to initiate an action and (c) which support is needed to be an antenna professional.Methods: 18 persons with different professions were interviewed: pharmacists, police inspector, bank clerk, mailmen, local business owners such as florist and grocer, manager from a hair salon or supermarket and more. Professionals who didn’t had contact with frail community-dwelling older adults during their work were excluded for an interview. Participants were asked to what extend they had contact with frail older adults who were according to them in need for help, if they everreferred them towards appropriate care, what an antenna profession meant to them, what support they need to act as one and which barriers one can expect for this kind of function. All interviews were thematically analyzed.Results: The professionals could detect frailty in numerous ways. Physical frailty was visually noticeable and by starting conversations, other psychological and social frailty became visible while practicing the profession. Not seldom older adults themselves shared tragic stories of their lives. Cognitive frailty was recognized with alert signs, for example when older adults came to buy the same item twice. These professionals regularly initiate actions that were sometimes linked to their profession such as giving advice or delivering groceries. Just listening to thestory could also be seen as an action for helping frail persons. In specific cases, situations were passed towards healthcare professionals or relatives. Barriers for referring frail older adults towards care organizations were concerns about privacy, fear of losing the continuity of the daily activities, correct estimating if one in fact needed help and finding the right balance between professional and personal life. Most participants in the study thought they could act as an antenna function for referring towards professional care although they are most concerned about the privacy regulation on this matter. One central contact point in the community for referring frail older adults was believed to be a solution to prevent frailty worsening and the question to mention this anonymously was more than once raised. More concerns of the possible antenna professionals were found in three evolutions that were analyzed across the interviews. A first was the disappearance of local business owners in the community. A second was the decline of neighborhood social capital, which makes older adults increasingly turn to neighborhood stores for social contact. A third evolution is the transformation of the social character of antenna profession in a digitized world or higher work pressure.Discussion and conclusion: The findings illustrate that professionals can have an antenna function in the detection of different types of frailty. To use the information of these professionals, their concerns should sincerely be acknowledged. Not only was correctly estimating if one effectively needs help a concern, also privacy issues were discussed. Referring a frail person with care needs anonymously is straightforward not possible according to the European Union regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. Therefore, all professionals must have the permission of the older adult before referring him or her to a care or welfare organization. It should be noted that this study was explorative and possible other persons with an antenna function such as members from clubs or societies for older adults, neighborhood volunteers, priests or Imams were not included in this study and could have an important antenna function as well. The findings of this study however provide a basis for care or welfare organizations in the development of a policy towards the implementation of professionals with an antenna function for detecting frail community-dwelling older adults. These professionals already have valuable information that can be used to prevent frailty worsening

    From Active Aging to Active Citizenship: The Role of (Age) Friendliness

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    The concept of ‘Active Aging’ emerged in the 1990s, reflecting a growing emphasis on the relationships between health, participation, aging, and independence. The concept focuses on encouraging the participation of older adults in society and it recognizes the competence and knowledge that older people possess. The Active Aging discourse developed as a broad political response to demographic aging, one which promotes a cultural shift in what ‘old age’ may mean, by providing older people with new roles. The initiative “Age-Friendly Cities and Communities”, which was launched by the WHO in 2007, was developed with the aim of applying this paradigm into practice at the local level. Its purpose was to promote a movement of citizen participation where older people have a leading role as generators of well-being, and tackling the barriers of Active Aging. This paper provides a theoretical reflection concerning the development of the concept of Active Aging and how this has led to new ways of active citizenship in later life. New generations of older people demand a space where they can develop and contribute to society, regardless of their age. The aging of the population poses challenges and opportunities, which we can and must take advantage of in order to build a better and more egalitarian society, one that recognizes the value of diversity

    Erratum: Del Barrio, E. et al. From Active Aging to Active Citizenship: The Role of (Age) Friendliness. Social Sciences, 2018, 7, 134

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    The authors wish to make the following correction to their paper (Del Barrio 2018) [...